Human Rights

On International Migrants Day, Reimagining Migration Beyond Imperialism, Militarism, and Racism


Dec 18th, 2021

In South Sudan, Keep UN Peacekeepers Focused on Evolving Risks for Civilians


Dec 17th, 2021

Exiled Journalists Need Support, Not Autocrat-Fueled Skepticism

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Dec 15th, 2021

Biden’s `Initiative for Democratic Renewal’ — Analysis from Diplomats, Top Experts


Dec 10th, 2021

France Is Not a Safe Haven for Human Rights Abusers – Despite High Court Opinion

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Dec 9th, 2021

Biden’s Exclusion of Erdoğan from the Democracy Summit May Be a Blessing in Disguise for Turkey


Dec 8th, 2021

Neither Truth Nor Reconciliation: Mexico’s President Betrays Commitment to Transitional Justice


Dec 7th, 2021

Crimes Against Humanity: Little Progress on Treaty as UN Legal Committee Concludes its Work

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Dec 7th, 2021

The Biden Administration’s Moment of Truth on Torture Evidence

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Dec 1st, 2021

On Empathy, Scholarship, and Political Action: A Response to Lahmann

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Nov 24th, 2021

How U.S. Sanctions Make it Harder for Afghan Children to Get an Education

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Nov 23rd, 2021

Might the Turkish Electorate Be Ready to Say Goodbye to Erdoğan After Two Decades in Power?

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Nov 22nd, 2021

Desperate Migrants as “Armed Bands”? A Response to Sari and Hudson


Nov 19th, 2021

Stirring Trouble at the Border: Is Belarus in Violation of International Law? – Part 2

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Nov 19th, 2021

When US Security and Democracy Interests Clash

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Nov 18th, 2021

To Ease Iraq’s Displacement Crisis, Restorative Justice and Peacebuilding are Vital

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Nov 16th, 2021

Escalating Risks on Europe’s Eastern Frontier: Belarus-Poland, Russia-Ukraine, and How the US Can Work With Its Allies


Nov 15th, 2021

Uncertain Future for the ICC’s Investigation into the CIA Torture Program


Nov 12th, 2021

Abuse of Interpol for Transnational Repression: Assessing the FY22 NDAA’s Provisions for Prevention

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Nov 10th, 2021

Afghanistan: A Way Forward for Women and Girls

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Nov 8th, 2021

What the Afghanistan Withdrawal Teaches Us About Safeguarding Human Rights Evidence


Nov 5th, 2021

A Torture Survivor Speaks at the Guantanamo Military Commissions


Nov 4th, 2021

The Downstream Effects of Israel’s “Terrorist” Designation on Human Rights Defenders in the US


Nov 4th, 2021

The Tigray Conflict at One Year: Ethiopia’s Descent into Famine and Civil War

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Nov 4th, 2021

An Undefined Defining Moment: Marking 20 Years of Counterterrorism Without Ever Agreeing What Terrorism Is


Nov 4th, 2021

Sanctions Review Fails to Review Sanctions: Congress Should Step In

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Nov 2nd, 2021

Watchlisting the World: Digital Security Infrastructures, Informal Law, and the “Global War on Terror”

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Oct 28th, 2021

ASEAN Has Failed on Myanmar. What’s Next?


Oct 27th, 2021

Counterterrorism Off the Rails: Israel’s Declaration of Palestinian Human Rights Groups as “Terrorist” Organizations

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Oct 24th, 2021

Amnesty & Accountability in Seychelles


Oct 22nd, 2021

It’s Time To Revisit the United States’ Evolving Posture Toward the Use of Child Soldiers


Oct 21st, 2021

How the UN Can Strengthen its Peacekeeping Mission in the Central African Republic Amid a Changed Conflict

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Oct 20th, 2021

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