Use of Force

Історична резолюція Генеральної Асамблеї ООН закликає до виплати репарацій Україні

by , , and

Nov 16th, 2022

Historic UNGA Resolution Calls for Ukraine Reparations

by , , and

Nov 16th, 2022

How Support to Partner Forces Enables Secret War


Nov 3rd, 2022

Ending Perpetual War


Oct 25th, 2022

What the White House Use of Force Policy Means for the War in Somalia


Oct 20th, 2022

Time to Come Clean: The Canadian Armed Forces and Protection of Civilians


Oct 19th, 2022

The Biden Drone Playbook: The Elusive Promise of Restrained Counterterrorism


Oct 17th, 2022

Assessing Biden’s New Policy Framework for Counterterrorism Direct Action


Oct 11th, 2022

Припиніть говорити «анексовані території»: альтернативи терміну агресора


Oct 5th, 2022

Stop Saying “Annexed Territories”: Alternatives to the Bully’s Term


Oct 5th, 2022

Q&A on Russia-Backed Referendums in Eastern Ukraine and International Law

by and

Sep 24th, 2022

How the FY23 NDAA Can Strengthen Oversight and Transparency of U.S. Security Assistance and Civilian Harm (Part II)


Sep 12th, 2022

Справедливість щодо злочину агресії сьогодні, стримування агресивних війн завтра: українська перспектива


Aug 24th, 2022

Justice for the Crime of Aggression Today, Deterrence for the Aggressive Wars of Tomorrow: A Ukrainian Perspective


Aug 24th, 2022

What Was the International Legal Basis for the Strike on al-Zawahiri?


Aug 9th, 2022

In Support of Sunsets: Easy Yes Votes on AUMF Reform


Jul 13th, 2022

Визначення геноциду та Україна: запитання та відповіді з колишнім послом Тоддом Бухвальдом


Jun 14th, 2022

Genocide Determinations and Ukraine: A Q&A with Fmr. Ambassador Todd Buchwald


Jun 14th, 2022

A Memory of Solferino


May 26th, 2022

Using the 1933 Soviet Definition of Aggression to Condemn Russia Today


May 24th, 2022

Використання радянського визначення агресії 1933 року для засудження Росії сьогодні


May 24th, 2022

Still at War: The United States in Iraq


May 18th, 2022

Biden’s New Counterterrorism Policy in Somalia: Cautions and Unknowns


May 17th, 2022

DoD Needs to Rethink its Civilian Casualty Reporting Mechanism

by and

May 9th, 2022

Still at War: The United States in Syria

by and

Apr 29th, 2022

Congressional Action on Civilian Harm Resulting from U.S. Military Operations: Part I

by and

Apr 28th, 2022

Congressional Action on Civilian Harm Resulting from U.S. Military Operations: Part II

by , and

Apr 28th, 2022

Still at War: The Forever War Legal Paradigm in Afghanistan


Apr 14th, 2022

Still at War: The United States in the Sahel


Apr 7th, 2022

Конституційні обмеження України: як домогтися відповідальності за злочин агресії

by and

Apr 5th, 2022

Ukraine’s Constitutional Constraints: How to Achieve Accountability for the Crime of Aggression

by and

Apr 5th, 2022

Still at War: The United States in Somalia

by and

Mar 31st, 2022

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