Featured Articles

How International Justice Can Succeed in Ukraine and Beyond

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Apr 14th, 2022

Top Cover: Congressional Republicans Pave Way for US Policy Shift on Int’l Criminal Court


Apr 13th, 2022

A Warm Welcome to Just Security’s New Editorial Board Members!

by and

Apr 12th, 2022

Why the War in Ukraine Poses a Greater Nuclear Risk than the Cuban Missile Crisis

by and

Apr 12th, 2022

The Best Path for Accountability for the Crime of Aggression Under Ukrainian and International Law

by and

Apr 11th, 2022

Найкращий шлях до відповідальності за злочин агресії за українським та міжнародним правом

by and

Apr 11th, 2022

In Ukraine, There Are No Quick Fixes


Apr 8th, 2022

Still at War: The United States in the Sahel


Apr 7th, 2022

Is Genocide Occurring in Ukraine? An Expert Explainer on Indicators and Assessments


Apr 6th, 2022

Pressing US Officials on Russia and Int’l Criminal Court: The Interview We Should be Hearing


Apr 6th, 2022

Ukraine’s Constitutional Constraints: How to Achieve Accountability for the Crime of Aggression

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Apr 5th, 2022

The Need to Reexamine the Crime of Aggression’s Jurisdictional Regime


Apr 4th, 2022

Still at War: The United States in Somalia

by and

Mar 31st, 2022

Articulating Arms Control Law in the EU’s Lethal Military Assistance to Ukraine


Mar 30th, 2022

Ukraine May Mark a Turning Point in Documenting War Crimes


Mar 28th, 2022

Bargaining About War in the Shadow of International Law

by and

Mar 28th, 2022

Still at War: The United States in Yemen

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Mar 24th, 2022

Introduction to Symposium: Still at War – Where and Why the United States is Fighting the “War on Terror”

by and

Mar 24th, 2022

How States Can Prosecute Russia’s Aggression With or Without “Universal Jurisdiction”


Mar 24th, 2022

How DOJ Could Prosecute Russians for War Crimes, and How Congress Can Expand Its Remit


Mar 23rd, 2022

Why Pushing Russia Out of Multilateral Institutions is Not a Solution to the War


Mar 22nd, 2022

Why Congress Should Stay Out of U.S. Sanctions Policy on Russia


Mar 21st, 2022

The Way: The Chief Prosecutor, the Int’l Criminal Court, and Ukraine


Mar 20th, 2022

Insight from Ukraine: Revitalizing Belief in International Law


Mar 18th, 2022

Why China Giving Military Assistance to Russia Would Violate International Law

by and

Mar 17th, 2022

Питання та відповіді: Наказ Міжнародного Суду ООН про тимчасові заходи у справі України проти Російської Федерації

by , and

Mar 16th, 2022

Q&A: The ICJ’s Order on Provisional Measures in Ukraine v. Russian Federation

by , and

Mar 16th, 2022

The Intersection of Accountability and Diplomacy in Addressing Russia’s War in Ukraine


Mar 15th, 2022

Model Indictment for Crime of Aggression Against Ukraine: Prosecutor v. President Vladimir Putin

by and

Mar 14th, 2022

The Operational and Legal Risks of a No-Fly Zone Over Ukrainian Skies


Mar 10th, 2022

Механізми кримінального переслідування агресії Росії проти України


Mar 10th, 2022

Mechanisms for Criminal Prosecution of Russia’s Aggression Against Ukraine


Mar 10th, 2022

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