Featured Articles

January 6th Report Exposes Ongoing, Converging Threat of Anti-Democracy Schemes and Paramilitary Violence

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Jan 6th, 2023

Insiders’ View of the January 6th Committee’s Social Media Investigation

by , and

Jan 5th, 2023

Toward a Values-Based Foreign Policy: Developing an Ethical Checklist

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Jan 4th, 2023

January 6th Report Summarizes Extremist Threat – But Leaves Key Gaps


Jan 3rd, 2023

The Military Justice Provisions of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023


Jan 3rd, 2023

Major Highlights of the January 6th Report

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Dec 23rd, 2022

Extend US Leadership on Ukraine to Post-War Reconstruction Too

by , and

Dec 22nd, 2022

Час на боці України, а не Росії

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Dec 21st, 2022

Time Is On Ukraine’s Side, Not Russia’s

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Dec 21st, 2022

How Jan. 6th Committee’s Revelations of Interference in Their Investigation Can Enable the Special Counsel


Dec 19th, 2022

Incremental Progress on Civilian Harm in the FY2023 National Defense Bill


Dec 19th, 2022

As Haiti’s Last 10 Lawmakers’ Terms Expire, Political Transition Must Take Priority Over Military Intervention


Dec 15th, 2022

A Presidential Appeal to the US and the EU for Bosnia’s Democratization


Dec 12th, 2022

Just Security Podcast: The Balance of Power in a New Senate

by , , and

Dec 9th, 2022

Абсолютна ясність міжнародної юридичної практики заперечення імунітету перед міжнародними кримінальними судами


Dec 8th, 2022

Oral Argument in Moore v. Harper and the Perils of Finding “Compromise” on the Independent State Legislature Theory


Dec 8th, 2022

The Absolute Clarity of International Legal Practice’s Rejection of Immunity Before International Criminal Courts


Dec 8th, 2022

As Women and Children Return to the West from Syrian Camps, Lessons From Sweden


Dec 6th, 2022

UN Talks on Crimes Against Humanity Treaty Make Progress, But Also Reveal Hurdles

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Dec 5th, 2022

COP27 Produces a Historic Result for Vulnerable Countries: A Loss and Damage Fund


Dec 2nd, 2022

Russia’s Assault on Ukraine Exposes US, Allied Gaps in Preparing for Great-Power War

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Nov 30th, 2022

More Turbulence Ahead for Twitter as the EU’s Digital Services Act Tests Musk’s Vision

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Nov 23rd, 2022

Fighting Tunisia’s Rampant Corruption with Autocracy – Kais Saied’s Chimera


Nov 22nd, 2022

Incendiary Speech That Spurs Violence is Rising in US, But Tools Exist to Shrink It


Nov 21st, 2022

Tracking COP27: Notable Moments and Key Themes

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Nov 18th, 2022

Mar-a-Lago Model Prosecution Memo

by , , , , , , , , and

Nov 17th, 2022

Історична резолюція Генеральної Асамблеї ООН закликає до виплати репарацій Україні

by , , and

Nov 16th, 2022

Historic UNGA Resolution Calls for Ukraine Reparations

by , , and

Nov 16th, 2022

Amid the Russia-Ukraine War, a Dutch Court Prepares to Rule on Four Suspects in the 2014 Downing of Flight MH17


Nov 15th, 2022

America’s Autocratic Persian Gulf ‘Partners’ Are Actually Liabilities

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Nov 15th, 2022

Tackling Climate Change Displacement at COP27

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Nov 14th, 2022

Reflections on Becoming a Veteran after Decades of Forever War


Nov 11th, 2022

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