Human Rights

How the U.S. Can Stop Empowering Eurasia’s Authoritarians


Mar 30th, 2022

Hijab Bans, Hindutva, and the Burden of Hindsight


Mar 28th, 2022

Embracing Autocrats to Help Ukraine Is a Losing Proposition


Mar 25th, 2022

López Obrador’s Last Chance to Protect Mexico’s Press


Mar 23rd, 2022

Судовий розгляд агресії в обхідний спосіб


Mar 22nd, 2022

Litigating Aggression Backwards


Mar 22nd, 2022

From Chechnya to Crimea, Putin Saw Green Light for His Assault on the World Order

by and

Mar 18th, 2022

Цього недостатньо: тимчасові заходи Європейського суду з прав людини щодо України


Mar 7th, 2022

Not Far Enough: The European Court of Human Rights’ Interim Measures on Ukraine


Mar 7th, 2022

Вторгнення Росії в Україну є загрозою для правозахисників та політичних вигнанців

by and

Mar 3rd, 2022

Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine Imperils Human Rights Defenders and Political Exiles

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Mar 3rd, 2022

The Legal Obligation to Recognize Russian Deserters as Refugees


Mar 2nd, 2022

Розслідування МКС в Україні: краш-тест для доказів, створених користувачами

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Mar 2nd, 2022

The Int’l Criminal Court’s Ukraine Investigation: A Test Case for User-Generated Evidence

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Mar 2nd, 2022

Ahead of the State of the Union: Analysis from Diplomats, Top Experts

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Feb 28th, 2022

Holding Putin and Russia Accountable: A List of Legal and Policy Options

by , , and

Feb 25th, 2022

The End of Black History Month? Attacks on Teaching the History of Racism Enable its Entrenchment


Feb 23rd, 2022

80 Years Later, Preventing Another Executive Order 9066 Requires Recognizing Its Lessons


Feb 18th, 2022

Combating Anti-Asian Violence through UN Human Rights Mechanisms


Feb 18th, 2022

Deploring the Violence, Abandoning the Victim

by , and

Feb 17th, 2022

The Regional Danger of Serbia’s Government Disinformation Machine


Feb 16th, 2022

Election in India’s Largest State Accelerates Anti-Muslim Hate Speech and Violence


Feb 14th, 2022

La France n’est pas un havre de paix pour les auteurs de violations des droits de l’homme, malgré l’avis de la Haute Cour

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Feb 4th, 2022

Mexico v. Smith & Wesson: High-Stakes Gun Suit May Turn on Choice-of-Law Analysis


Feb 4th, 2022

Renewing U.S. Investments in Women’s Political Leadership

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Feb 2nd, 2022

From ‘8888’ to ‘2121’: A New Generation of Resistance in Myanmar

by , and

Feb 1st, 2022

Cuando la corrupción no tiene rastro de dinero: las sanciones pasan por alto casos cruciales

by , and

Jan 21st, 2022

When Corruption Has No Money Trail: Sanctions Overlook Crucial Cases

by , and

Jan 19th, 2022

For Sudan’s Democratic Imperative, the US and Others Must Intensify Support


Jan 18th, 2022

From Syria Torture Trial to Liberian Massacre Case – A Plea for Bolstering Witness Protections in Human Rights Litigation


Jan 13th, 2022

How Germany’s New Government Might Pursue Its “Values-Based” Foreign Policy in Europe


Dec 22nd, 2021

The Use of Biometric Technologies for Counter-terrorism Purposes in a Human Rights Vacuum


Dec 20th, 2021

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