Guest Authors

Antoine Abi Ghanem

Father Antoine Abi Ghanem is the Attaché for Disarmament and Security Affairs at the Holy See Mission (Geneva).

Floyd Abrams

Floyd Abrams is is Senior Counsel in the firm of Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP, and represented The New York Times in the Pentagon Papers case.

Jefferson Adams

Jefferson Adams is a Professor of History at Sarah Lawrence College and Senior Editor of the International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence; his publications include Historical Dictionary of German Intelligence and, most recently, Strategic Intelligence in the Cold War and Beyond.

Michael J. Adams

Michael J. Adams is a Partner at McGuireWoods, a Commander (ret.) in the U.S. Navy, a former Deputy Legal Counsel to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and former Special Adviser to the Judge Advocate General for International and Operational Law.

Shaharzad Akbar

Shaharzad Akbar (@ShaharzadAkbar) is currently an Academy Fellow on Human Rights at Chatham House and the former Chair of the Afghanistan Independent Human Rights Commission. She was previously Deputy on the Afghan National Security Council for Peace and Civilian Protection and served as Country Director for Open Society Afghanistan from 2014 to 2017.

Waleed Alhariri

Waleed Alhariri (@WaleedAlhariri) is Head of the New York Office for Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies (SCSS) and a Fellow-in-Residence at Columbia Law School Human Rights Institute.

Farea Al-Muslimi

Farea Al-Muslimi ( @almuslimi) is a Yemeni Researcher and Co-Founder of the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies.

Radhya Almutawakel

Radhya Almutawakel (@RAlmutawakel) is the Chairperson of Mwatana Organization for Human Rights.

Diane Marie Amann

Diane Marie Amann (@DianeMarieAmann) is the the Emily & Ernest Woodruff Chair in International Law and Faculty Co-Director of the Dean Rusk International Law Center at the University of Georgia School of Law and Visiting Professor of Law at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law, and has served since 2012 as the Special Adviser to the International Criminal Court Prosecutor on Children in and affected by Armed Conflict.

Catherine Amirfar

Catherine Amirfar is Co-Chair of Debevoise & Plimpton’s Public International Law Group.

Baher Azmy

Baher Azmy (@azmy_b) is the Legal Director of the Center of Constitutional Rights.

Ambassador Nasir A. Andisha

Dr. Nasir Andisha (@AndishaNasir) is a career diplomat and academic, and co-founder and Senior Advisor of the Center for Dialogue and Progress -- Geneva. He was Deputy Foreign Minister of Afghanistan 2015-2019, and continues to serve as the Permanent Representative of the officially recognized government of Afghanistan to the U.N. in Geneva.

Pablo Arrocha Olabuenaga

Pablo Arrocha Olabuenaga is a Mexican diplomat, specialized in public international law, and an affiliate of the Harvard Law School Program on International Law and Armed Conflict. All views are expressed in his personal capacity.

Ahilan Arulanantham

Ahilan Arulanantham (Bluesky - LinkedIn) is Professor from Practice and Co-Director of the Center for Immigration Law and Policy at UCLA School of Law.

Matthew S. Axelrod

Matt Axelrod is the Assistant Secretary for Export Enforcement at the U.S. Department of Commerce.

Admiral (ret.) Ami Ayalon

Admiral (ret.) Ami Ayalon is a former Director of the Israel Security Agency (the Shin Bet), a former Commander of Israel's Navy and a former Flotilla 13 (Israel's Navy SEALs) commando. He is a co-founder of the Israeli NGO Blue White Future.

Roman Badanin

Roman Badanin (@RBadanin) is the founder and editor-in-chief of Proekt (The Project) and Agentstvo (The Agency), media organizations that have been targeted by the Russian government for their investigative reporting. He is a CDDRL-JSK Visiting Fellow at Stanford University's Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law.

Barbara Bodine

Amb. (ret.) Barbara K. Bodine is a Distinguished Professor and Director of the Institute for the Study of Diplomacy at Georgetown University and served as the U.S. Ambassador to Yemen from 1997 to 2001.

Bob Bauer

Bob Bauer is a Professor of Practice and a Distinguished Scholar in Residence at New York University School of Law. He served as White House Counsel to President Obama and was a senior adviser to the Biden campaign.

Kristine Beckerle

Kristine Beckerle (@K_Beckerle) is the Cover-Lowenstein Fellow at the Orville H. Schell, Jr. Center for International Human Rights, a Clinical Lecturer in Law, and an Associate Research Scholar at Yale Law School.

Eyal Benvenisti

Eyal Benvenisti (LinkedIn - X) is the Academic Director of the Center for the Applied Research of Risks to Democracy at Tel Aviv University.

Emily Berman

Emily Berman is an Associate Professor of Law at the University of Houston Law Center.

Charles A. Blanchard

Charles Blanchard (@FmrAirForceGC) is a Partner at Arnold & Porter, former General Counsel of the Air Force (2009-2013), and former General Counsel of the Army (1999-2001).

Laurie Blank

Laurie R. Blank is a Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the International Humanitarian Law Clinic at Emory Law School.

Sidney Blumenthal

Sidney Blumenthal, the former assistant and senior adviser to President Bill Clinton and senior adviser to Hillary Clinton, is the author of All the Powers of Earth (Simon & Schuster 2019), the third volume of his five volume biography, The Political Life of Abraham Lincoln.

Philip Bobbitt

Professor Sir Philip Bobbitt is the Herbert Wechsler Professor of Federal Jurisprudence at Columbia Law School and Distinguished Senior Lecturer at the University of Texas Law School.

Noah Bookbinder

Noah Bookbinder (@NoahBookbinder) became President of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) in March 2015. Prior to joining CREW, he served from 2013 to 2015 as Director of the Office of Legislative and Public Affairs at the United States Sentencing Commission. Before that, Bookbinder served as Chief Counsel for Criminal Justice for the United States Senate Judiciary Committee, where he worked from 2005 to 2013.

Liam Brennan

Liam Brennan (@LBNewHaven) is the Inspector General in Hartford, Connecticut. A former federal prosecutor and legal aid attorney, he has served as the head of the Public Corruption Task Force in Connecticut, the executive director of the Connecticut Veterans Legal Center and a staff attorney for New Haven Legal Assistance.

Jo Brick

Squadron Leader Brick is Acting Staff Officer Legal, Headquarters Air Command, Royal Australian Air Force; she joined the Royal Australian Air Force in 1997.

Reed Brody

Reed Brody (@ReedBrody) is a member of the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ). His latest book is "To Catch a Dictator: The Pursuit and Trial of Hissène Habré" (Columbia University Press), and he is the author, with Michael Ratner, of "The Pinochet Papers. The Case of Augusto Pinochet in Spain and Britain" (Kluwer, 2000).

Ted R. Bromund

Ted Bromund (@Bromund) is founder and sole proprietor of Bromund Expert Witness Services LLC and Policy Director at The Pursuit, a new NGO dedicated to opposing transnational repression.

Gordon Brown

Gordon Brown is the United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education and Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

James Bruce

James Bruce, Ph.D., is a retired senior executive officer at CIA, an adjunct researcher at the RAND Corporation, and an adjunct professor at Georgetown and Florida Atlantic Universities. 

Todd Buchwald

Todd F. Buchwald served as U.S. Ambassador and Special Coordinator for Global Criminal Justice from 2015-2017. He is a member of the U.N. Committee Against Torture, and is also a Professorial Lecturer in Law at George Washington University Law School.

Senator Ben Cardin

U.S. Senator Ben Cardin (D-MD) (@SenatorCardin) is Chairman of the U.S. Helsinki Commission and of the Senate Small Business & Entrepreneurship Committee, and a senior member of the Senate Foreign Relations, Finance, and Environment & Public Works committees.

Thomas Carothers

Thomas Carothers is a senior fellow and co-director of Carnegie’s Democracy, Conflict, and Governance Program (@CarnegieDCG).

Justice Manuel José Cepeda Espinosa

Justice Manuel José Cepeda Espinosa is a member of the High Level Panel of Legal Experts on Media Freedom and a former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of Colombia. He also served as the Presidential Advisor for the Constituent Assembly of Colombia, preparing the articles that addressed freedom of expression and access to information in Colombia’s Draft Constitution.

Marcus A.R. Childress

Marcus Childress(@_marcanthony4) is Special Counsel at Jenner & Block. He has tried more than 20 criminal jury trials and routinely advises clients on Department of Justice (DOJ), Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), and Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) enforcement actions. He served as investigative counsel to the House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 Attack on the US Capitol.

