Military Commissions
What is no longer classified? (and what does it portend for the credibility of government declarations insisting on the need for categorical secrecy of covert action programs?)
Feb 25th, 2015
New Article (and February 2015 Symposium) on Prosecuting Military Detainees in Civilian Courts
Dec 24th, 2014
New al-Nashiri developments . . . regarding the MV Limburg and USS COLE charges [UPDATED as of late November]
Oct 17th, 2014
The important and difficult issues in the al-Nashiri case: When did the war begin? And was the COLE bombing a war crime?
Aug 11th, 2014
Backgrounder: Preliminary Examination into Abuses by United Kingdom Personnel in Iraq
May 14th, 2014
Judge Pohl’s order requiring disclosure of details of CIA’s “black sites” now unclassified
Apr 22nd, 2014