Human Rights

Transforming the US Human Rights Report to Reflect Gender Rights — and Security

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Jan 26th, 2021

Blinken Sails Through Queries on Iran, China, Russia, NATO, and More in Secretary of State Confirmation Hearing


Jan 20th, 2021

On Biden’s Planned Summit: Humility, Not Hubris, Can Save Democracy


Jan 20th, 2021

US Human Rights Policy: How to Really Build Back Better

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Jan 19th, 2021

MLK Believed “No Justice, No Peace”


Jan 18th, 2021

A New Assault on a Democratic Citadel in Turkey, Too

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Jan 14th, 2021

Nestlé & Cargill v. Doe Series: Remedying the Corporate Accountability Gap at the ICC


Jan 11th, 2021

Father-Son Separation at US Border Illustrates Lasting Harm That Demands Redress


Jan 6th, 2021

Ugandan Human Rights Lawyer Fights Charges on Eve of Presidential Election

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Jan 6th, 2021

Nestlé & Cargill v. Doe Series: Meet the “John Does” – the Children Enslaved in Nestlé & Cargill’s Supply Chain


Dec 21st, 2020

Nestlé & Cargill v. Doe Series: Shielding American Corporations from Liability Undermines the United States’ Moral Authority

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Dec 21st, 2020

As China Promotes Authoritarian Model, the Resilience of Its Democratic Targets is Key

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Dec 18th, 2020

Pandemic Consequences: The Acceleration of Confrontational Politics

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Dec 17th, 2020

Beyond the ICC: Repositioning the Core of International Accountability

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Dec 16th, 2020

To Prevent Atrocities, Break Bureaucratic Silos, Don’t Build A New One


Dec 15th, 2020

Reviving the US Commitment to Women’s Rights and Gender Equality: The UN Commission on the Status of Women

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Dec 15th, 2020

Biden Must Stick to His Pledge to End US Support for the Yemen War

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Dec 14th, 2020

Defending Women’s Rights Is Not Terrorism: A Saudi Prosecution on Human Rights Day

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Dec 11th, 2020

Nestlé & Cargill v. Doe Series: Judicial Activism, Corporate Exceptionalism, and the Puzzlement of Nestlé v. Doe


Dec 11th, 2020

Polish Government’s Attacks on Rule of Law Violate Not Only EU Norms but International Law


Dec 11th, 2020

The UDHR, Digital Authoritarianism, and Human Rights after Trump

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Dec 10th, 2020

Nestlé & Cargill v. Doe Series: Holding the Aiders and Abettors of Atrocity to Account

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Dec 9th, 2020

Protecting Ethiopian Refugees — and Averting the Next Crisis

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Dec 9th, 2020

Biden’s Global Priority No. 1: Turn the Authoritarian Tide


Dec 8th, 2020

Nestlé & Cargill v. Doe Series: In Oral Arguments, Justices Weigh Liability for Chocolate Companies


Dec 7th, 2020

The Risks of Relying on Counterterrorism Laws to Reduce Wartime Sexual Violence


Dec 7th, 2020

Nestlé & Cargill v. Doe Series: The Economic Folly of Human Trafficking for American Business


Dec 4th, 2020

Nestlé & Cargill v. Doe Series: A Canadian Perspective – Takeaways from Nevsun Resources Ltd. v. Araya.

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Dec 3rd, 2020

Nestlé & Cargill v. Doe Series: Rethinking the Alien Tort Statute


Dec 2nd, 2020

COVID-19 and International Law Series: States’ Obligations to Refugees and Migrants in Detention

by , and

Dec 2nd, 2020

Nestlé & Cargill v. Doe Series: Toward a Harmonized Test for Complicity of Corporate Officials?


Nov 30th, 2020

COVID-19 and International Law: Refugee Law – The Principle of Non-Refoulement

by , and

Nov 30th, 2020

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