International and Foreign

Beyond a “Hate Crime”: “Replacement” Rhetoric and the Genocide Worry


May 31st, 2022

Russia’s Nuclear Threat Inflation: Misguided and Dangerous

by and

May 31st, 2022

Weaponizing Underwater Archaeology in the Russia-Ukraine War – and Beyond


May 26th, 2022

Colombia’s `Second Independence?’ Likely Left Victory Marks Historic Shift


May 25th, 2022

Human Rights Challenges Highlight Taiwan’s Ongoing Democratic Transition


May 23rd, 2022

Створення міжнародної спеціальної комісії для України

by , and

May 20th, 2022

Launching an International Claims Commission for Ukraine

by , and

May 20th, 2022

Збірка заяв країн, які називають дії Росії в Україні «геноцидом»


May 20th, 2022

Compilation of Countries’ Statements Calling Russian Actions in Ukraine “Genocide”


May 20th, 2022

With New Global Fragility Act, US Must Avoid Past Mistakes and Let Haitians Control Their Own Democracy


May 19th, 2022

An Offer NATO Cannot (and Should Not) Refuse: Finland’s Membership


May 12th, 2022

In Lebanon, Elections Bring Cautious Hope – and an Uphill Battle for Reforms

by and

May 12th, 2022

Internal Palestinian Divisions and Their Consequences


May 12th, 2022

In Alliance with Poland, U.S. Must Emphasize Refugee Protection


May 11th, 2022

US, EU Face Higher Hurdles Now for Action Against Orbán’s Tightening Grip in Hungary


May 10th, 2022

War’s Aftermath in Ukraine: Preparing Now for the Day After


May 5th, 2022

Наслідки війни в Україні: готуємося зараз до прийдешнього дня


May 5th, 2022

What Elon Musk Does Not Get about Twitter and Democracy in Africa


May 4th, 2022

How Cambodia’s Human Rights Crackdown Undermines Regional Security

by and

May 4th, 2022

The Beginning of the End for Criminal Defamation in the Americas? The El Universo Case

by and

May 3rd, 2022

¿El principio del fin de la difamación penal en las Américas? El caso de El Universo

by and

May 2nd, 2022

To Check Iran’s Missiles, JCPOA Re-Entry is a Must

by and

May 2nd, 2022

Tunisia’s Democratic Backsliding and Economic Woes Illustrate the Limits of Transition


Apr 28th, 2022

Time for the International Community to Get Serious About Protecting Human Rights in Afghanistan

by and

Apr 22nd, 2022

Reviving an Idea for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Disengage, then Engage

by , and

Apr 21st, 2022

How To Fix the Broken Position of U.S. Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa


Apr 20th, 2022

Strengthening Democracy With the Global Fragility Act: Getting Political Transformation Right

by and

Apr 19th, 2022

Opening Stages in UN Cybercrime Treaty Talks Reflect Human Rights Risks

by , and

Apr 18th, 2022

How the War in Ukraine Illustrates the Weakness of US Policy Toward Africa


Apr 18th, 2022

Звіт ОБСЄ про воєнні злочини в Україні: ключові висновки


Apr 15th, 2022

Наступний акт Путіна в Україні – і як США та союзники можуть підготуватися


Apr 15th, 2022

Putin’s Next Play in Ukraine – And How the US and Allies Can Prepare


Apr 15th, 2022

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