Recent Articles
The Political Support and Divisions Behind the European Parliament Resolution on Drones
Feb 28th, 2014
European Parliament Passes Resolution on Drones, Targeted Killings, and Fully Autonomous Weapons
Feb 27th, 2014
State Practice and the Use of Force: Iran Invokes the “Unwilling or Unable” Test against its Neighbors
Feb 26th, 2014
“Tweet Roll”: Reactions to Glenn Greenwald’s article on “How Covert Agents Infiltrate the Internet”
Feb 25th, 2014
Italian Court of Cassation Reverses Convictions of Italian Intelligence Agents Involved in Bush-Era Extraordinary Rendition
Feb 25th, 2014
Missing Transparency: Is the US Response to Reported Drone Attack on Wedding Party Self-Defeating?
Feb 20th, 2014
Update: Changes to Export Control Arrangement Intended to Apply to Surveillance Technology, not Exploits, but Confusion and Ambiguity Remain
Feb 19th, 2014