Sarah Cleveland

Sarah Cleveland (@Shcleve) is the Louis Henkin Professor of Human and Constitutional Rights, Co-Director of the Human Rights Institute at Columbia Law School, and Former Counselor on International Law to the Legal Adviser at the U.S. Department of State (2009-2011).

Amal Clooney

Amal Clooney is a barrister at Doughty Street Chambers specializing in international law and human rights. She represents victims of human rights violations in national and international courts including the International Court of Justice, the International Criminal Court and the European Court of Human Rights.

George T. Conway III

George T. Conway III (@gtconway3d) is Of Counsel in the Litigation Department of Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz in New York.

Sophia Cope

Sophia Cope (@scopesetic) is the Director of Government Affairs and Legislative Counsel at the Newspaper Association of America.

Hans Corell

Ambassador (Ret.) Hans Corell (@CorellHans) is former Under-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs and the Legal Counsel of the United Nations (March 1994-March 2004).

Colonel (Retired) Gary Corn

Gary Corn is the Director of the Technology, Law & Security Program and Adjunct Professor of Cyber and National Security Law at American University Washington College of Law, a retired U.S. Army Colonel, and served as the Staff Judge Advocate to US Cyber Command and as a Deputy Legal Counsel to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Geoffrey S. Corn

Geoffrey S. Corn (@cornjag1) is a retired U.S. Army JAG Officer, the Vinson & Elkins Professor of Law at South Texas College of Law Houston, and a Distinguished Fellow for the Jewish Institute of National Security for America’s Gemunder Center for Defense and Strategy.

Thomas Countryman

Thomas Countryman (@TMCountryman) served as a Foreign Service Officer for 35 years, most recently Acting Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security. He is Board Chairman of the Arms Control Association.

Adam Cox

Adam Cox (Bluesky - LinkedIn - X) is the Robert A. Kindler Professor of Law at NYU School of Law and co-author, with Cristina Rodríguez, of The President and Immigration Law, from Oxford University Press.

Gregory B. Craig

Gregory Craig served as White House Counsel (2009-2010) and Assistant to the President (1998-1999).

George Croner

George W. Croner (@GeorgeCroner) is former principal litigation counsel at the National Security Agency. He is a Senior Fellow at the Foreign Policy Research Institute, and a member of the Advisory Council at the Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law (CERL) at the University of Pennsylvania Law School.

16 US Human Rights Experts, Current and Former Members of UN Bodies

The authors are current and former members of UN Bodies, who sign this statement in their personal capacities.

Erik Dahl

Erik Dahl (@ ErikJDahl1 ) is an associate professor of national security affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, where he is also on the faculty of the Center for Homeland Defense and Security. 

Brian I. Daniels

Dr. Brian I. Daniels (@DrBrianIDaniels) is the director of research and programs for the Penn Cultural Heritage Center at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. He also advises the Smithsonian Cultural Rescue Initiative and serves as vice president for cultural heritage of the Archaeological Institute of America, vice president of the U.S. Committee of the Blue Shield, and the secretary of the ICOM Disaster Resilient Museums International Committee.

Aude Darnal

Aude Darnal (@audedarnal) is an associate director at the Atlantic Council’s New American Engagement Initiative in the Scowcroft Center for Strategy and Security, focusing on the critical analysis and understanding of armed conflicts and of the humanitarian-development-peace nexus, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa.

John Dean

John Dean (@JohnWDean) was White House Counsel under Richard Nixon.

Ambassador H.E. Juan Ramón de la Fuente

Amb. H.E. Juan Ramón de la Fuente is the Permanent Representative of Mexico to the United Nations.

Alan M. Dershowitz

Alan M. Dershowitz (@AlanDersh) is the Felix Frankfurter Professor of Law, Emeritus at Harvard Law School.

Laura Dickinson

Laura A. Dickinson (@LA_Dickinson) is a former Special Counsel to the General Counsel of the Department of Defense (2016-17) and the Oswald Symister Colclough Research Professor of Law at The George Washington University Law School.

Dov Jacobs

Dov Jacobs (@dovjacobs) is an Assistant Professor in International Law at the Grotius Centre for International Legal Studies at Leiden University.

Bonnie Docherty

Bonnie Docherty (@bonnie_docherty) is a Senior Arms Advisor in the Crisis, Conflict and Arms Division of Human Rights Watch. She is also a lecturer on law at Harvard Law School’s International Human Rights Clinic and Director of the Clinic’s Armed Conflict and Civilian Protection Initiative.

Stephanie Douglas

Stephanie Douglas is the Senior Managing Director at Guidepost Solutions and formerly served in the FBI for almost 24 years before retiring in 2013 as Executive Assistant Director for the National Security Branch.

Michael Dreeben

Michael Dreeben is a partner at O\\\'Melveny & Myers LLP. He also serves as a Distinguished Visitor from Government at Georgetown University Law Center and a Lecturer on Law at Harvard Law School.

Charles J. Dunlap, Jr.

Executive Director of the Center on Law, Ethics and National Security and Professor of the Practice of Law at Duke Law School. He retired from the Air Force in 2010 as a Major General.

Dick Durbin

Senator Dick Durbin (@ SenatorDurbin), a Democrat from Springfield, is the 47th U.S. Senator from the State of Illinois, the state’s senior senator, and the convener of Illinois’ bipartisan congressional delegation.

Anthony Dworkin

Anthony Dworkin (@AnthonyDworkin) is a Senior Policy Fellow at the European Council on Foreign Relations and author of the ECFR Report "Europe's New Counter-Terror Wars."

Jen Easterly

Jen Easterly (@JenEasterly) is a Managing Director of Morgan Stanley and Global Head of the Firm’s Cybersecurity Fusion Center, responsible for assessing, detecting, and responding to threats, vulnerabilities, and incidents that threats the Firm and its clients. She previously served as Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Counterterrorism at the White House from 2013-2016.

Chile Eboe-Osuji

Chile Eboe-Osuji PhD (@EboeOsuji) was the 4th President of the International Criminal Court. He is now a Distinguished International Jurist at Lincoln Alexander School of Law of the Toronto Metropolitan University, and the author of International Law and Sexual Violence in Armed Conflicts (2012) and How Heads of State Lost Immunity for International Crimes (forthcoming).

Patrick G. Eddington

Patrick G. Eddington (@PGEddington) is a Policy Analyst in Homeland Security and Civil Liberties at the Cato Institute and a former Senior Policy Advisor to Rep. Rush Holt (D-N.J.).

Maj. Gen. (ret.) Dan Efrony

Maj. Gen. (ret.) Dan Efrony (@DanEfrony) is an associate researcher in the Cyber Law Program of the Federmann Cyber Security Center at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the former Military Advocate General (MAG) of the Israel Defense Forces.

W. Neil Eggleston

W. Neil Eggleston served as White House Counsel for President Barack Obama, 2014-2017; he is a Lecturer of Law at Harvard Law School.

Norman L. Eisen

Ambassador Norman Eisen (ret.) (Bluesky - LinkedIn - X) served in the White House as special counsel and special assistant to the president for ethics and government reform and as ambassador to the Czech Republic under President Barack Obama, as well as special counsel to the House Judiciary Committee from 2019–20, including for the first impeachment and trial of President Donald Trump.

Richard A. Epstein

Richard A. Epstein (@RichardAEpstein) is the Laurence A. Tisch Professor of Law at New York University School of Law, Peter and Kirsten Bedford Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, James Parker Hall Distinguished Service Professor of Law Emeritus and Senior Lecturer at the University of Chicago.

Marshall Erwin

Marshall Erwin is the Head of Trust at Mozilla, a Non-Residential Fellow at the Center for Internet and Society at Stanford Law School, a former Intelligence Specialist at the Congressional Research Service, and a former Counterterrorism Analyst.

Gerald Feierstein

Amb. (ret.) Gerald Feierstein is Senior Fellow and Director of Gulf Affairs and Government Relations at the Middle East Institute and served as U.S. Ambassador from 2010 to 2013.

Senator Dianne Feinstein

U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) (@SenFeinstein) is California’s senior U.S. senator and the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Eugene R. Fidell

Eugene R. Fidell (LinkedIn) teaches Military Justice at Yale Law School and is of counsel at the Washington, DC firm Feldesman Leifer LLP. He is a co-author of Military Justice: Cases and Materials (Carolina Academic Press 4th ed. 2023).

