Recent Articles

Digest of Recent Articles on Just Security (Nov. 6-12)


Nov 13th, 2021

Unilateral Use of Force in the “National Interest”: Taiwan Doesn’t Meet the Test


Nov 12th, 2021

Uncertain Future for the ICC’s Investigation into the CIA Torture Program


Nov 12th, 2021

American Society Will Not Abandon Our Afghan Allies


Nov 11th, 2021

US Focus on `Open Balkan’ Economic Project Risks Open Season Instead


Nov 11th, 2021

For Veterans Day, We Can Honor Veterans by Helping Them Keep Their Promise


Nov 11th, 2021

Reexamining the Fundamentals of the Drone Program After the Kabul Strike


Nov 10th, 2021

Living in Limbo: The Impact of Greece’s Safe Third Country Policy on Afghan Asylum Seekers


Nov 10th, 2021

Abuse of Interpol for Transnational Repression: Assessing the FY22 NDAA’s Provisions for Prevention

by and

Nov 10th, 2021

Timeline: Rep. Mo Brooks, January 6, and the Effort to Overturn an Election

by , , and

Nov 9th, 2021

Hidden Negligence: Aug. 29 Drone Strike is Just the Tip of the Iceberg


Nov 9th, 2021

NSO Group Loses Immunity Claim at the Ninth Circuit


Nov 9th, 2021

Military Officers’ Handwritten Clemency Letter at Guantanamo – What It Says About Who We Are


Nov 8th, 2021

Afghanistan: A Way Forward for Women and Girls

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Nov 8th, 2021

Digest of Recent Articles on Just Security (Oct. 30-Nov. 5)


Nov 6th, 2021

The Missing Kabul Drone Strike Report


Nov 5th, 2021

What the Afghanistan Withdrawal Teaches Us About Safeguarding Human Rights Evidence


Nov 5th, 2021

A Soldier and His Establishment: In the Life of Colin Powell, Who Failed Whom?


Nov 5th, 2021

A Torture Survivor Speaks at the Guantanamo Military Commissions


Nov 4th, 2021

The Downstream Effects of Israel’s “Terrorist” Designation on Human Rights Defenders in the US


Nov 4th, 2021

The Tigray Conflict at One Year: Ethiopia’s Descent into Famine and Civil War

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Nov 4th, 2021

No, Former Presidents Cannot Assert Executive Privilege. At Least Not Meaningfully.

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Nov 4th, 2021

An Undefined Defining Moment: Marking 20 Years of Counterterrorism Without Ever Agreeing What Terrorism Is


Nov 4th, 2021

Sudan’s Constitutional Crisis: Dissecting the Coup Declaration


Nov 3rd, 2021

US Leadership Matters to Avoid New Violence in the Balkans

by , and

Nov 3rd, 2021

Getting Climate Intelligence Right

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Nov 3rd, 2021

Sanctions Review Fails to Review Sanctions: Congress Should Step In

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Nov 2nd, 2021

Gendering the International Court of Justice


Nov 2nd, 2021

So, What Does Facebook Take Down? The Secret List of ‘Dangerous’ Individuals and Organizations

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Nov 1st, 2021

Sudanese Send Clear `No’ to Military Coup. What Will Security Forces Do Next?


Nov 1st, 2021

Brianna Rosen Joins Just Security as Senior Fellow

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Nov 1st, 2021

The Longest War is Over the Horizon


Nov 1st, 2021

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