Recent Articles

Invoking Martial Law to Reverse the 2020 Election Could be Criminal Sedition

by and

Dec 22nd, 2020

Let’s Not “Fight Like Hell” Without a Strategy: At the VA, Put First Principles First


Dec 22nd, 2020

Pardongate 2.0: Prosecutors and Congress Investigated Clinton’s Pardons. The Same Should Happen to Trump.

by and

Dec 22nd, 2020

Serbia’s Delicate Dance with the EU and China

by and

Dec 22nd, 2020

Shifting Norms About Secretary of Defense Has Long-Term Consequences: On the Austin Nomination

by , and

Dec 22nd, 2020

Nestlé & Cargill v. Doe Series: Meet the “John Does” – the Children Enslaved in Nestlé & Cargill’s Supply Chain


Dec 21st, 2020

Nestlé & Cargill v. Doe Series: Shielding American Corporations from Liability Undermines the United States’ Moral Authority

by and

Dec 21st, 2020

Risk of Election-Related Violence Remains, Here’s What Could Reduce It


Dec 21st, 2020

The System Is Not Working: The Lopsided Election Result, Not The Courts, Saved Our Democracy


Dec 21st, 2020

Top Expert Backgrounder: Russia’s SolarWinds Operation and International Law


Dec 21st, 2020

Recap of Recent Articles on Just Security (Dec 12-18)


Dec 19th, 2020

National Security This Week at the United Nations (Dec 11 – Dec 18)

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Dec 18th, 2020

Criminalizing Foreign Relations: How the Biden Administration Can Prevent a Global Arrest Game


Dec 18th, 2020

As China Promotes Authoritarian Model, the Resilience of Its Democratic Targets is Key

by and

Dec 18th, 2020

“Strategic Silence” and State-Sponsored Hacking: The US Gov’t and SolarWinds


Dec 18th, 2020

Important Context Missing from the Austin Nomination Debate


Dec 17th, 2020

Are Blanket Pardons Constitutional? A Reply to Bowman


Dec 17th, 2020

How Biden Can Defeat Strategic Corruption

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Dec 17th, 2020

Pandemic Consequences: The Acceleration of Confrontational Politics

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Dec 17th, 2020

Australia “Stopped the Boats” But What Happened to the Refugees Who Reached Its Shores?

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Dec 16th, 2020

A Roadmap for Reform: How the Biden Administration Can Revitalize the Office of Legal Counsel


Dec 16th, 2020

Beyond the ICC: Repositioning the Core of International Accountability

by , , and

Dec 16th, 2020

Needed: A Whistleblower Protection Paradigm Shift


Dec 15th, 2020

To Prevent Atrocities, Break Bureaucratic Silos, Don’t Build A New One


Dec 15th, 2020

Reviving the US Commitment to Women’s Rights and Gender Equality: The UN Commission on the Status of Women

by and

Dec 15th, 2020

The Definition of Aggression and Self-Defense


Dec 14th, 2020

The Bosnian Constitution, Marking 25 Years, Needs an American Reboot


Dec 14th, 2020

The Constitutionality of Non-Specific Pardons


Dec 14th, 2020

Biden Must Stick to His Pledge to End US Support for the Yemen War

by and

Dec 14th, 2020

Recap of Recent Articles on Just Security (Dec 5-11)


Dec 12th, 2020

National Security Last Week at the United Nations (Dec 4 – Dec 11)

by and

Dec 11th, 2020

Defending Women’s Rights Is Not Terrorism: A Saudi Prosecution on Human Rights Day

by and

Dec 11th, 2020

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