Michèle Flournoy

Michele Flournoy (@micheleflournoy) is former US Undersecretary of Defense for Policy and an advisor to Rhombus.

Christopher Fonzone

Christopher Fonzone is a former Deputy Assistant to the President, former Deputy Counsel to the President, former National Security Council Legal Adviser, formerly worked at the Department of Justice in the Office of Legal Counsel and on the Civil Division’s Appellate Staff, and formerly served as Special Counsel to the General Counsel of the Department of Defense.

Craig Forcese

Craig Forcese (@cforcese) is a Full Professor at the Faculty of Law (Common Law Section) at the University of Ottawa.

Lt. Col. Chris Ford

Lt. Col. Chris Ford is a Military Professor at the US Naval War College's Stockton Center for International Law.

Ambassador Robert Ford

Amb. (ret.) Robert Ford (@fordrs58) was U.S. Ambassador to Syria from 2011 to 2014, Deputy Ambassador at the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad from 2008 to 2010 and the U.S. Ambassador in Algeria 2006 – 2008. Today, he is a scholar at the Middle East Institute and a fellow Yale University’s Jackson Institute for Global Affairs where he teaches about U.S. foreign policy.

Hamid A. Formuli

Hamid A. Formuli (@formulian) is currently a senior fellow on human rights at the Center for Dialogue and Progress - Geneva. He is a former career diplomat with years of experience in multilateral diplomacy. He headed the Human Rights section of the Permanent Mission of Afghanistan to UN in Geneva and worked as Special Aide to the Deputy Foreign Minister for Economic Cooperation of Afghanistan.

Ambassador Daniel Fried

Ambassador Daniel Fried (Bluesky - X) is Weiser Family Distinguished Fellow at the Atlantic Council. He previously served as Special Assistant and NSC Senior Director for Presidents Clinton and Bush, Ambassador to Poland, Assistant Secretary of State for Europe (2005-09), and State Department Coordinator for Sanctions Policy.

Barry Friedman

Barry Friedman (@barryfriedman1) is the Jacob D. Fuchsberg Professor of Law and Faculty Director of the Policing Project at New York University School of Law.

Ambassador Vesko Garčević

Amb. (ret.) Vesko Garčević (@VeskoGarcevic) is a Professor of the Practice of Diplomacy and International Relations in the Frederick S. Pardee School of Global Studies, Boston University.

Lech Garlicki

Lech Garlicki is a former New York University School of Law Global Professor of Law from Practice (2013) and former Judge of the European Court of Human Rights (2002-2012).

Beth George

Beth George is former acting General Counsel at the Department of Defense, and currently a partner in the San Francisco office of Wilson, Sonsini, Goodrich, & Rosati (WSGR). She is a non-resident senior fellow at the Reiss Center on Law and Security at NYU School of Law.

A headshot of US Representative Richard Gephardt Smiles

Richard Gephardt

Richard Gephardt (@dickgephardt) is a Board Member of Keep Our Republic. He represented Missouri’s Third District in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1977-2003. During that time, he served as House Majority Leader and House Democratic Leader, and he ran for the Democratic Party’s nomination for President in 2004.

Michael German

Mike German (@RethinkIntel) is a Fellow with the Brennan Center for Justice’s Liberty and National Security Program, former Policy Counsel for National Security and Privacy for the American Civil Liberties Union, and former Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation.

Stuart M. Gerson

Stuart M. Gerson (LinkedIn) is a former Acting Attorney General of the United States, Assistant Attorney General, and Assistant United States Attorney.

Ahmed Ghappour

Ahmed Ghappour (@ghappour) is a Visiting Professor at UC Hastings College of the Law and Director of the Liberty, Security and Technology Clinic.

Vanessa L. Gibson

Council Member Vanessa L. Gibson (@Vanessalgibson) is Council Member for the 16th District of the New York City Council.

Michael J. Glennon

Michael J. Glennon is a Professor of International Law at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, former Legal Counsel to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee (1977-1980), and former Consultant to Various Congressional Committees, the U.S. State Department, and the International Atomic Energy Agency.

Elizabeth Goitein

Elizabeth (Liza) Goitein (Bluesky - LinkedIn - X) is Co-Director of the Liberty & National Security Program at the Brennan Center for Justice and former Counsel to Sen. Russ Feingold Former Trial Attorney in the Federal Programs Branch of the Civil Division of the Department of Justice.

Lt. Col. Jim Golby

Lt. Col. Jim Golby (@jimgolby) is Defense Policy Advisor in the United States Mission to NATO, former Special Advisor to the Vice President of the United States, former Special Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and former Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Sciences at West Point.

Zachary Goldman

Zachary Goldman was Executive Director of the Center on Law and Security at NYU School of Law from 2015-2017.

Jack Goldsmith

Jack Goldsmith (Bluesky - X) is the Henry L. Shattuck Professor at Harvard Law School, a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, former Assistant Attorney General of the Office of Legal Counsel (2003-2004), and former Special Counsel to the Department of Defense (2002-2003).

James A. Goldston

James A. Goldston (@JamesAGoldston) is executive director of the Open Society Justice Initiative and Adjunct Professor of Law, NYU School of Law. He previously served as coordinator of prosecutions and senior trial attorney in the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court.

David Golove

David M. Golove is Hiller Family Foundation Professor of Law at the New York University School of Law.

Ambassador Juan Manuel Gómez-Robledo Verduzco

Ambassador Juan Manuel Gómez-Robledo Verduzco is an Ambassador of Mexico, Member of the International Law Commission (2012-2022), and Deputy Permanent Representative of Mexico to the United Nations.

Ukrainian MP Oleksiy Goncharenko

Oleksiy Goncharenko (@GoncharenkoUa) is a Member of Parliament in Ukraine, a member of the Ukrainian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, and Vice President of the PACE Committee on Migration, Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons.
He is a member of the "European Solidarity" group in Parliament, and head of the caucuses "For a Democratic Belarus" and "For a Free Caucasus."

Former U.S. Representative Bob Goodlatte

Bob Goodlatte (@RepGoodlatte) is a former congressman from Virginia and Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, now Senior Policy Advisor to the nonpartisan Project for Privacy and Surveillance Accountability (PPSA).

Neve Gordon

Neve Gordon (@nevegordon) is a Professor of human rights and international humanitarian law at Queen Mary University of London. 

Senator Bob Graham

Bob Graham was United States Senator from Florida from 1987 to 2005 and chairman of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence from 2001 to 2003.

Ambassador Thomas Graham Jr.

Amb. (ret.) Thomas Graham, Jr. (@tgrahamjr) is Executive Chairman of Lightbridge Corporation USA, and former General Counsel and Acting Director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.

Trey Grayson

Trey Grayson (@KYTrey) is a member of Frost Brown Todd and managing director of the firm’s government relations subsidiary, CivicPoint. He served two terms as Kentucky’s Secretary of State, during which time, he was chosen by his colleagues to be President of the National Association of Secretaries of State and Chair of the Republican Association of Secretaries of State.

Thomas Green

Tom Green is a Senior Counsel at Sidley Austin LLP.  The views expressed in this article are the author’s own and not necessarily those of Sidley Austin or its clients.

Dr. Gabija Grigaitė-Daugirdė

Dr. Gabija Grigaitė-Daugirdė is Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Justice of Lithuania and Lecturer at the Law Faculty of Vilnius University.

Lucas Guttentag

Professor of the Practice of Law, Stanford Law School, and Martin R. Flug Lecturer in Law, Yale Law School.

Benjamin Haas

Benjamin Haas (@BenjaminEHaas) is an Advocacy Counsel at Human Rights First, former Army Intelligence Officer, and a graduate of West Point and Stanford Law School.

Jonathan Hafetz

Jonathan Hafetz (Bluesky - LinkedIn - X) is a Professor of Law at Seton Hall University School of Law.

Monica Hakimi

Monica Hakimi (@MonicaHakimi) is Professor of Law at the University of Michigan Law School and Former Associate Dean for Academic Programming of Michigan Law School.

Morton H. Halperin

Morton H. Halperin (@ morthalp ) is chair of the Executive Board of the Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law (CERL).

