Recent Articles

The Noxious Nexus of Money and Politics Takes Another Turn in Central and Southeastern Europe

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Mar 18th, 2021

Pluses and Minuses of Pelosi’s Draft Jan. 6 Commission Proposal

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Mar 18th, 2021

Turtle Island Project: Prose Meets Policy for Stronger U.S. National Security


Mar 17th, 2021

The Fight for Marib Threatens Millions of Lives in Yemen


Mar 17th, 2021

Safeguarding Democracy Among Eastern Europe’s Three Seas

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Mar 17th, 2021

Chart: Comparing Pelosi’s Draft Legislation on Jan. 6 Commission to Other Bills and Prior Commissions

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Mar 16th, 2021

In India, US Defense Secretary Austin Must Not Overlook Its Democratic Decline

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Mar 16th, 2021

When War Criminals Run the Government: Not Too Late for the International Community to Vet Sri Lankan Officials

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Mar 16th, 2021

It’s Never Too Late to Say “I’m Sorry”: Sovereign Apologies Over the Years

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Mar 16th, 2021

When Terrorists Traffic Their Recruits


Mar 15th, 2021

Is the US Doubling Down on Division in Bosnia and Herzegovina?

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Mar 15th, 2021

Legally Sliding into War


Mar 15th, 2021

Recap of Recent Articles on Just Security (March 6-12)


Mar 13th, 2021

National Security Last Week at the United Nations (March 5-12)


Mar 12th, 2021

Flexible Partnerships Can Help Make NATO Fit for Purpose

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Mar 12th, 2021

Making Inclusive Uniform Service More Resilient through Congressional Support

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Mar 12th, 2021

Removing Barriers to Family Unity for Holders of Temporary Protected Status: An Opportunity for Biden Administration


Mar 11th, 2021

The Global Fragility Act Could Give US Assistance and Diplomacy a New Start for Countries in Conflict


Mar 11th, 2021

In Haiti’s Political Crisis, US Should Support Democracy and Human Rights

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Mar 11th, 2021

Why Reconciling Domestic and Global Human Rights Policy Is a US National Security Imperative


Mar 11th, 2021

Potential Gains for Israel After Azerbaijan’s Victory in Nagorno-Karabakh


Mar 10th, 2021

Germany’s Positions on International Law in Cyberspace Part II


Mar 10th, 2021

Why We Prosecute Wartime Misconduct


Mar 10th, 2021

Iraq’s Legal Responsibility for Militia Attacks on U.S. Forces: Paths Forward


Mar 10th, 2021

El Salvador Needs to Stop Prosecuting Obstetric Emergencies as Homicides


Mar 10th, 2021

Fair Shots for All: At WTO, US Must Prioritize Vaccine Access for Lower-Income Countries Over Drug Company Profits

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Mar 9th, 2021

“Red Lines” in Beirut Blast Investigation: How Exactly Lebanese Politicians Escape Accountability

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Mar 9th, 2021

International Consensus Needed for the Taliban’s “Non-Return Through Force”


Mar 9th, 2021

Germany’s Positions on International Law in Cyberspace Part I


Mar 9th, 2021

How Can Member States Improve the UN’s Global Counterterrorism Strategy?

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Mar 9th, 2021

Decolonizing the ICC: The Situation in Palestine and Beyond


Mar 8th, 2021

Intelligence Reimagined: Don’t Forget the Human Dimension in the Pursuit of Technological Solutions


Mar 8th, 2021

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