UN Charter

З початком роботи МКС, російські солдати мають повернутись додому


Mar 4th, 2022

With the Int’l Criminal Court Going In, Russian Soldiers Should Go Home


Mar 4th, 2022

The Legal Obligation to Recognize Russian Deserters as Refugees


Mar 2nd, 2022

Ahead of the State of the Union: Analysis from Diplomats, Top Experts

by and

Feb 28th, 2022

Holding Putin and Russia Accountable: A List of Legal and Policy Options

by , , and

Feb 25th, 2022

On Empathy, Scholarship, and Political Action: A Response to Lahmann

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Nov 24th, 2021

Stirring Trouble at the Border: Is Belarus in Violation of International Law? – Part 1

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Nov 16th, 2021

In Afghanistan, Lest We Forget


Aug 16th, 2021

The Definition of Aggression and Self-Defense


Dec 14th, 2020

The UN Charter’s Original Effect on State Sovereignty and the Use of Force


Aug 27th, 2020

Questions the Senate Should Ask State Legal Adviser Nominee CJ Mahoney

by and

Jul 20th, 2020

The United Nations Charter at 75: Between Force and Self-Defense — Part Two


Jun 24th, 2020

The United Nations Charter at 75: Between Force and Self-Defense — Part One


Jun 24th, 2020

Iranian Gunboat Harassment and the Rules of Engagement

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May 7th, 2020

The Use of Regional Jurisprudence in UN Draft General Comment on the Freedom of Assembly


Feb 7th, 2020

Saudi Crackdown on Dissent Violates Kingdom’s International Legal Obligations

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Jan 29th, 2020

The Targeted Killing of General Soleimani: Its Lawfulness and Why It Matters


Jan 8th, 2020

The Rio Treaty: Paving the Way for Military Intervention in Venezuela?


Oct 29th, 2019

Reassessing U.S. Cyber Operations Against Iran and the Use of Force


Oct 17th, 2019

U.S. Offensive Cyber Operations against Economic Cyber Intrusions: An International Law Analysis – Part II


Jul 16th, 2019

Iran’s Shifting Views on Self-Defense and ‘Intraterritorial’ Force

by and

Jul 3rd, 2019

What’s the Mission in Syria? The Answer May be Illegal and Without U.S. Allies’ Support


Feb 25th, 2019

Them’s Fightin’ Words? State Dept. Ramps Up Iran Rhetoric


Nov 28th, 2018

U.S. Military’s “Collective Self-Defense” of Non-State Partner Forces: What Does International Law Say?


Oct 26th, 2018

The U.N. Security Council’s Outsized Role in Shaping Counter Terrorism Regulation and Its Impact on Human Rights


Oct 19th, 2018

U.N. Peace Operations Should Get Off the Counter-Terror Bandwagon

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Sep 4th, 2018

The Latin American View of Jus ad Bellum


May 16th, 2018

AI, Law of Armed Conflict, and “Liminal” Conflict Among Technological Peer Great Powers


May 14th, 2018

A View from a Syrian International Lawyer: Were the April 14 Strikes Legal?


May 11th, 2018

UPDATE: Mapping States’ Reactions to the Syria Strikes of April 2018

by , , and

May 7th, 2018

Mapping States’ Reactions to the U.S. Strikes Against Syria of April 2018–A Comprehensive Guide

by , , and

May 7th, 2018

If Syria Strikes Violated International Law, What Arguments Would Be Made for Sentencing the Guilty Parties?


May 4th, 2018