Ambassador (ret.) Keith Harper

Ambassador Keith M. Harper (@AmbHarper) is a partner and the Co-Chair of the Human Rights and Global Strategy practice at Jenner & Block and, concurrently serves as a U.N. Independent Expert to the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (3023-2025). He is the former United States Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the U.N. Human Rights Council (2014-2017).  During the 2021-22 academic school year, he served as a Senior Fellow at the Brown University Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs. He is a graduate of NYU School of Law and obtained his B.A. from the University of California at Berkeley.

Donell Harvin

Donell Harvin (Bluesky - LinkedIn - X) is a homeland security expert from Washington, DC who provides expertise to MSNBC/NBC News, CNN, INTERPOL and the UN Office of Counter Terrorism.

Senator Maggie Hassan

U.S. Senator Maggie Hassan (@SenatorHassan) (D-NH) is United States Senator for New Hampshire and serves on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

Tirana Hassan

Tirana Hassan (@TiranaHassan) is Executive Director at Human Rights Watch.

Ian Scott Henderson

Ian Scott Henderson is Group Captain in the Royal Australian Air Force, Director of the Military Law Centre at the Australian Defence Force, and Deputy-Director of the Asia-Pacific Centre for Military Law at the Australian Defence Force.

Charles P. Henry

Charles P. Henry is professor emeritus of African American Studies at the University of California at Berkeley. He was appointed by President Clinton to the National Council on the Humanities in 1994, and served as an office director in the State Department’s Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor from 1993 to 1994.

Christof Heyns

Christof Heyns is a Professor of Human Rights Law and Director of the Institute for International and Comparative Law in Africa at the University of Pretoria and a member of the UN Human Rights Committee.

Headshot of Brett Holmgren

Brett Holmgren

Brett Holmgren is a former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research and former acting Director of the National Counterterrorism Center.

Hon. Elizabeth Holtzman

Elizabeth Holtzman is a practicing attorney with Herrick Feinstein LLP in NY. She was a four term Congresswoman who served on the House Judiciary Committee during Watergate and voted to impeach Richard Nixon.

Elie Honig

Elie Honig (@eliehonig) is a CNN Legal Analyst, former federal and state prosecutor, including Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and current Rutgers University scholar.

Jonathan Horowitz

Jonathan Horowitz (@J_T_Horowitz) is a Legal Adviser at the ICRC Regional Delegation for the United States and Canada (as of Oct 2019).

Rahma Hussein

Rahma Hussein (@rhussein_) is a Legal Fellow at Columbia Law School’s Project on Counterterrorism, Armed Conflict and Human Rights.

Brig. Gen. R. Patrick Huston

Assistant Judge Advocate General, U.S. Army

John D. Hutson, Rear Admiral, JAGC, USN (Ret.)

Retired Rear Adm. (ret.) John D. Hutson was Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Navy. Dean Emeritus, University of New Hampshire School of Law.

Ambassador James F. Jeffrey

Amb. (ret.) James F. Jeffrey is a former U.S. ambassador to Turkey, Albania, and Iraq. He is currently Chair of the Middle East Program at the Wilson Center. He also previously served as assistant to the president and deputy national security advisor in the George W. Bush administration, with a special focus on Iran, and as Chief of Mission Syria in the Trump administration.

Chris Jenks

Chris Jenks (@ChrisJenks_SMU) served as Special Counsel to the General Counsel of the Department of Defense (2017-2018) where he was awarded the Secretary of Defense Medal for Exceptional Public Service. He is a Professor at the SMU Dedman School of Law. He formerly served as Chief of the U.S. Army’s International Law Branch in the Pentagon.

Eric Jensen

Eric Jensen is a Professor at Brigham Young Law School, Special Counsel to the General Counsel of the Department of Defense, former Chief of the Army’s International Law Branch, and former Legal Advisor to US Military Forces in Iraq and Bosnia.

Katya Jestin

Katya Jestin is Co-Managing Partner at Jenner & Block. A former Assistant United States Attorney, she serves as co-chair of the firm's Investigations, Compliance, and Defense Practice where she represents clients in high-stakes criminal, regulatory, and congressional investigations.

Headshot of Dennis Jett

Ambassador (Ret.) Dennis Jett

Ambassador (Ret.) Dennis Jett is a professor in the School of International Affairs at Pennsylvania State University. He served for 28 years in the State Department as Ambassador to Peru and Mozambique, on the National Security Council, as Deputy Chief of Mission in Liberia and Malawi and in Argentina and Israel.

Larry D. Johnson

Larry Johnson served in the United Nations Office of Legal Affairs during various periods between 1971 and 2008, including as Assistant-Secretary-General for Legal Affairs, and is currently a Professorial Lecturer at the Vienna Diplomatic Academy.

Kevin Jon Heller

Kevin Jon Heller (@kevinjonheller) is a Professor of Criminal Law at SOAS University of London and an Academic Member of Doughty Street Chambers.

Paula Junghans

Paula Junghans served as Deputy Assistant Attorney General and Acting Assistant Attorney General of the Tax Division of the U.S. Department of Justice (1998-2001), supervising the litigation of tax cases throughout the United States. In private practice, she has litigated criminal and civil tax cases in the federal district courts and courts of appeal, as well as in the United States Tax Court and Court of Federal Claims.

Jeffrey Kahn

Jeffrey Kahn (@Jeff_Kahn1) is a Professor of Law at Southern Methodist University Dedman School of Law. He is the author of Mrs. Shipley’s Ghost: The Right to Travel and Terrorist Watchlists (University of Michigan, 2013).

David Kaye

David Kaye (@davidakaye) is a law professor at UC Irvine School of Law and served as United Nations Special Rapporteur on freedom of expression from 2014-2020.

Ambassador (ret) Ian Kelly

Ambassador (ret.) Ian Kelly (LinkedIn - X) is Ambassador in Residence at Northwestern University and a former U.S. Ambassador to Georgia and to the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).

Baroness Helena Kennedy

Baroness Helena Kennedy of the Shaws, KC, is a member of the High Level Panel of Legal Experts on Media Freedom, a barrister at Doughty Street Chambers, and Director of the International Bar Association’s Human Rights Institute.

Kerry Kennedy

Kerry Kennedy (@KerryKennedyRFK) is President of Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights.

Orin Kerr

Orin S. Kerr (@OrinKerr) is the Fred C. Stevenson Research Professor at the George Washington University Law School.

Yousuf Syed Khan

Yousuf Syed Khan (@yousufsyedkhan) is a Nonresident Senior Fellow with the Strategic Litigation Project at the Atlantic Council. Most recently, he was a Senior Lawyer with Global Rights Compliance. He has served four commissions/investigative accountability bodies established by the UN Human Rights Council.

Scarlet Kim

Scarlet Kim (@scarletprim) is a staff attorney at the ACLU National Security Project.

The Hon. Michael Kirby

Michael Kirby is an international jurist, educator, and former judge. He was a justice of the High Court of Australia from 1996 to 2009, and was chair of the U.N. Commission of Inquiry on North Korea in 2013-14.

Adam Klein

Adam Klein is Director of the Program on Technology, Security, and Global Affairs at the Robert Strauss Center for International Security and Law at the University of Texas at Austin. He formerly served as Chairman of the U.S. Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board, an independent federal agency that oversees counterterrorism and intelligence programs.

Douglas W. Kmiec

Amb. (ret.) Douglas Kmiec is the Caruso Family Chair in Constitutional Law and Human Rights at Pepperdine School of Law, former Ambassador of the United States (ret.), and served Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H. W. Bush during 1985-89 as Assistant and Deputy Assistant U.S. Attorney General, Office of Legal Counsel, U.S. Department of Justice.

Željko Komšić

Željko Komšić is a member of Bosnia and Herzegovina’s presidency.

Ambassador (ret.) Karen Kornbluh

Amb. (ret.) Karen Kornbluh (@KarenKornbluh) is a Senior Fellow and Director of the Digital Innovation and Democracy Initiative at the German Marshall Fund of the United States and former U.S. Ambassador to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Ambassador Anton Korynevych

Dr. Anton Korynevych is Ambassador-at-large in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine. Korynevych is the Agent of Ukraine before the International Court of Justice in the Allegations of Genocide case and also served as agent in the Application of the International Convention for the Suppression of the Financing of Terrorism and of the International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination case.

David J. Kramer

David J. Kramer is Executive Director of the George W. Bush Institute and a former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor.

Caroline D. Krass

Caroline D. Krass is the General Counsel of the Department of Defense.

Claus Kress

Claus Kreß is a Professor of Criminal Law and Public International Law, the Chair for German and International Criminal Law, and Director of the Institute of International Peace and Security Law at the University of Cologne. He formerly Served in the German Federal Ministry of Justice.

