Recent Articles

Opportunity Missed: New Zealand Defense Force’s Order on Civilian Harm in Wartime

by and

Mar 31st, 2021

Why Biden Needs to Rescind Trump’s ICC Sanctions Now


Mar 31st, 2021

On Functional Immunity of Foreign Officials and Crimes under International Law


Mar 31st, 2021

In Absence of Foreign Agents Registration Reform, DOJ Tweaks Could Make a Big Difference


Mar 31st, 2021

Save the Olympics, Again


Mar 30th, 2021

A Tribunal for ISIS Fighters – A National Security and Human Rights Emergency


Mar 30th, 2021

An Alternative to Impeachment: New Bill Helps Enforce Accountability for Capitol Riots

by and

Mar 30th, 2021

To Combat Central America’s Bad Governance, Biden Can’t Just Throw Money at the Problem


Mar 29th, 2021

Race to the Top Brass

by and

Mar 29th, 2021

Recap of Recent Articles on Just Security (March 20-26)


Mar 27th, 2021

National Security This Week at the United Nations (March 19-26)


Mar 26th, 2021

Terrorism and Other Dangerous Online Content: Exporting the First Amendment?

by and

Mar 26th, 2021

UN Human Rights Council Outlines Sri Lanka Abuses, But Demurs on Action


Mar 26th, 2021

Adding AI to Autonomous Weapons Increases Risks to Civilians in Armed Conflict

by and

Mar 26th, 2021

A Dozen Experts with Questions Congress Should Ask the Tech CEOs — On Disinformation and Extremism

by and

Mar 25th, 2021

How Attorney General Garland Can Strengthen FOIA Implementation


Mar 25th, 2021

Biden Says He Wants to End the Yemen War: These Should Be His Next Steps


Mar 25th, 2021

Self-Defense Against Non-State Actors: All Over the Map


Mar 24th, 2021

Revitalizing Alliances to Counter Terrorism


Mar 24th, 2021

The Digital Technology Agenda at the Summit for Democracy


Mar 24th, 2021

The Failure to Police White Nationalism is a Feature, Not a Bug of American Policing


Mar 23rd, 2021

Protecting Civil Society in Global Counterterrorism: FATF Leads the Way, UN Should Follow

by and

Mar 23rd, 2021

Corruption Is a National Security Threat. The CROOK Act Is a Smart Way to Fight It.

by and

Mar 23rd, 2021

No Military Solutions: A New Approach to Preventing Atrocities


Mar 22nd, 2021

The Fight Against Kleptocracy Should Look Beyond the West


Mar 22nd, 2021

National Security This Week at the United Nations (March 12-19)


Mar 19th, 2021

Recap of Recent Articles on Just Security (March 13-19)


Mar 19th, 2021

Changing the Narrative on Atrocity Prevention


Mar 19th, 2021

Ethiopia, Take a Lesson from Sudan and Stop the War in Tigray


Mar 19th, 2021

Is There a New Era for Human Rights on the Horizon?

by and

Mar 19th, 2021

Fixing “Material Support” — Lessons from the Houthi Terror Designation


Mar 18th, 2021

Biden Must Press Pakistan to End Persecution of Religious Minorities


Mar 18th, 2021

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