United Nations

Six Ways the US and the International Community Can Help Haiti Without Armed Intervention

by , and

Oct 19th, 2022

At the UN: New Moves to Speak Up for a Crimes Against Humanity Treaty

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Oct 6th, 2022

UN Members Should Reject Sudan Junta’s Membership on the Human Rights Council

by , and

Oct 5th, 2022

The United Nations in Hindsight: The Long and Winding Road to Security Council Reform

by , and

Sep 30th, 2022

The Risks and Rewards of Planning for Ukraine’s Recovery Amid Ongoing War


Sep 29th, 2022

Аргументи щодо створення Спеціального трибуналу для переслідування злочину агресії, вчиненого щодо України


Sep 28th, 2022

The Case for Creating a Special Tribunal to Prosecute the Crime of Aggression Committed Against Ukraine (Part IV)


Sep 28th, 2022

US Intervention in Ukraine v. Russia at the ICJ: A Q&A with Chimène Keitner


Sep 27th, 2022

The Case for Creating a Special Tribunal to Prosecute the Crime of Aggression Committed Against Ukraine


Sep 26th, 2022

Аргументи щодо створення Спеціального трибуналу для переслідування злочину агресії, вчиненого щодо України


Sep 26th, 2022

The Case for Creating a Special Tribunal to Prosecute the Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine (Part III)


Sep 26th, 2022

Mexico’s Initiative for Dialogue and Peace in Ukraine

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Sep 23rd, 2022

Tracking UNGA 77: Notable Moments and Key Themes

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Sep 22nd, 2022

On Crimes Against Humanity, Protect the UN Sixth Committee’s Integrity With Action

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Sep 22nd, 2022

Framing the Problem of Hunger and Conflict at the UN Security Council


Sep 22nd, 2022

Addressing Atrocity Crimes at the United Nations General Assembly’s 77th Session


Sep 21st, 2022

Річард Гоуен про Україну та те, як російська війна дається взнаки в ООН


Sep 20th, 2022

Richard Gowan on Ukraine and How Russia’s War Reverberates at the United Nations


Sep 20th, 2022

The Failing Response to Violent Extremism in Africa – and the Need to Reform the International Approach


Sep 19th, 2022

The UN’s Summit of the Future: Advancing Multilateralism in an Age of Hypercompetitive Geopolitics

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Sep 16th, 2022

Crimes Against Humanity in Xinjiang: The UN (Finally) Weighs In


Sep 15th, 2022

Tit-for-Tat Hostilities In Syria: War Powers and International Law Implications

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Sep 8th, 2022

A UN Report Implicates the Chinese Government in Crimes Against Humanity. What Comes Next?


Sep 8th, 2022

The UN’s Counterterrorism Office Wants a Seven-Fold Budget Increase. First, Tackle Underperformance and Risks.


Sep 6th, 2022

The United Nations in Hindsight: The Security Council and Weapons of Mass Destruction


Aug 31st, 2022

Let’s Talk About Compliance with International Humanitarian Law


Aug 24th, 2022

After a Year of Privation With the Taliban’s Return, the People of Afghanistan Deserve Better from the US and the World

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Aug 15th, 2022

The Tenth NPT Revcon: What’s at Stake for the Global Nuclear Order


Jul 29th, 2022

Sri Lanka’s Real Reckoning is Yet to Come


Jul 20th, 2022

Protecting Civilians from Explosive Weapons in Populated Areas: A New Political Declaration


Jul 6th, 2022

Meeting the Challenges of International Organizations’ New Threat Environment

by and

Jun 28th, 2022

Heed the Lessons From 2011 Libya to Prevail in Ukraine Today


Jun 28th, 2022

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