
Why the US Still Can’t Have It All: Biden’s National Security Strategy


Oct 14th, 2022

The Law of Occupation Must Address the Lives of Women and Girls


Oct 12th, 2022

Biden’s New Counterterrorism Policy Guidance Further Entrenches the Forever War


Oct 11th, 2022

Assessing Biden’s New Policy Framework for Counterterrorism Direct Action


Oct 11th, 2022

UN Members Should Reject Sudan Junta’s Membership on the Human Rights Council

by , and

Oct 5th, 2022

Боротьба з ядерним шантажем Путіна


Sep 28th, 2022

Dealing with Putin’s Nuclear Blackmail


Sep 28th, 2022

Bombing for Peace in Somalia? Time for a Different Approach

by , and

Sep 28th, 2022

Q&A on Russia-Backed Referendums in Eastern Ukraine and International Law

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Sep 24th, 2022

The Failing Response to Violent Extremism in Africa – and the Need to Reform the International Approach


Sep 19th, 2022

Human Rights Due Diligence: A Defense Industry Business Necessity


Sep 13th, 2022

Preventing Violent Extremism in Africa: The Overlooked Role of Mayors and the Governments They Lead

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Sep 9th, 2022

Tit-for-Tat Hostilities In Syria: War Powers and International Law Implications

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Sep 8th, 2022

The UN’s Counterterrorism Office Wants a Seven-Fold Budget Increase. First, Tackle Underperformance and Risks.


Sep 6th, 2022

Strategic Ambiguity Isn’t Working to Deter China on Taiwan – It Will Invade Anyway. It’s Time to Commit


Sep 1st, 2022

How the FY23 NDAA Can Strengthen U.S. Efforts to Prevent and Respond to Civilian Harm (Part I)


Aug 25th, 2022

Gendering the Legal Review of New Means and Methods of Warfare


Aug 23rd, 2022

What Was the International Legal Basis for the Strike on al-Zawahiri?


Aug 9th, 2022

The Tenth NPT Revcon: What’s at Stake for the Global Nuclear Order


Jul 29th, 2022

The Biden Administration’s Senseless Opposition to Congress’s Effort to Prevent Abusive National Guard Deployments

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Jul 28th, 2022

Щодо України: остерігайтеся пасток тимчасових миротворчих угод


Jul 18th, 2022

On Ukraine, Beware the Pitfalls of Interim Peacemaking Deals


Jul 18th, 2022

US Democracy’s Survival Requires a More Powerful Response to January 6th


Jul 15th, 2022

In Support of Sunsets: Easy Yes Votes on AUMF Reform


Jul 13th, 2022

Heed the Lessons From 2011 Libya to Prevail in Ukraine Today


Jun 28th, 2022

The West is Shoring Up its Vulnerabilities in the Baltic – The NATO Summit Should End the Zombie Policy on the Balkans Too


Jun 27th, 2022

France Looks to New NATO Strategic Concept to Advance European Defense Capabilities


Jun 24th, 2022

Preventing the UN Peacekeeping Mission in Mali from Falling into Irrelevance


Jun 16th, 2022

Don’t Forget Your Friends: Risks and Opportunities in Security Partnerships


Jun 9th, 2022

US Military Support to the Saudi-Led Coalition in Yemen Amid Civilian Toll: Mapping the Connections

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Jun 4th, 2022

Transitional Justice in Ukraine: Guidance to Policymakers

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Jun 2nd, 2022

Перехідне правосуддя в Україні: рекомендації для полісімейкерів

by and

Jun 2nd, 2022

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