Local Voices

How Latin America Could Inspire and Inform the US Fight for Reproductive Justice

by and

Aug 19th, 2022

After a Year of Privation With the Taliban’s Return, the People of Afghanistan Deserve Better from the US and the World

by and

Aug 15th, 2022

America’s Forgotten Balkan Allies


Jul 28th, 2022

What the World Owes Haiti Now

by and

Jun 29th, 2022

Transitional Justice in Ukraine: Guidance to Policymakers

by and

Jun 2nd, 2022

Перехідне правосуддя в Україні: рекомендації для полісімейкерів

by and

Jun 2nd, 2022

Маріуполь і зародження та перспективи перехідного правосуддя в Україні


Jun 1st, 2022

Mariupol and the Origins and Avenues of Ukraine’s Transitional Justice Process


Jun 1st, 2022

In Lebanon, Elections Bring Cautious Hope – and an Uphill Battle for Reforms

by and

May 12th, 2022

What Elon Musk Does Not Get about Twitter and Democracy in Africa


May 4th, 2022

‘The Hour These Hostilities Began’: Ukrainians Mobilize to Document War Crimes


Apr 26th, 2022

«Година, коли почалися бойові дії»: українці мобілізуються задля документування воєнних злочинів


Apr 26th, 2022

Reviving an Idea for the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: Disengage, then Engage

by , and

Apr 21st, 2022

Ukrainian Journalists Are Winning the “Information War” Russia Is Waging Against Ukraine, But They Need Help

by , and

Apr 7th, 2022

Українські журналісти перемагають в інформаційній війні Росії проти України, але потребують допомоги

by , and

Apr 6th, 2022

Why the ICC’s First Trial on Darfur is About More Than Securing Justice

by and

Apr 4th, 2022

Hijab Bans, Hindutva, and the Burden of Hindsight


Mar 28th, 2022

Insight from Ukraine: Revitalizing Belief in International Law


Mar 18th, 2022

Погляд з України: відроджуючи віру в міжнародне право


Mar 17th, 2022

From Truth to Justice in The Gambia

by and

Mar 14th, 2022

A Transitional Period Constitutional Question in Sudan


Feb 16th, 2022

Haitians Have Built Consensus on a Democratic Way Forward. Why Is an Undemocratic Leader Still in Office?


Feb 7th, 2022

La France n’est pas un havre de paix pour les auteurs de violations des droits de l’homme, malgré l’avis de la Haute Cour

by and

Feb 4th, 2022

France Is Not a Safe Haven for Human Rights Abusers – Despite High Court Opinion

by and

Dec 9th, 2021

The Impact on Israel’s National Security of Reopening – or Not – of a US Consulate for Palestinians in Jerusalem

by and

Nov 29th, 2021

Sudan’s Constitutional Crisis: Dissecting the Coup Declaration


Nov 3rd, 2021

How Many (More) Sudanese Have to Die for Democracy?

by and

Oct 29th, 2021

Counterterrorism Off the Rails: Israel’s Declaration of Palestinian Human Rights Groups as “Terrorist” Organizations

by and

Oct 24th, 2021

Peace Is Threatened Again in Bosnia, A Quarter Century after Dayton

by and

Oct 22nd, 2021

Afghan Refugees in India Highlight the Need for Indian Domestic Refugee Law


Oct 18th, 2021

Filmmaker: Ex-US Envoy’s Words Tell the Story of Our Lives in Haiti


Oct 12th, 2021

Human Rights Plaintiff: US-EU Election Plan for Bosnia Rewards Nationalist Agendas


Oct 5th, 2021