Recent Articles

Correcting the Record: Wiretaps, the CLOUD Act, and the US-UK Agreement


Oct 31st, 2019

ISIS Suspect Transfers to Iraq Replete with Risks


Oct 31st, 2019

Keeping Human Rights and Counter-Terrorism in Focus at the UN

by and

Oct 30th, 2019

Exclusive: White House Ignored Pentagon Warning on Ukraine Funding


Oct 30th, 2019

Female Genital Mutilation and the Treaty Power: What Congress Can Do


Oct 29th, 2019

The Rio Treaty: Paving the Way for Military Intervention in Venezuela?


Oct 29th, 2019

Trump’s Communications Malpractice Mars His Victory Lap on al-Baghdadi


Oct 28th, 2019

Northeastern Syria: Complex Criminal Law in a Complicated Battlespace


Oct 28th, 2019

Why Officials Keep Testifying Despite White House Counsel’s Letter on Impeachment Inquiry


Oct 28th, 2019

How Trump’s Gilding the Lily on Baghdadi Death Will Return to Haunt Americans


Oct 27th, 2019

Recap of Recent Articles on Just Security (Oct. 21-25)


Oct 26th, 2019

National Security at the United Nations This Week


Oct 25th, 2019

Assessing the Legal Landscape of Family Separation in the Immigration Context

by , and

Oct 25th, 2019

George Washington’s Advisors Agreed: Impeachment Did Away with Executive Privilege

by and

Oct 25th, 2019

United States of America v. Rudolph W. Giuliani

by and

Oct 24th, 2019

GOP “Storming” of Secure Facility for Impeachment Proceedings: An Explainer


Oct 23rd, 2019

Trump Views U.S. Taxpayer Dollars As His Personal Checkbook


Oct 23rd, 2019

Assessing Turkey’s “Resettlement” Plans in Syria under the Law of Occupation

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Oct 23rd, 2019

Suit Against Sri Lankan Presidential Candidate Rajapaksa Dismissed on Common Law Immunity Grounds


Oct 23rd, 2019

Abandoning Open Skies: Trump Would Be Squandering More of Our Security Inheritance

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Oct 22nd, 2019

“With a Little Help from Our Friends”: Prosecuting the ISIL “Beatles” in U.S. Courts

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Oct 22nd, 2019

A Dozen Questions for Mike Pompeo


Oct 22nd, 2019

The Missing Link: Getting Dirt on Biden Was Key Part of “Investigation into 2016 Election” Too

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Oct 21st, 2019

Recap of Recent Articles on Just Security (Oct. 14-18)


Oct 19th, 2019

National Security at the United Nations This Week


Oct 18th, 2019

Bureaucratic Resistance and the Deep State Myth


Oct 18th, 2019

How to Address Newly Revealed Abuses of Section 702 Surveillance

by and

Oct 18th, 2019

Bill Barr’s Witch Hunt

by and

Oct 17th, 2019

Reassessing U.S. Cyber Operations Against Iran and the Use of Force


Oct 17th, 2019

Turkey’s (Latest) Invasion of Syria: Aggression, Proportionality, and Legal Consequences for NATO and Third-Party States


Oct 17th, 2019

A Fourth Amendment Framework for Voiceprint Database Searches

by and

Oct 17th, 2019

The German Constitutional Court on the Right of Self-Defense Against ISIS in Syria

by and

Oct 16th, 2019

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