International and Foreign

Tracking COP27: Notable Moments and Key Themes

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Nov 18th, 2022

Is Colombia Trapped in “War Mode?” In Wake of Truth Commission, New Leftist Government Recalibrates US Ties


Nov 18th, 2022

Amid the Russia-Ukraine War, a Dutch Court Prepares to Rule on Four Suspects in the 2014 Downing of Flight MH17


Nov 15th, 2022

America’s Autocratic Persian Gulf ‘Partners’ Are Actually Liabilities

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Nov 15th, 2022

Iranian Women’s Demands for Freedom Must Be Heard


Nov 14th, 2022

Право міжнародних договорів у воєнний час: приклад Чорноморської зернової ініціативи

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Nov 10th, 2022

Ukraine’s Anti-Corruption Fight Can Overcome US Skeptics

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Nov 10th, 2022

The Law of Treaties in Wartime: The Case of the Black Sea Grain Initiative

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Nov 10th, 2022

Southeast Asia’s Leaders Should Work Toward a Freer Internet


Nov 10th, 2022

Війна Путіна проти України та ризики поспішного ведення переговорів


Nov 9th, 2022

Putin’s War Against Ukraine and the Risks of Rushing to Negotiations


Nov 9th, 2022

Аргументи щодо створення Спеціального трибуналу для переслідування злочину агресії, вчиненого щодо України

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Nov 8th, 2022

The Case for Creating a Special Tribunal to Prosecute the Crime of Aggression Committed Against Ukraine (Part VI): On the Non-Applicability of Personal Immunities

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Nov 8th, 2022

The Mining Gap: Critical Minerals and Geopolitical Competition

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Nov 7th, 2022

As Another “Never Again” Scenario Quickly Approaches in Tigray, the Biden Administration Must Hold Parties to Their Word

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Nov 3rd, 2022

Only Holding All to Account in Ethiopia Will Ensure its Survival

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Nov 3rd, 2022

UN Efforts on Ukraine, However Imperfect, Highlight Importance of International Cooperation


Nov 3rd, 2022

Turkey’s Erdoğan Deploys Sweden and Finland’s NATO Membership Bids to Further His Repression


Oct 28th, 2022

Emerging Tech Has a Front-Row Seat at India-Hosted UN Counterterrorism Meeting. What About Human Rights?


Oct 28th, 2022

India’s Abuses at Home Raise Concerns About Its Global Counterterrorism Role


Oct 27th, 2022

Why We Need the Alien Tort Statute Clarification Act Now

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Oct 27th, 2022

Global Rule of Law Index: Easing Health Crisis Unmasks Persistent Governance Crisis

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Oct 26th, 2022

Forging a Cooperative Relationship Between International Criminal Court and a Special Tribunal for Aggression Against Ukraine


Oct 25th, 2022

Налагодження співпраці між МКС і Спеціальним трибуналом переслідування злочину агресії, вчиненого щодо України


Oct 25th, 2022

New US Semiconductor Export Controls Signify Dramatic Shift in Tech Relations With China


Oct 24th, 2022

The International Court of Justice: A Bright Light in Dark Times


Oct 24th, 2022

Six Ways the US and the International Community Can Help Haiti Without Armed Intervention

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Oct 19th, 2022

Addressing Putin’s Nuclear Threat: Thinking Like the Cold War KGB Officer That He Was


Oct 18th, 2022

Why the US Still Can’t Have It All: Biden’s National Security Strategy


Oct 14th, 2022

The Crime of Aggression: Putting Lukashenko and His Senior Officials on Notice


Oct 14th, 2022

Extremist Ideologies and the Roots of Mass Atrocities: Lessons for Ukraine


Oct 14th, 2022

The Politics of the ECCC: Lessons from Cambodia’s Unique and Troubled Accountability Effort


Oct 13th, 2022

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