Recent Articles

Q&A: The ICJ’s Order on Provisional Measures in Ukraine v. Russian Federation

by , and

Mar 16th, 2022

Aggression by P5 Security Council Members: Time for ICC Referrals by the General Assembly


Mar 16th, 2022

Fixing the FARA Mess


Mar 16th, 2022

The Intersection of Accountability and Diplomacy in Addressing Russia’s War in Ukraine


Mar 15th, 2022

American Fighters, Ukraine, and the Neutrality Act: The Law and the Urgent Need for Clarity


Mar 15th, 2022

Model Indictment for Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine: Prosecutor v. President Vladimir Putin

by and

Mar 14th, 2022

From Truth to Justice in The Gambia

by and

Mar 14th, 2022

Supplying Arms to Ukraine is Not an Act of War

by and

Mar 12th, 2022

Digest of Recent Articles on Just Security (March 5-11)


Mar 12th, 2022

In US v. Husayn (Abu Zubaydah), the Supreme Court Calls Torture What It Is


Mar 11th, 2022

The Operational and Legal Risks of a No-Fly Zone Over Ukrainian Skies


Mar 10th, 2022

Mechanisms for Criminal Prosecution of Russia’s Aggression Against Ukraine


Mar 10th, 2022

Commit Fully To Sanctions Now To Help Ukraine


Mar 10th, 2022

How the Soviet Union Helped Establish the Crime of Aggressive War


Mar 9th, 2022

New Export Controls Distinguish Between Exports to Russia and Deemed Exports to Russian Nationals


Mar 9th, 2022

U.S. Under Secretary of State Nuland on Accelerating Aid to Ukraine and Sanctions Against Russia


Mar 9th, 2022

Q&A (Part II): Ukraine at the International Court of Justice, Russia’s Absence & What Comes Next

by , and

Mar 9th, 2022

Гуманітарні коридори в Україні: глухий кут, підступна витівка чи вузький промінь надії?


Mar 8th, 2022

Humanitarian Corridors in Ukraine: Impasse, Ploy or Narrow Passage of Hope?


Mar 8th, 2022

Зниження пріоритетності прав людини не захистить територіальний суверенітет

by , and

Mar 8th, 2022

Deprioritizing Human Rights Will Not Protect Territorial Sovereignty

by , and

Mar 8th, 2022

Справедливість для України та аномальна політика уряду США щодо МКС


Mar 8th, 2022

Justice for Ukraine and the U.S. Government’s Anomalous Int’l Criminal Court Policy


Mar 8th, 2022

Генеральна Асамблея ООН повинна рекомендувати створення трибуналу для України щодо злочину агресії: Нюрнберг – це не модель


Mar 7th, 2022

U.N. General Assembly Should Recommend Creation Of Crime Of Aggression Tribunal For Ukraine: Nuremberg Is Not The Model


Mar 7th, 2022

Цього недостатньо: тимчасові заходи Європейського суду з прав людини щодо України


Mar 7th, 2022

Not Far Enough: The European Court of Human Rights’ Interim Measures on Ukraine


Mar 7th, 2022

Moves To Ban Kremlin Propaganda Outlets Evoke WWII Anti-Nazi Efforts


Mar 5th, 2022

Digest of Recent Articles on Just Security (Feb. 26-March 4)


Mar 5th, 2022

Питання та відповіді: Наступні кроки щодо української заяви до МСС

by , and

Mar 5th, 2022

Q&A: Next Steps in Ukraine’s Application to the International Court of Justice

by , and

Mar 5th, 2022

Statement by Members of the International Law Association Committee on the Use of Force


Mar 4th, 2022

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