David Kretzmer

David Kretzmer is Emeritus Professor of International and Constitutional Law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Kevin Kruse

Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) is a Professor of History at Princeton University. His most recent book, co-authored with Julian Zelizer, is Fault Lines: A History of the United States Since 1974 (Norton).

Philip Lacovara

Philip Lacovara served as Deputy Solicitor General of the United States (for Criminal and National Security Matters), Counsel to the Watergate Special Prosecutor, and President of The District of Columbia Bar.

Karin Landgren

Karin Landgren (@LandgrenKarin) is Executive Director of the Security Council Report. She previously served with the United Nations for over 35 years, and is the first woman to have headed three UN peace operations mandated by the Security Council.

David Lapan

David Lapan (@DaveLapanDC) is the Vice President of Communications for the Bipartisan Policy Center, previously served as press secretary and deputy secretary for media relations at the Department of Homeland Security, and is a retired colonel in the U.S. Marine Corps with more than 20 years of communication/public affairs experience at the highest levels of the U.S. Department of Defense.

Jonathan Lee

Jonathan Lee (@JonathanLLee) is a former Deputy Chief of Staff of the Department of Homeland Security (2015-2017), former Director for Human Rights and National Security Issues on the National Security Council Staff, formerly served at the Department of Defense in the Office of General Counsel, and formerly served at the Office of the Deputy Secretary of Defense.

Paul Lekas

Paul Lekas is a former Deputy General Counsel for Legal Counsel at the U.S. Department of Defense and a former Special Counsel to the DoD General Counsel.

J. William Leonard

Bill Leonard (LinkedIn - X) is former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense (Security & Information Operations) (2000-2002), former Director, Information Security Oversight Office (2002-2008), and former Chief Operating Officer, National Endowment for Democracy (2010-2019).

Hon. Andy Levin

Former U.S. Representative Andy Levin (@Andy_Levin) served on the Foreign Affairs Committee and founded the Haiti Caucus when he represented Michigan’s 9th District in Congress from 2019-2023.

Larry Lewis

Larry Lewis (@LarryLewis_) is the Director of the Center for Autonomy and Artificial Intelligence at Center for Naval Analyses. Lewis spent a decade analyzing real world operations as the project lead and primary author for many of the Department of Defense's Joint Lessons Learned studies. This article represents the opinion of the author alone, and not that of Center for Naval Analyses (CNA), the Department of Defense, or the U.S. government.

Michael Lewis

Michael W. Lewis (@MikeLewis64) is the Ella A. and Ernest H. Fisher Professor of Law at Ohio Northern University School of Law and formerly served in the U.S. Navy (1987-1995).

Harry Litman

Harry Litman (@harrylitman) is a former United States Attorney and Deputy Assistant Attorney General, a Constitutional Law Professor at UCLA and UCSD, a Washington Post columnist, a practicing attorney at Constantine Cannon, and the creator and host of the podcast Talking Feds.

Robert Litt

Robert S. Litt is a former General Counsel for the Director of National Intelligence ad currently of counsel in Morrison and Foerster’s national security practice.

Douglas London

Douglas London (@douglaslondon5) is the author of "The Recruiter: Spying and the Lost Art of American Intelligence," and teaches intelligence studies at Georgetown University's School of Foreign Service. He served in the CIA's Clandestine Service for more than 34 years, mostly in the Middle East, South and Central Asia and Africa, including three assignments as a Chief of Station and as the CIA’s Counterterrorism Chief for South and Southwest Asia.

Edward Lucas

Edward Lucas (@edwardlucas) is Senior Editor at The Economist and author of The Snowden Operation: Inside the West's Greatest Intelligence Disaster.

Daniel R. Mahanty

Daniel R. Mahanty (@danmahanty) is Director of the U.S. program at the Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC). He previously served 16 years at the U.S. Department of State.

Joseph Margulies

Joseph Margulies is Professor of the Practice of Law and Government at Cornell University.

Daniel Markey

Daniel Markey (@MarkeyDaniel) is a Senior Fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations and author of No Exit from Pakistan: America's Tortured Relationship with Islamabad.

Kate Martin

Kate Martin is a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress.

Elisa Massimino

Elisa Massimino (@ecmassimino) is the Robert F. Drinan, S.J., Chair in Human Rights at Georgetown University Law Center, a Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress, a former Senior Fellow with the Carr Center for Human Rights Policy at Harvard’s Kennedy School, a former Practitioner-in-Residence at Georgetown’s Walsh School of Foreign Service, and the former President and CEO of Human Rights First.

Michael Matheson

Michael Matheson was an attorney in the Legal Adviser's Office of the U.S. State Department for 28 years, completing his work there as Acting Legal Adviser. During that time he led the U.S. effort to revive international prosecution of war crimes through the creation of the International Criminal Tribunal for Yugoslavia, and he served as Ambassador to the international negotiations on conventional weapons. He then taught international law for 20 years at George Washington University Law School and other institutions, including Oxford and Stanford.

Timothy Mathews

Tim Mathews (@timmathews) is an U.S. Army JAG officer and formerly served as a US Army Infantry Officer (1999-2008).

Joshua Matz

Joshua Matz (@JoshuaMatz8) served as counsel to House Democrats for the first and second impeachments and trials of President Donald Trump and is a partner at Kaplan Hecker & Fink LLP.

Andrew G. McCabe

Andrew G. McCabe is former Acting Director and Deputy Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, a CNN legal analyst, and author of the New York Times bestselling book, The Threat: How the FBI Protects America in the Age of Terror and Trump.

Deborah A. McCarthy

Amb. (ret.) Deborah A. McCarthy (@AMB_DMcCarthy) is a board member of Keep Our Republic. She served as the U.S. Ambassador to Lithuania from 2013-2016 and has represented the United States in diplomatic postings in Greece and Nicaragua. She has also served as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs, among other senior roles at the State Department.

Kel McClanahan

Kel McClanahan ( is Executive Director of National Security Counselors, a Washington-area non-profit public interest law firm which specializes in national security law and information and privacy law, through which he often represents Intelligence Community employees and contractors.

Mary B. McCord

Mary B. McCord is Executive Director of the Institute for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection (ICAP) and Visiting Professor of Law at Georgetown University Law Center. She previously served as Acting Assistant Attorney General for National Security at the U.S. Department of Justice.

Michael McCord

Michael J. McCord (@Mike_J_McCord) served for eight years at the Department of Defense as the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)/Chief Financial Officer and before that as the Principal Deputy Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller) from January 2009 through January 2017. He formerly served for 21 years as a Professional Staff Member on the Senate Armed Services Committee for former Senators and Chairmen Sam Nunn and Carl Levin. He is now Director of Civil-Military Programs at the Stennis Center for Public Service Leadership and an Adjunct Research Staff Member at the Institute for Defense Analyses.

David McCraw

David McCraw is an Assistant General Counsel at The New York Times Company and Lead Litigation Counsel in The Times’s Freedom-of-Information Litigation.

Brian P. McKeon

Brian P. McKeon (@bpmckeon64) is Senior Director at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement. He served as Principal Deputy Under Secretary for Policy at the Department of Defense (2014-2017) and Acting Under Secretary. In the White House, he served as Deputy Assistant to the President, Executive Secretary and Chief of Staff of the National Security Council (2012-2014), and as Deputy National Security Adviser to Vice President Biden (2009-2012).

Ambassador P. Michael McKinley (ret.)

P. Michael McKinley was a career foreign service officer at the State Department for 37 years until his resignation in October 2019 over the Ukraine scandal. His last position was as senior advisor to the Secretary of State. He also served as U.S. Ambassador to Peru, Colombia, Afghanistan, and Brazil. His articles have appeared in Foreign Affairs, The Atlantic, and the Financial Times, among other publications.

Wade McMullen

Wade McMullen (@wademc) is a Staff Attorney for International Strategic Litigation Unit at the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice and Human Rights (RFK Center).

David Medine

David Medine is Chairman of the Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board.

Michael W. Meier

Michael Meier (@MWMeier23) recently served as the senior civilian adviser to the U.S. Army Judge Advocate General on matters related to the Law of Armed Conflict. Since 2023, he is Visiting Professor, Emory University School of Law and Acting Director, Emory International Humanitarian Law Clinic.

