Recent Articles

Robust Gender Analysis Will Be Key to Effective US Policy Development

by and

Mar 4th, 2021

Highlighting Sri Lanka’s Abuses to the UN in Reviews and Strategic Litigation


Mar 4th, 2021

COVID-19 and Terrorism in the West: Has Radicalization Really Gone Viral?

by and

Mar 4th, 2021

Just Security Obtains Overseas Troop Counts That the Pentagon Concealed from the Public

by , , and

Mar 4th, 2021

Heeding Victims’ Voices: The Struggle of Tamil Families of the Disappeared in Sri Lanka


Mar 3rd, 2021

Upcoming Cases Provide Opportunities to Reassess the Application of the Due Process Clause at Guantanamo


Mar 3rd, 2021

The “Khashoggi Ban”: What It Does and Doesn’t Mean

by , and

Mar 3rd, 2021

Revitalize US Multilateral Engagement on Counterterrorism and Violent Extremism as Well


Mar 3rd, 2021

Protecting the Information Space in Times of Armed Conflict

by and

Mar 3rd, 2021

Truth, Justice, and the Narrative in International Criminal Law


Mar 2nd, 2021

What We Can Learn from Global Policy About Preventing Domestic Extremism


Mar 2nd, 2021

Put Yemen’s Civil Society – and Accountability — at the Center of the Push for Peace

by and

Mar 2nd, 2021

Sri Lanka’s Evasion of Accountability Tests the Limits of the International Human Rights System


Mar 1st, 2021

The Next Judge: US Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces’ Looming Vacancy


Mar 1st, 2021

Letting Diplomacy Lead US Counterterrorism: What Would That Look Like?


Mar 1st, 2021

Legal Questions (and Some Answers) Concerning the U.S. Military Strike in Syria


Mar 1st, 2021

Recap of Recent Articles on Just Security (Feb 14-26)


Feb 27th, 2021

National Security Last Week at the United Nations (Feb. 19-26)


Feb 26th, 2021

How Biden, Congress, and US Business and Civic Leaders Can Deliver Justice for Jamal Khashoggi

by and

Feb 26th, 2021

In Shamima Begum Case, UK Supreme Court Dismisses Rights and Overlooks Potential Victimhood


Feb 26th, 2021

Biden’s First Strike and the International Law of Self-Defense


Feb 26th, 2021

Right-Wing Extremism: An International Threat


Feb 26th, 2021

Telegram: A Growing Social Media Refuge, for Good and Ill


Feb 26th, 2021

Kunduz Airstrike Before European Court of Human Rights: Future of Jurisdiction and Duty to Investigate


Feb 26th, 2021

KBR v. SFO: the United Kingdom’s Microsoft Ireland?


Feb 25th, 2021

Is Climate Change a National Emergency?


Feb 25th, 2021

How Domestic Civic Movements Could Reshape US Foreign Policy


Feb 25th, 2021

Shooting Ourselves in the Foot: Even Democratic Nations Are Undermining the International Justice System


Feb 25th, 2021

Biden Risks Playing into the Hands of Iranian Hardliners


Feb 25th, 2021

UN Security Council Won’t Respond to Myanmar’s Coup, But the General Assembly Can


Feb 25th, 2021

Intersecting Religious and Gender-Based Persecution in Yazidi Genocide Case: A Request for an Extension of Charges

by and

Feb 24th, 2021

Universal Jurisdiction — the Most Difficult Path to Achieve Justice for Sri Lanka


Feb 24th, 2021

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