Intelligence activities

Don’t Fall for the Hype: How the FBI’s Use of Section 702 Surveillance Data Really Works


Nov 29th, 2017

Episode 47 of the National Security Law Podcast: Donuts and Depth Charges


Nov 28th, 2017

Former Prosecutor Renato Mariotti’s Tweet Threads on National Security (Nov. 10-17)


Nov 17th, 2017

Russian Money and Trump’s Legal Defense

by and

Nov 16th, 2017

Sessions’ Recusal, the Clinton Foundation, and Uranium One


Nov 13th, 2017

Congress is Facing Decisions on Torture, and Needs to Treat Them As Such


Nov 10th, 2017

The USA Liberty Act — aka Don’t Let the Constitutional be the Enemy of the Unconstitutional


Nov 9th, 2017

Episode 45 of the National Security Law Podcast: An Inter-Jurisdictional Cluster-You-Know-What?


Nov 7th, 2017

Close Call Whether Sessions Committed Perjury in Denying Other Campaign Russian Contacts

by and

Nov 7th, 2017

Recap of Recent Pieces on Just Security (Oct. 28-Nov. 3)


Nov 4th, 2017

What the White House Needs to Disclose about its Process for Revealing Cybersecurity Vulnerabilities

by and

Nov 2nd, 2017

For Quick and Strong Justice, Look to the Courts—Not Guantanamo

by and

Nov 1st, 2017

Norms Watch: Democracy, the Trump Administration, and Reactions to It (October 2017)


Nov 1st, 2017

Episode 44 of the National Security Law Podcast: Interrogation, Prosecution, and Detention Issues in the Wake of the NYC Attack


Nov 1st, 2017

Episode 43 of the National Security Law Podcast: Unseal this Podcast!


Oct 31st, 2017

Cyber, Sovereignty, and North Korea–And the Risk of Inaction


Oct 31st, 2017

Major Takeaways from the Papadopoulos Bombshell

by and

Oct 30th, 2017

What Manafort’s Indictment May Tell Us About Russian Election Meddling


Oct 30th, 2017

A Timeline of Paul Manafort’s Relationship with the Trump World


Oct 30th, 2017

Two Former Federal Prosecutors Analyze Manafort Indictment: Just Security’s Mariotti and Whiting


Oct 30th, 2017

Recap of Recent Pieces on Just Security (Oct. 21-27)


Oct 28th, 2017

Closing Section 702’s Front-Door Search Loophole: A Critical Protection for Americans


Oct 24th, 2017

NYU Law Forum: “National Security: The Role of Senior Advisers in the White House”


Oct 23rd, 2017

Recap of Recent Pieces on Just Security (Oct. 14-20)


Oct 21st, 2017

The Rhetoric of “Responsible Encryption”


Oct 19th, 2017

Sessions Changes his Story on Russian Contacts in Senate Testimony


Oct 18th, 2017

AG Sessions’ Shifting and False Statements to Congress on Russia

by and

Oct 17th, 2017

Terrorist Financing: A Backgrounder

by and

Oct 11th, 2017

It’s Time to Pass Legislation Governing a Key Part of the Government’s Hacking Policy

by and

Oct 5th, 2017

National Security-Related Congressional Hearings, October 2-7


Oct 3rd, 2017

What the FISA Warrants Against Paul Manafort Tell Us About Mueller’s Investigation


Sep 23rd, 2017

Episode 37 of the National Security Law Podcast: Enemy Combatants, Agents of Foreign Powers


Sep 20th, 2017

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