Juan E. Méndez

Juan E. Méndez is a Professor of Human Rights Law in Residence at Washington College of Law-American University, the former UN Special Rapporteur on torture and other cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment or punishment (2010-2016), the former Special Advisor of the UN Secretary-General on the Prevention of Genocide (2004-2007), the former Commissioner of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (2000-2003) and as its President in 2002, and a member of the Physicians for Human Rights Advisory Council.

John Merriam

Lt. Col. John Merriam (@JJ_Merriam) is a U.S. Army Judge Advocate and Deputy Staff Judge Advocate for the 10th Mountain Division.

Dario Milo

Professor Dario Milo (@Dariomilo) is a member of the High Level Panel of Legal Experts on Media Freedom and a partner at Webber Wentzel attorneys in Johannesburg, South Africa. He is an expert at Columbia University's Global Freedom of Expression initiative and is on the editorial board of the Journal of Media Law.

Lisa Monaco

Lisa Monaco is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at New York University Law School, a Senior Fellow at the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard, former White House Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Advisor (2013-2017), formerly served in the Department of Justice as Federal Prosecutor, the Chief of Staff to Former FBI Director Robert S. Mueller, III, and is an Assistant Attorney General for National Security.

Senator Jerry Moran

U.S. Senator Jerry Moran (@JerryMoran) (R-KS) is a United States Senator for Kansas.

Michael Morell

Michael Morell (LinkedIn) is an American former career intelligence analyst and the former deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

Luis Moreno Ocampo

Luis Moreno Ocampo (LinkedIn - X) was the founding Chief Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (2003-2012).

Sahr Muhammedally

Sahr Muhammedally (@Sahrmally) is the Director for MENA & South Asia at the Center for Civilians in Conflict (CIVIC).

Ambassador Peter Mulrean (ret.)

Ambassador Peter Mulrean is a retired Foreign Service Officer, former Director of UNRWA (UN Agency for Palestine Refugees) in New York, and member of Humanitarian Development Partnerships International (HDPI).

Ambassador Cameron Munter (ret.)

Cameron Munter (@MunterCameron) is a retired U.S. career diplomat whose final assignment was ambassador to Pakistan. He taught at Pomona College and Columbia Law School, and was president of the EastWest Institute, engaging in international conflict mediation. He is currently on the board of advisors of Just Security as well as other corporate and nonprofit organizations. He lives in Prague, where he consults globally.

Sean Murphy

Sean D. Murphy is the Manatt/Ahn Professor of International Law at George Washington University, a former President of the American Society of International Law, and a former member of the UN International Law Commission.

Aryeh Neier

President Emeritus of Open Society Foundations, founder and former Executive Director of Human Rights Watch, and former Executive Director of the ACLU.

Lord David Neuberger

Lord David Neuberger of Abbotsbury is Chair of the High Level Panel of Legal Experts on Media Freedom, and the former President of the Supreme Court of the U.K.

Mark Nevitt

Mark P. Nevitt (Bluesky - LinkedIn - X) Commander, JAGC (ret.) is an Associate Professor of Law at Emory University School of Law. He was previously the Class of 1971 Distinguished Military Professor of Leadership & Law at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, Associate Professor at Syracuse University College of Law, and the Sharswood Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania Law School.

Lawrence Norden

Lawrence Norden (@larrynorden) is senior director of the Elections & Government Program at the Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law

Binaifer Nowrojee

Binaifer Nowrojee (LinkedIn - X) is the President of the Open Society Foundations.

Karuna Nundy

Karuna Nundy (@karunanundy) is an Advocate at the Supreme Court of India and an international lawyer. She also is a Member of the High Level Panel of Legal Experts on Media Freedom.

Chidi Odinkalu

Chidi Odinkalu (@ChidiOdinkalu) is Professor of Practice in International Human Rights Law at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University.

Matt Olsen

Matt Olsen is a former Director of the National Counterterrorism Center and General Counsel for the National Security Agency.

Hon. Leon E. Panetta

Leon Panetta (LinkedIn) is a former secretary of defense and director of the Central Intelligence Agency and is the chairman of the Panetta Institute for Public Policy.

Scott Paul

Scott Paul (@ScottTPaul) is a Humanitarian Policy Lead at Oxfam America.

Raoul Peck

Raoul Peck is a writer, director, and producer (“I Am Not Your Negro,” “Exterminate All the Brutes”) and the former Minister of Culture of Haiti.

Eric Pelofsky

Eric Pelofsky (@EPelofsky) is a Visiting Fellow at the Washington Institute for Near East Policy, a former Special Assistant to the President, and the former Senior Director for North Africa and Yemen at the National Security Council (2014-2017).

E. Danya Perry

Danya Perry (@Edanyaperry) is Founding Partner at Perry Law. She is former Deputy Chief of the Criminal Division for the Southern District of New York, and former Deputy Attorney General for the State of New York and Chief of Investigations for the Moreland Commission to Investigate Public Corruption.

Nicola Perugini

Nicola Perugini (@PeruginiNic ) is a Senior Lecturer in international relations at the University of Edinburgh.

Orni Petruschka

Orni Petruschka is an Israeli high-tech entrepreneur, social activist and a philanthropist, and formerly served as a fighter pilot in the Israeli Air Force. He is a co-founder of the Israeli NGO Blue White Future.

Walter Pincus

Walter Pincus (@walterpincus) is a columnist and the Senior National Security Reporter at The Cipher Brief. He formerly reported for The Washington Post and is a Lecturer at Stanford in Washington.

Marc Polymeropoulos

Marc Polymeropoulos (@Mpolymer) retired in June 2019 from the Senior Intelligence Service ranks at the CIA after a 26 year career in operational headquarters and field management assignments covering the Middle East, Europe, Eurasia, and Counter Terrorism.

Katie Porter

Rep. Katie Porter (@RepKatiePorter) (D-CA) represents the 45th congressional district of California in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Michael Posner

Michael Posner (@mikehposner) is the Director of the NYU Stern Center for Business & Human Rights, Jerome Kohlberg Professor of Ethics and Finance at NYU Stern, former Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (2009-2013), and founding Executive Director and Former President of Human Rights First (1978-2009).

David Pozen

David Pozen is an Associate Professor of Law at Columbia Law School, a former Special Advisor to the U.S. Department of State’s Legal Adviser, and a former Special Assistant to Senator Edward M. Kennedy on the Senate Judiciary Committee.

John Prendergast

John Prendergast is a human rights and anti-corruption activist as well as a New York Times bestselling author who has focused on peace in Africa for over 35 years.

Balakrishnan Rajagopal

Balakrishnan Rajagopal (@adequatehousing) assumed his function as Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing on May 1, 2020. He is Professor of Law and Development at the Department of Urban Studies and Planning at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and a lawyer by training.

Dafna H. Rand

Dr. Dafna H. Rand (LinkedIn) served as Director of the Office of Foreign Assistance at the U.S. Department of State from 2021-2023.

Ambassador Stephen J. Rapp

Amb. Stephen Rapp (ret.) formerly served as U.S. Ambassador at Large for Global Criminal Justice from 2009-2015, prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, and senior trial attorney and chief of prosecutions at the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda. He was the U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Iowa in 1993-2001. He is Senior Fellow at the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum’s Center for Prevention of Genocide, and at Oxford University’s Center for Law, Ethics and Armed Conflict.

Samuel J. Rascoff

Samuel J. Rascoff is an Associate Professor of Law and Faculty Director of the Center on Law and Security at NYU School of Law.

Steven Ratner

Steven R. Ratner is the Bruno Simma Collegiate Professor of Law at the University of Michigan Law School, serves on the State Department's Advisory Committee on International Law, and formerly Served in the Legal Division of the ICRC in Geneva (2008-2009).

Natalie L. Reid

Natalie L. Reid is Co-Chair of the Public International Law Group and a Partner in the International Dispute Resolution Group at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP.

Robert Reinstein

Robert J. Reinstein is the Clifford Scott Green Chair in Law at the Temple University Beasley School of Law, a former Vice President of Temple University, a former Dean of Temple Law School, and former Chief of the General Litigation Section of the US Department of Justice.

Barry K. Robinson

Barry Robinson is a practicing attorney, former Chief Counsel for Economic Affairs at the U.S. Department of Commerce, and former Senior Counsel for Corporate Affairs for the Recording Industry Association of America, Inc.

