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Поступки щодо територій, правопорядку та світового миру: доля міжнародного права спочиває на кордонах України

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Oct 6th, 2023

Compromises on Territory, Legal Order, and World Peace: The Fate of International Law Lies on Ukraine’s Borders

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Oct 6th, 2023

Hidden Women: Carceral Secrecy and (In)Security


Oct 6th, 2023

The Just Security Podcast: An Insider View of the Defense Department with Colin Kahl

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Oct 6th, 2023

Why the Crimes Against Humanity Treaty Should Codify Gender Apartheid

by , , , and

Oct 5th, 2023

US Policy on Marshall Islands Nuclear Test Compensation Must Change – China Is Watching


Oct 5th, 2023

On Eve of Elections, Polish Democracy is Subverted by Autocratic Media Advantage

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Oct 5th, 2023

The PCLOB Stubs Its Toe on Use of U.S. Person Queries with FISA Section 702


Oct 4th, 2023

Key Takeaways from September 28 House Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing on AUMF Reform


Oct 4th, 2023

National Security Law and the Originalist Myth


Oct 4th, 2023

The NY Trump Civil Fraud Trial: From Tipping Point to Toppling Over


Oct 3rd, 2023

Using AI to Comply With Book Bans Makes Those Laws More Dangerous

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Oct 3rd, 2023

Energy Security at the UN High-Level Week: More Heat Than Light

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Oct 3rd, 2023

AI and the Future of Drone Warfare: Risks and Recommendations


Oct 3rd, 2023

The U.N. Human Rights Council and the ICC Can Do More for Afghanistan

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Oct 2nd, 2023

UN Human Rights Council Should Extend Investigation Commission on Ethiopia


Oct 2nd, 2023

Sackett v. EPA’s Aftermath and the Risk of Inflamed Western Water Conflict


Oct 2nd, 2023

How Section 702 Surveillance Helps Keep Sensitive U.S. Technologies From China, Russia, Iran and North Korea


Sep 30th, 2023

Digest of Recent Articles on Just Security (September 23-29)


Sep 30th, 2023

The Elephant in the Courtroom: 
ICC Temporal Jurisdiction Over the Situation in the Philippines


Sep 29th, 2023

True-Believers and Nay-Sayers: This Year’s UNGA Had Something for Everyone


Sep 29th, 2023

UNGA 78 High-Level Week: Ups, Downs, and the Outlook Ahead


Sep 29th, 2023

The Just Security Podcast: U.N. General Assembly Recap

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Sep 29th, 2023

This Summer Previewed the Security Threats of Climate Change: The U.S. Needs to Do More

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Sep 28th, 2023

The Ongoing National Security Threats Posed by Senator Bob Menendez

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Sep 28th, 2023

Welcoming Rebecca Ingber and Scott Roehm to Just Security’s Board of Editors

by , and

Sep 27th, 2023

Concealing Surveillance: The Government’s Disappearing Section 702 Notices

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Sep 27th, 2023

In the Shadow of a Flawed Election, How Can Zimbabwe – and Its International Partners — Move Forward?


Sep 27th, 2023

Climate Mitigation: Moving Beyond National Action to International Action


Sep 27th, 2023

Tracking UNGA 78: Notable Moments and Key Themes

by , and

Sep 27th, 2023

Pivoting to Prevention: How the Biden Administration Can Accelerate Implementation of the Atrocity Prevention Agenda


Sep 26th, 2023

Why “Associated Forces” Should be Kept Out of Any New AUMF


Sep 26th, 2023

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