Featured Articles

Should the COVID-19 Vaccine Be Required for the Military?


Apr 12th, 2021

Team of Legal Gladiators? Iraqi Militias’ Tortured Relationship with Law

by , and

Apr 12th, 2021

The U.S. Water and Wastewater Crisis – How Many Wake-up Calls Are Enough?

by , and

Apr 8th, 2021

Gender Equality is Fundamental to Promoting Democracy

by and

Apr 7th, 2021

Investigating a Crisis: A Comparison of Six U.S. Congressional Investigatory Commissions

by and

Apr 6th, 2021

To Fix the Immigration System, We Need To Start With Immigration Courts


Apr 6th, 2021

Lack of Officials’ Cultural Competency Will Hamper Hate Crimes Laws


Apr 5th, 2021

On Functional Immunity of Foreign Officials and Crimes under International Law


Mar 31st, 2021

In Absence of Foreign Agents Registration Reform, DOJ Tweaks Could Make a Big Difference


Mar 31st, 2021

Race to the Top Brass

by and

Mar 29th, 2021

Adding AI to Autonomous Weapons Increases Risks to Civilians in Armed Conflict

by and

Mar 26th, 2021

A Dozen Experts with Questions Congress Should Ask the Tech CEOs — On Disinformation and Extremism

by and

Mar 25th, 2021

The Digital Technology Agenda at the Summit for Democracy


Mar 24th, 2021

Corruption Is a National Security Threat. The CROOK Act Is a Smart Way to Fight It.

by and

Mar 23rd, 2021

Is There a New Era for Human Rights on the Horizon?

by and

Mar 19th, 2021

Safeguarding Democracy Among Eastern Europe’s Three Seas

by and

Mar 17th, 2021

Legally Sliding into War


Mar 15th, 2021

The Global Fragility Act Could Give US Assistance and Diplomacy a New Start for Countries in Conflict


Mar 11th, 2021

Why Reconciling Domestic and Global Human Rights Policy Is a US National Security Imperative


Mar 11th, 2021

Germany’s Positions on International Law in Cyberspace Part II


Mar 10th, 2021

Iraq’s Legal Responsibility for Militia Attacks on U.S. Forces: Paths Forward


Mar 10th, 2021

“Red Lines” in Beirut Blast Investigation: How Exactly Lebanese Politicians Escape Accountability

by and

Mar 9th, 2021

Taking Gender Into Account to Better Confront New Security Threats

by and

Mar 8th, 2021

Knowns and Unknowns of US Syria Strike: Looming Int’l and Domestic Law Issues


Mar 5th, 2021

China’s Military Tech Ambitions – What’s the U.S.- EU Gameplan?


Mar 5th, 2021

Biden’s Drone Policy Review: Recommendations for a Reset


Mar 5th, 2021

Principles for a 2021 Authorization for Use of Military Force

by , , and

Mar 5th, 2021

Just Security Obtains Overseas Troop Counts That the Pentagon Concealed from the Public

by , , and

Mar 4th, 2021

The “Khashoggi Ban”: What It Does and Doesn’t Mean

by , and

Mar 3rd, 2021

Protecting the Information Space in Times of Armed Conflict

by and

Mar 3rd, 2021

What We Can Learn from Global Policy About Preventing Domestic Extremism


Mar 2nd, 2021

Legal Questions (and Some Answers) Concerning the U.S. Military Strike in Syria


Mar 1st, 2021

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