Mimi Rocah

Mimi Rocah (@Mimirocah1) is a Legal Analyst for MSNBC and NBC News, a Distinguished Criminal Justice Fellow at Pace School of Law, and former Assistant United States Attorney in the Southern District of New York for 16.5 years from February 2001 until October 2017.

Francisco R. Rodríguez

Francisco R. Rodríguez (@frrodriguezc) is a Venezuelan economist and currently director and founder of Oil for Venezuela, a non-profit organization focused on finding solutions to Venezuela’s humanitarian crisis. He previously served as Head of the Economic and Financial Advisory of the Venezuelan National Assembly (2000-2004), Head of the Research Team of the United Nations’ Human Development Report Office (2008-2011), and Chief Andean Economist for Bank of America (2011-2016).

Chris Rogers

Chris Rogers (@ChristphrRogers) is a senior program officer with the Open Society Human Rights Initiative leading its work on Security and Rights.

Gabor Rona

Gabor Rona (@GaborRona1) is a former Legal Advisor in the Legal Division of the ICRC and former International Legal Director of Human Rights First. He now teaches law of armed conflict, international criminal law and international human rights law at Cardozo Law School.

Eric Rosand

Eric Rosand (@Eric_Rosand) is Executive Director of the Strong Cities Network and a former senior counterterrorism official with the U.S. Department of State. The views expressed do not necessarily reflect those of the Strong Cities Network nor its members or partners.

Menachem Z. Rosensaft

Menachem Z. Rosensaft is Adjunct Professor of Law at Cornell Law School, Lecturer-in-Law at Columbia Law School, General Counsel Emeritus of the World Jewish Congress, and President of the World Federation of Bergen-Belsen Associations. He is the author of “Poems Born in Bergen-Belsen” (Kelsay Books, 2021). The views expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of any organization with which he is affiliated.

Daniel J. Rosenthal

DJ Rosenthal (Bluesky - LinkedIn - X) is a Fellow with the National Security Institute at the Antonin Scalia Law School at George Mason University and previously served as Director for Counterterrorism at the National Security Council in the Obama White House and as Senior Counsel to the Assistant Attorney General for National Security at the Department of Justice.

Nicholas Rostow

Nicholas Rostow is a Senior Partner with the firm of Zumpano, Patricios & Popok PLLC in New York, NY.  He also is a Senior Research Scholar at the Yale Law School.

Kenneth Roth

Kenneth Roth (LinkedIn - X) was executive director of Human Rights Watch from 1993 to 2022. He is now a visiting professor at Princeton’s School of Public and International Affairs. His book, Right Wrongs, will be published by Knopf on February 25, 2025.

Mark J. Rozell

Mark J. Rozell (@MarkJRozellGMU) is dean of the Schar School of Policy and Government at George Mason University where he holds the Ruth D. and John T. Hazel Faculty Chair in Public Policy. He is author or co-author of eleven books, including Executive Privilege: Presidential Power, Secrecy and Accountability (4th edition, University Press of Kansas, 2020).

Ukrainian MP Kira Rudik

Kira Rudik (@kiraincongress) is a Member of Parliament in Ukraine and First Deputy Chairwoman of the Parliamentary Committee on Digital Transformation. She is Leader of the liberal political party "Golos" ("Voice"), and Vice-President of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE).

Rahul Sagar

Rahul Sagar (@rahulsagar) is an Associate Professor of Political Science at Yale NUS and author of Secrets and Leaks: The Dilemma of State Secrecy.

Kurt Sanger

Kurt Sanger is a Lieutenant Colonel and judge advocate in the United States Marine Corps.

Paul Scharre

Paul Scharre (@paul_scharre) is a Senior Fellow at the Center for a New America Security, Author of Army of None: Autonomous Weapons and the Future of War, formerly Served at the Office of the Secretary of Defense (2008-2013), and a former Infantryman in the 75th Ranger Regiment.

Ambassador David Scheffer

David Scheffer is former U.S. Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues and former U.N. Secretary-General’s Special Expert on U.N. Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials. He is a Senior Fellow of the Council on Foreign Relations and recipient of the American Bar Association’s 2024 Eleanor Roosevelt Prize for Global Human Rights Advancement.

Martin Scheinin

Martin Scheinin (@MartinScheinin) is Professor of Public International Law at the European University Institute and former United Nations Special Rapporteur on Human Rights and Counter-Terrorism (2005-2011).

Michael Schiffer

Michael Schiffer (LinkedIn) worked as Assistant Administrator for Asia at USAID from 2022 until January 20, 2025. He previously served as senior advisor and counselor on the Democratic staff of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for East Asia, and as Legislative Director and national security advisor to Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), among other posts.

Margo Schlanger

Margo Schlanger (@mjschlanger) is the Henry M. Butzel Professor of Law at the University of Michigan, heads the Civil Rights Litigation Clearinghouse, and is the former Officer for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties at the Department of Homeland Security (2010-2011).

Bertram Schmitt

Judge Bertram Schmitt is President of the Trial Division and Presiding Judge of Trial Chamber VII and IX at the International Criminal Court in The Hague.

Hon. Claudine Schneider

Hon. Claudine Schneider (@TimeforClaudine) served as a Republican member of Congress from Rhode Island.

Gabriel Schoenfeld

Gabriel Schoenfeld (@gabeschoenfeld) is a contributing editor at the American Interest and a member of USA Today’s Board of Contributors.

David Schulz

David Schulz (@MFIADave) is the Floyd Abrams Clinical Lecturer and Senior Research Scholar at Yale Law School, and serves as is Senior Counsel in the Media and Entertainment Group at Ballard Spahr, LLP.

David Schwendiman

David Schwendiman served as a prosecutor in the U.S. Department of Justice for over twenty-five years. He was the Chief Prosecutor of the Kosovo Specialist Prosecutor’s Office in The Hague from 2016 to 2018. He is an Adjunct Professor of Law at the University of Utah’s S.J. Quinney College of Law.

Stephen A. Seche

Stephen A. Seche is the Executive Vice President of the Arab Gulf States Institute in Washington, and served at U.S. Ambassador to Yemen from 2007 to 2010.

Ahmed Shaheed

Ahmed Shaheed (@ahmedshaheed) is the U.N. Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, a Senior Lecturer at the University of Essex School of Law, a Senior Fellow at Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights and Founding Chair of the Universal Rights Group.

Naureen Shah

Naureen Shah (@naureenshah) is Director of Amnesty International USA’s Security and Human Rights Program.

Yuval Shany

Yuval Shany (LinkedIn - X) is Hersch Lauterpacht Chair in International Law and Former Dean of the Law Faculty of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, former Member of the UN Human Rights Committee, Senior Research Fellow at the Israel Democracy Institute.

Ambassador Dana Shell Smith

Amb. Dana Shell Smith (ret.) (@AmbDana) is a Senior Non-Resident Fellow at Georgetown University, a Career Foreign Service Officer for 25 years, and served as U.S. Ambassador to the State of Qatar, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Public Affairs, Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Media, Regional Arabic Spokesperson, and at Embassies/Offices in Egypt, Israel, Gaza, Jordan, and Taiwan.

Gilead Sher

Gilead Sher (@GileadSher) was Chief of Staff and policy coordinator to Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, a senior negotiator at the Camp David summit and Taba talks (1999-2001), and a delegate to the 1995 Israeli-Palestinian Interim Agreement negotiations under Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin. He is a co-founder of the Israeli NGO Blue White Future.

Ambassador Douglas A. Silliman

Ambassador Douglas A. Silliman (ret.) is a former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq and Kuwait, and former senior advisor in the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs in the U.S. Department of State.

David J. Simon

David J. Simon (@djsimon7) is a Senior Lecturer in Political Science at Yale University, as well as the Director of the Genocide Studies Program and the co-Director of its Mass Atrocities in the Digital Era initiative.

Amrit Singh

Amrit Singh is a human rights lawyer who directs the project on national security and counterterrorism at the Open Society Justice Initiative.

Shirin Sinnar

Shirin Sinnar is Professor of Law at Stanford Law School.

John Sipher

John Sipher (@john_sipher) is Co-founder of Spycraft Entertainment, Director of Client Services at CrossLead, and a retired member of the CIA’s Senior Intelligence Service.

David L. Sloss

David Sloss is a Professor at the Santa Clara University of Law.

Adam M. Smith

Adam Smith served as the senior advisor to the director of the U.S. Treasury Department’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) and as the director for multilateral affairs on the National Security Council from 2010-2015. He is a Partner at the law firm of Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher.

