Recent Articles

Friction, Framing & U.S. Cybersecurity-Related Actions Against Russia


Apr 7th, 2022

Is Genocide Occurring in Ukraine? An Expert Explainer on Indicators and Assessments


Apr 6th, 2022

Mass Graves in Ukraine Should Be Treated as Crime Scenes – and Urgently Secured

by and

Apr 6th, 2022

Pressing US Officials on Russia and Int’l Criminal Court: The Interview We Should be Hearing


Apr 6th, 2022

Масові поховання в Україні слід розглядати як місце скоєння злочину – і терміново убезпечувати

by and

Apr 6th, 2022

Чи відбувається геноцид в Україні? Пояснення експерта про індикатори й оцінки


Apr 6th, 2022

How States Like California Are Bolstering Federal Sanctions Against Russia


Apr 5th, 2022

Ukraine’s Constitutional Constraints: How to Achieve Accountability for the Crime of Aggression

by and

Apr 5th, 2022

Reclaim the First Amendment — Harvard Law Review Address


Apr 5th, 2022

The Need to Reexamine the Crime of Aggression’s Jurisdictional Regime


Apr 4th, 2022

Why the ICC’s First Trial on Darfur is About More Than Securing Justice

by and

Apr 4th, 2022

Digest of Recent Articles on Just Security (March 26-April 1)


Apr 2nd, 2022

Russia, the Int’l Criminal Court, and the Malign Legacy of the U.S. “War on Terror”


Apr 1st, 2022

Complicity in a War of Aggression: Private Individuals’ Criminal Responsibility


Apr 1st, 2022

The Russia Sanctions – How They Work and What Congress Needs to Know

by and

Mar 31st, 2022

Still at War: The United States in Somalia

by and

Mar 31st, 2022

La Legge sul Controllo delle Armi nell’Ambito dell’Assistenza Militare da Parte dell’Unione Europea all’Ucraina


Mar 30th, 2022

Articulating Arms Control Law in the EU’s Lethal Military Assistance to Ukraine


Mar 30th, 2022

How the U.S. Can Stop Empowering Eurasia’s Authoritarians


Mar 30th, 2022

The People of Myanmar Need to Be Heard, Not Ostracized, on the International Stage


Mar 29th, 2022

Mayorkas Must Rein in Homeland Security Investigations


Mar 29th, 2022

Neutrality in Humanitarian Actions Means Talking to All Parties to a Conflict


Mar 28th, 2022

Ukraine May Mark a Turning Point in Documenting War Crimes


Mar 28th, 2022

Hijab Bans, Hindutva, and the Burden of Hindsight


Mar 28th, 2022

Bargaining About War in the Shadow of International Law

by and

Mar 28th, 2022

Digest of Recent Articles on Just Security (March 19-25)


Mar 26th, 2022

Embracing Autocrats to Help Ukraine Is a Losing Proposition


Mar 25th, 2022

Does the ‘Responsibility to Protect’ Require States to go to War with Russia?


Mar 25th, 2022

Как Советский Союз помог установить преступление агрессивной войны


Mar 25th, 2022

Still at War: The United States in Yemen

by and

Mar 24th, 2022

Introduction to Symposium: Still at War – Where and Why the United States is Fighting the “War on Terror”

by and

Mar 24th, 2022

Putin’s Real Fear: Ukraine’s Constitutional Order

by and

Mar 24th, 2022

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