Recent Articles

Time for Russia and Putin to Face a Reckoning on Syria


Mar 13th, 2020

Pompeo’s “Rights Commission” is Worse Than Feared: Part I

by and

Mar 13th, 2020

Sen. Van Hollen Calls for Paoletta to Relinquish Role as OMB’s Top Ethics Official


Mar 12th, 2020

Pandemics and Human Rights

by and

Mar 12th, 2020

Crossing the Rubicon: Major Developments on the Human Rights Obligations of Corporations


Mar 12th, 2020

Universal Health Care is a National Security Issue

by and

Mar 12th, 2020

The Soleimani Strike and the Case for War Powers Reform


Mar 11th, 2020

Timeline on Jared Kushner, Qatar, 666 Fifth Avenue, and White House Policy

by and

Mar 11th, 2020

Peace in Afghanistan: Showmanship over Substance


Mar 11th, 2020

The Defense Department’s Measured Take on International Law in Cyberspace


Mar 11th, 2020

Balancing Syria Advocacy and Witness Safety: Have We Lost Sight?


Mar 10th, 2020

The Benefits (and Drawbacks) of the UN Database on Businesses Contributing to Israeli Settlements


Mar 10th, 2020

Law Enforcement’s Facial Recognition Law-lessness: Comparing European and US Approaches


Mar 10th, 2020

War in Space: How International Humanitarian Law Might Apply

by and

Mar 9th, 2020

Preventing and Responding to Civilian Casualties: An Upcoming Discussion on Law, Policy, and Progress


Mar 9th, 2020

West Africa’s Democratic Progress is Slipping Away, Even as Region’s Significance Grows

by and

Mar 9th, 2020

An Ambitious Reading of Facebook’s Content Regulation White Paper

by and

Mar 9th, 2020

Why the 2020 Election Will Be A Mess Part II: Beyond Russian Disinformation

by , and

Mar 9th, 2020

Recap of Recent Articles on Just Security (March 2-6)


Mar 7th, 2020

Int’l Criminal Court’s Afghanistan Decision Expands Prosecutor’s Power: What to Expect Next


Mar 6th, 2020

National Security at the United Nations This Week (Feb. 29 to Mar. 6)


Mar 6th, 2020

About Those FBI Counterterrorism Assessments …


Mar 6th, 2020

Russian Cyber Attacks Against Georgia, Public Attributions and Sovereignty in Cyberspace


Mar 6th, 2020

Revised Justice Department Policy Still Silences Immigration Judges


Mar 5th, 2020

A Model for Countering Foreign Disinformation and Interference in Elections

by and

Mar 5th, 2020

Telegram’s Cryptocurrency Could Have a Terrorism Problem


Mar 5th, 2020

Facebook Bylaws for Takedown Oversight Board: Questions of Independence

by and

Mar 5th, 2020

The Gravity of Michael Ellis’ Promotion to Senior Director for Intelligence at the White House


Mar 4th, 2020

Mexico’s Amnesty Proposal: An Instrument of Transitional Justice?


Mar 4th, 2020

NATO Recognizes Space as an “Operational Domain”: One Small Step Toward a Rules-Based International Order in Outer Space


Mar 4th, 2020

Iraqi Militias Split Over New Iran-Backed Head, Reflecting Wider Divisions


Mar 4th, 2020

The Middle East Peace “Vision” From an Old CIA Hand


Mar 3rd, 2020

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