Hon. Fern Smith

Hon. Fern Smith was appointed by President Ronald Reagan to the United States District Court for the Northern District of California.

Headshot of Ilya Somin

Ilya Somin

Ilya Somin (Bluesky - LinkedIn - X) is Professor of Law at George Mason University, B. Kenneth Simon Chair in Constitutional Studies at the Cato Institute, and author of Free to Move: Foot Voting, Migration and Political Freedom.

Ambassador Donald Steinberg

Amb. Donald Steinberg (ret.) is executive director of Mobilizing Allies for Women, Peace and Security. From 2021 to 2024, he served as expert advisor to the administrator of the U.S. Agency for International Development. His previous U.S. government service included Deputy Administrator at USAID and roles at the White House, the National Security Council and the State Department. His non-governmental service included president and CEO of the international nonprofit World Learning from 2013 to 2017.

Amie Stepanovich

Amie Stepanovich (@astepanovich) is the US Policy Manager at Access Now.

Mykola Stetsenko

Mykola Stetsenko is president of the Ukrainian Bar Association and Managing Partner at a leading Ukrainian law firm, AVELLUM, heading its Corporate/M&A Practice.

James G. Stewart

James G. Stewart (@jimgstewart) is an Associate Professor at the Peter A. Allard School of Law at the University of British Columbia, formerly worked for the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Tribunals for Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia, and formerly worked for the Legal Division of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Jake Sullivan

Jake Sullivan is a Senior Fellow at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and Brady-Johnson Distinguished Practitioner in Strategy at Yale University.  He served in the Obama administration as national security adviser to Vice President Joe Biden and Director of Policy Planning at the U.S. Department of State, as well as deputy chief of staff to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

Peter Swire

Peter Swire is the Huang Professor of Law and Ethics at the Georgia Tech Scheller College of Business, Former Chief Counselor for Privacy in the U.S. Office of Management and Budget (1999-2001), Former Special Assistant to the President for Economic Policy in the National Economic Council (2009-10), and Member of President Obama’s Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technology (2013)

Ambassador Rein Tammsaar

H.E. Mr. Rein Tammsaar is the Permanent Representative of the Republic of Estonia to the United Nations since August 2022.

Robert S. Taylor

Robert S. Taylor previously served as Principal Deputy General Counsel, Department of Defense (DoD). He currently is on the advisory boards of the Center for Climate & Security, and of the Tech, Law, and Security Program at the Washington College of Law (American University).

John Tierney

Former U.S. Rep. John Tierney (@reptierney) is Executive Director at the Center for Arms Control & Non-Proliferation and the Council for a Livable World. A nine-term Congressman from Massachusetts, he served on the House Intelligence Committee and chaired the National Security and Foreign Affairs Subcommittee of the Government Oversight and Reform Committee.

Tarek Z. Ismail

Tarek Z. Ismail (@tarekzismail) is the Co-Author of Illusion of Justice: Human Rights Abuses in US Terrorism Prosecution, Adviser to the Columbia Law School Human Rights Institute, and Former Fellow at the Counterterrorism and Human Rights Project (2011-2013) at the Columbia Law School Human Rights Institute

Patrick C. Toomey

Patrick Toomey (@PatrickCToomey) is the deputy director of the ACLU's National Security Project, where he works on issues related to privacy and surveillance, racial and ethnic discrimination, and the use of novel technologies like artificial intelligence.

Russell E. Travers

Russ Travers has served for 45 years in the Intelligence Community. He has held leadership positions in multiple intelligence organizations in the United States and overseas.

Gregory F. Treverton

Gregory F. Treverton (@gregtreverton) was Chair of the U.S. National Intelligence Council until January 2017. He is now Professor of the Practice at Dornsife College, University of Southern California, Chair of the Global TechnoPolitics Forum and Executive Advisor to SMA Corporation.

Laurence H. Tribe

Laurence H. Tribe (@tribelaw) is Carl M. Loeb University Professor of Constitutional Law Emeritus at Harvard University.

Jeffrey Vagle

Jeffrey L. Vagle (@jvagle) is an assistant professor of law at Georgia State University College of Law.

Brandon L. Van Grack

Brandon L. Van Grack (@BVanGrack) is a partner and co-chair of the National Security and Crisis Management practices at Morrison & Foerster LLP. He is a former senior national security official at the U.S. Department of Justice and former Chief of the FARA Unit.

General (ret.) Joseph Votel

General (ret.) Joseph Votel served as the Commanding General of U.S. Central Command and U.S. Special Operations Command. He is also a member of the Executive Board of the Center for Ethics and the Rule of Law (CERL) at the University of Pennsylvania.

Kenneth Watkin

Brigadier-General (Ret’d) Ken Watkin, OMM, CD, QC served 33 years in the Canadian Forces, and four years as the Judge Advocate General. He is the author of Fighting at the Legal Boundaries: Controlling the Use of Force in Contemporary Conflict.

Sean Watts

Sean Watts is a Professor at Creighton University Law School, a Reserve Instructor in the Department of Law at the United States Military Academy at West Point, a Senior Fellow at the NATO Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence, served as an Active-Duty Army Officer in both the Armor and Judge Advocate General’s Corps (1992-2007), and is a current Army Reservist.

William S. Dodge

William S. Dodge (LinkedIn - X) is Lobingier Professor of Comparative Law and Jurisprudence at the George Washington University Law School.

Fred Wertheimer

Fred Wertheimer is the Founder and President of Democracy 21, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that works to strengthen our democracy. He is also founder and President of Democracy 21 Education Fund, an organization affiliated with Democracy 21. He previously served as President of the citizens lobby Common Cause.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse

Member of the Senate Judiciary Committee and a former Rhode Island Attorney General and U.S. Attorney. Follow him on Twitter at (@SenWhitehouse)

Sarah Leah Whitson

Sarah Leah Whitson (LinkedIn, X) is the Executive Director of DAWN, which works to reform U.S. policy in the Middle East.

Senator Roger F. Wicker

U.S. Senator Roger F. Wicker (R-MS) (@SenatorWicker) is the co-chairman of the U.S. Helsinki Commission and the ranking member of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation for the 117th Congress.

Lt. Col. Winston Williams

Winston Williams is a Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army and Assistant Professor in the Department of Law at the United States Military Academy, West Point, New York.

Damon Wilson

Damon Wilson (@DamonMacWilson) is president and chief executive officer of the National Endowment for Democracy.

Richard Ashby Wilson

Richard Ashby Wilson (@RichardAWilson7) is the Gladstein Distinguished Chair of Human Rights and Professor of Law and Anthropology at UConn School of Law.

Jill Wine-Banks

Jill Wine-Banks (@JillWineBanks) served as Assistant Special Prosecutor in the Watergate obstruction of justice trial against the top aides to President Nixon. She is now a legal contributor to NBC News.

John Fabian Witt

John Fabian Witt (@JohnFabianWitt) is the Allen H. Duffy Class of 1960 Professor of Law at Yale Law School and Professor in the Yale History Department.

Ambassador (ret.) Lee Wolosky

Lee Wolosky (@LeeWolosky) served under four U.S. Presidents in national security and legal positions, most recently as Special Counsel to President Biden. He is currently a partner at Jenner & Block LLP but the views expressed herein are exclusively his own.

Lloyd Wright

Lloyd E. Wright is a Virginia farmer and Former Director of the Office of Civil Rights at the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Senator Ron Wyden

Senator Ron Wyden (@RonWyden) (D-OR) is a United States Senator for Oregon.

Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Stephen N. Xenakis, MD

Stephen N. Xenakis, M.D., Brigadier General (Ret.), U.S. Army is a psychiatrist and a member of the Executive Board of the Center for Ethics and Rule of Law.

Can Yeginsu

Can Yeginsu (@Can_Yeginsu) is a Barrister practicing from 3 Verulam Buildings in London, a Lecturer in Law at Columbia Law School and an Adjunct Professor of Law at Georgetown Law and Koç University Law School. He is Deputy Co-Chair of the High Level Panel of Legal Experts on Media Freedom.

Limor Yehuda

Limor Yehuda is a former human rights lawyer at the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) and currently a Research Fellow at The Truman Research Institute for the Advancement of Peace, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Julian Zelizer

Julian E. Zelizer (@julianzelizer) is a Professor of History and Public Affairs at Princeton University and a New America Fellow. His most recent book, co-authored with Kevin Kruse, is Fault Lines: A History of the United States Since 1974 (Norton).