Recent Articles

Congress’ Access to Individuals’ Private Communications: The Jan. 6 Committee’s Troubling Precedent


Sep 22nd, 2021

Crimes of Omission: Why a UN Treaty on Genocide but Not on Crimes Against Humanity?


Sep 21st, 2021

Revenge of the State: Freedom House Finds Tech Increasingly Serves Authoritarian Ends


Sep 21st, 2021

Announcing a Partnership With Oxford University Press

by and

Sep 20th, 2021

In the Wake of the January 6 Attacks, Will Congress and the Administration Heed the Lessons of 9/11?


Sep 20th, 2021

Why the UN Needs a Comprehensive “Agenda for Protection”


Sep 20th, 2021

Activism and Consequences


Sep 18th, 2021

Recap of Recent Articles on Just Security (September 12-18)


Sep 18th, 2021

Reassessing Counter Terrorism Financing in a Taliban-Controlled Afghanistan


Sep 17th, 2021

Striking the Right Balance for a Draft Convention on Crimes against Humanity


Sep 17th, 2021

The Executive Branch Needs Intelligence Oversight Reform


Sep 16th, 2021

The Failure of Transitional Justice in Afghanistan: Impunity Turned Into Law


Sep 16th, 2021

Restraint and Values in American Strategy


Sep 15th, 2021

As the Draft Crimes Against Humanity Treaty Moves Forward, a View on How It Relates to the Rome Statute for the ICC


Sep 15th, 2021

Video: Roads Not Taken – Reflections on the 9/11 Anniversary

by and

Sep 14th, 2021

With America Out of a Major Foreign War, Time to End One at Home


Sep 14th, 2021

How the UN General Assembly Can Respond to Atrocity Crimes at Its 76th Session


Sep 14th, 2021

Questions to Investigate U.S. Drone Strike in Kabul: An Alleged Killing of 10 Civilians

by , , and

Sep 13th, 2021

Towards a New Treaty on Crimes Against Humanity: Next Steps


Sep 13th, 2021

The Humanity of Michael Ratner, The Fabrications of Samuel Moyn

by and

Sep 13th, 2021

Recap of Recent Articles on Just Security (September 4-11)


Sep 12th, 2021

Paradigm Shift: The Consequences of Choosing a War Path, and Leaving It


Sep 11th, 2021

Adopting a Whole-of-Society Approach to Terrorism and Counterterrorism


Sep 10th, 2021

Crossing Back Over: Time to Reform Legal Culture and Legal Practice of the “War on Terror”

by and

Sep 10th, 2021

Two Decades Later, Still Reckoning With 9/11

by and

Sep 9th, 2021

Human Rights Advocacy and the Institutionalization of U.S. “Counterterrorism” Policies Since 9/11


Sep 9th, 2021

Immigration Policy Before and After 9/11: From the INS to DHS – Where Did We Go Wrong?


Sep 9th, 2021

How to Responsibly End Three Key Rights-Abusing Post-9/11 Policies

by , and

Sep 9th, 2021

Oh, the Humanity


Sep 8th, 2021

Islands of Advances in a Sea of Setbacks: Central American Rule of Law


Sep 8th, 2021

France’s `V13′ Trial for the 2015 Paris Terror Attacks: Managing Victims’ Expectations

by and

Sep 8th, 2021

The Legacy of 9/11: Counterintelligence and Counterterrorism Spotlights and Blind Spots


Sep 8th, 2021

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