Recent Articles

On Empathy, Scholarship, and Political Action: A Response to Lahmann

by and

Nov 24th, 2021

Good COP, Bad COP: After the Mixed Results of COP26, What’s Next?

by and

Nov 24th, 2021

Navigating Nuclear Deadlock: What Comes Next in the Iran Talks?


Nov 24th, 2021

How U.S. Sanctions Make it Harder for Afghan Children to Get an Education

by and

Nov 23rd, 2021

The Threat from Outer Space: Russia Tests Kinetic DA-ASAT Weapon


Nov 23rd, 2021

Tragic Mistakes: Breaking the Military Culture of Impunity


Nov 23rd, 2021

Might the Turkish Electorate Be Ready to Say Goodbye to Erdoğan After Two Decades in Power?

by and

Nov 22nd, 2021

Centcom’s Full Statement on Baghuz Strike: Annotated


Nov 22nd, 2021

Digest of Recent Articles on Just Security (Nov. 13-19)


Nov 20th, 2021

Desperate Migrants as “Armed Bands”? A Response to Sari and Hudson


Nov 19th, 2021

Litigation Tracker: Major Decisions Facing the Biden Administration

by , , , , , and

Nov 19th, 2021

Stirring Trouble at the Border: Is Belarus in Violation of International Law? – Part 2

by and

Nov 19th, 2021

Big-Tobacco-Type Lawsuits from State AGs: A Roadmap for Redressing Facebook’s Harms

by and

Nov 18th, 2021

When US Security and Democracy Interests Clash

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Nov 18th, 2021

“Full of Sound and Fury”: Afghanistan’s Tragedy Becomes America’s Drama

by and

Nov 17th, 2021

Welcome Just Security’s New Managing Editor, Megan Corrarino

by and

Nov 16th, 2021

To Ease Iraq’s Displacement Crisis, Restorative Justice and Peacebuilding are Vital

by and

Nov 16th, 2021

Stirring Trouble at the Border: Is Belarus in Violation of International Law? – Part 1

by and

Nov 16th, 2021

Questions on the Baghuz Strikes

by , , and

Nov 15th, 2021

Escalating Risks on Europe’s Eastern Frontier: Belarus-Poland, Russia-Ukraine, and How the US Can Work With Its Allies


Nov 15th, 2021

Closure for Colombia, New Scrutiny for Venezuela: ICC Investigations in Latin America


Nov 15th, 2021

Digest of Recent Articles on Just Security (Nov. 6-12)


Nov 13th, 2021

Unilateral Use of Force in the “National Interest”: Taiwan Doesn’t Meet the Test


Nov 12th, 2021

Uncertain Future for the ICC’s Investigation into the CIA Torture Program


Nov 12th, 2021

American Society Will Not Abandon Our Afghan Allies


Nov 11th, 2021

US Focus on `Open Balkan’ Economic Project Risks Open Season Instead


Nov 11th, 2021

For Veterans Day, We Can Honor Veterans by Helping Them Keep Their Promise


Nov 11th, 2021

Reexamining the Fundamentals of the Drone Program After the Kabul Strike


Nov 10th, 2021

Living in Limbo: The Impact of Greece’s Safe Third Country Policy on Afghan Asylum Seekers


Nov 10th, 2021

Abuse of Interpol for Transnational Repression: Assessing the FY22 NDAA’s Provisions for Prevention

by and

Nov 10th, 2021

Timeline: Rep. Mo Brooks, January 6, and the Effort to Overturn an Election

by , , and

Nov 9th, 2021

Hidden Negligence: Aug. 29 Drone Strike is Just the Tip of the Iceberg


Nov 9th, 2021

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