
8 Top Experts on Strength of Dominion Suing Trump for Defamation, If It Wants To


Jul 19th, 2022

Russia Should Not be Designated a State Sponsor of Terrorism


Jul 11th, 2022

Greenhouse Gaslighting: Deceptive Moderation and West Virginia v. EPA


Jul 5th, 2022

Protecting the Freedom of Peaceful Assembly After Bruen: A Roadmap for State Lawmakers

by and

Jun 30th, 2022

Meeting the Challenges of International Organizations’ New Threat Environment

by and

Jun 28th, 2022

NSO v. WhatsApp: Should the Solicitor General Recommend Allowing Foreign Corporations to Claim Immunity?


Jun 9th, 2022

Amid New Trial, End of Chinese Espionage “Initiative” Brings Little Relief to US Academics Caught in Net of Fear

by and

Mar 22nd, 2022

Судовий розгляд агресії в обхідний спосіб


Mar 22nd, 2022

Litigating Aggression Backwards


Mar 22nd, 2022

In US v. Husayn (Abu Zubaydah), the Supreme Court Calls Torture What It Is


Mar 11th, 2022

Розслідування МКС в Україні: краш-тест для доказів, створених користувачами

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Mar 2nd, 2022

The Int’l Criminal Court’s Ukraine Investigation: A Test Case for User-Generated Evidence

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Mar 2nd, 2022

Denezpi v. U.S.: Double Jeopardy, Dual Sovereignty, and Tribal Courts


Feb 12th, 2022

How the U.S. Government Built the Largest System of Prior Restraint in U.S. History

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Feb 7th, 2022

Mexico v. Smith & Wesson: High-Stakes Gun Suit May Turn on Choice-of-Law Analysis


Feb 4th, 2022

Penobscot v. Frey: A Chance to Correct Course on Sovereignty Jurisprudence


Feb 1st, 2022

Biden Team Gets It Right on Inadmissibility of Torture Evidence in Al-Nashiri Case


Feb 1st, 2022

Prepublication Review and the Quicksand Foundation of Snepp

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Jan 31st, 2022

2022 Update: Good Governance Paper No. 5: Prepublication Review – How to Fix a Broken System

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Jan 26th, 2022

Big Tech Is Not Big Tobacco


Jan 13th, 2022

Mexico v. Smith & Wesson: U.S. Court Duel Over Extraterritorial Legal Issues Looms with Motion to Dismiss


Dec 14th, 2021

Big-Tobacco-Type Lawsuits from State AGs: A Roadmap for Redressing Facebook’s Harms

by and

Nov 18th, 2021

NSO Group Loses Immunity Claim at the Ninth Circuit


Nov 9th, 2021

What Comes Next After a Guantanamo Detainee’s Habeas Win


Oct 21st, 2021

Islands of Advances in a Sea of Setbacks: Central American Rule of Law


Sep 8th, 2021

France’s `V13′ Trial for the 2015 Paris Terror Attacks: Managing Victims’ Expectations

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Sep 8th, 2021

Mexico v. Smith & Wesson: Does US Immunity for Gun Manufacturers Apply Extraterritorially?

by and

Aug 19th, 2021

State Secrets and the Torture of Abu Zubaydah


Jun 16th, 2021

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