
Gender and Right-Wing Extremism in America: Why Understanding Women’s Roles is Key to Preventing Future Acts of  Domestic Terrorism

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Mar 5th, 2021

COVID-19 and Terrorism in the West: Has Radicalization Really Gone Viral?

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Mar 4th, 2021

Revitalize US Multilateral Engagement on Counterterrorism and Violent Extremism as Well


Mar 3rd, 2021

What We Can Learn from Global Policy About Preventing Domestic Extremism


Mar 2nd, 2021

Letting Diplomacy Lead US Counterterrorism: What Would That Look Like?


Mar 1st, 2021

In Shamima Begum Case, UK Supreme Court Dismisses Rights and Overlooks Potential Victimhood


Feb 26th, 2021

Right-Wing Extremism: An International Threat


Feb 26th, 2021

Telegram: A Growing Social Media Refuge, for Good and Ill


Feb 26th, 2021

Families in the Crosshairs of National Security

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Feb 22nd, 2021

Biden Executive Actions Make Unity Possible for Millions of Marginalized Americans


Feb 16th, 2021

To End the Forever Wars, Rein in the Drones


Feb 16th, 2021

To Prevent Domestic Terrorism, the US Needs Community Reporting That Protects Civil Liberties

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Feb 9th, 2021

Defining “Endless War” is Essential for Proper Strategic Analysis of America’s Wars


Feb 3rd, 2021

If the US Wants to Push Back on Authoritarian Agendas at the UN, Get Counterterrorism Right

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Feb 1st, 2021

Violent Extremism and the Governance Challenge


Jan 29th, 2021

US Terrorist Designation for Houthis is Bad for Yemen Even Beyond Crippling Aid Efforts


Jan 25th, 2021

Blinken Sails Through Queries on Iran, China, Russia, NATO, and More in Secretary of State Confirmation Hearing


Jan 20th, 2021

Questions to Guide an Investigation of the Capitol Attack


Jan 11th, 2021

Pentagon Moves Undermine Counterterrorism Strategy

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Jan 5th, 2021

Biden Must Stick to His Pledge to End US Support for the Yemen War

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Dec 14th, 2020

Defending Women’s Rights Is Not Terrorism: A Saudi Prosecution on Human Rights Day

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Dec 11th, 2020

Biden’s Global Priority No. 1: Turn the Authoritarian Tide


Dec 8th, 2020

The Risks of Relying on Counterterrorism Laws to Reduce Wartime Sexual Violence


Dec 7th, 2020

Defending Human Rights Is Not Terrorism: The Egypt Arrests as a Case in Point

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Nov 30th, 2020

On Accountability and the Next Presidency, Starting With the Cabinet

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Nov 23rd, 2020

Mali: The “Good” Coup d’État?


Nov 19th, 2020

Plan to Pull U.S. Troops from Somalia is Cold Comfort Amid Civilian Toll of Air War


Oct 31st, 2020

Militarized Counterterrorism in Africa: Moving Beyond a Failed Approach

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Oct 30th, 2020

The Necessity of Enforcing Humanitarian Law and Human Rights in the Context of Counterterrorism


Oct 29th, 2020

Investigation Highlights Transparency Need on US, UK Roles in Kenyan Counterterrorism


Oct 28th, 2020

Great Power Competition Versus Counterterrorism: A False Dichotomy


Oct 23rd, 2020

GIFCT: Possibly the Most Important Acronym You’ve Never Heard Of


Sep 30th, 2020

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