Executive & Military

A Step in the Right Direction: Militaries Changing Policies to Stop Using Schools


May 28th, 2019

Remarks by Defense Dept General Counsel Paul C. Ney Jr. on the Law of War


May 28th, 2019

Post-9/11 Veterans Have Mixed Feelings About Trump’s War Crimes Pardons


May 24th, 2019

An Emergency or Business as Usual? Huawei and Trump’s Emergency Powers


May 24th, 2019

The American Way of War Includes Fidelity to Law: Preemptive Pardons Break that Code

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May 24th, 2019

Trump’s Preference for Acting Officials Puts National Security at Risk

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May 20th, 2019

Bill Barr’s Extreme Views on War Powers Mean Congress’s Window to Stop War with Iran is Now

by , and

May 20th, 2019

Sticking It To Yourself: Preemptive Pardons for Battlefield Crimes Undercut Military Justice and Military Effectiveness


May 20th, 2019

Trump’s Golan Policy and Its Threat to the Post-War International Legal Order

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May 16th, 2019

Canada Considers Most Far-Reaching Intell Reforms in Decades


May 13th, 2019

Barr to Senate: President is Not Immune from Prosecutor Declaration of Indictable Offense


May 1st, 2019

The September 11 Military Commissions Trudge On

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Apr 26th, 2019

Trump Endorses U.S. Citizen-Turned Libyan Warlord, Despite Video Evidence of Haftar’s Ordering War Crimes


Apr 22nd, 2019

Word-Searchable Version of Mueller Report


Apr 20th, 2019

Al-Nashiri III: A No Good, Very Bad Day for U.S. Military Commissions


Apr 16th, 2019

Is Trump a Russian Agent?: Explaining Terms of Art and Examining the Facts


Apr 16th, 2019

The International Criminal Court Decision on Afghanistan: Time to Start a New Conversation


Apr 13th, 2019

The Limited War Powers Precedent of the Korean “Police Action”


Apr 5th, 2019

Costs of War Can’t Be Assessed Without Official Civilian Casualty Estimates

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Apr 3rd, 2019

The Mattis Transgender Policy Will Go Into Effect Next Friday


Apr 1st, 2019

Less Transparency Won’t Fix a Lack of Transparency: A Response to Gen. Dunlap on Civilian Casualty Reporting Requirements


Mar 22nd, 2019

Body Counts Are Terrible Way for the Public to Assess US Counter-Terrorism Operations


Mar 18th, 2019

Reflecting on the Civilian Casualty Executive Order: What Was Lost and What Can Now Be Gained


Mar 12th, 2019

The US-Philippines Defense Treaty and the Pompeo Doctrine on South China Sea


Mar 11th, 2019

I Helped Write the Exec Order on Public Reporting of Lethal Operations. Here’s What Trump Has Undone.


Mar 8th, 2019

Trump’s Revocation of Reporting on Lethal Strikes: All Eyes on Congress, Now


Mar 8th, 2019

Counterterrorism and Homeland Security Are Not the Same Thing


Mar 4th, 2019

Norms Watch: Damage to Democracy and Rule of Law in February 2019


Mar 1st, 2019

Trump’s Invoking Obama Signing Statement as Reason Not to Report to Congress on Khashoggi Murder: A Roundup of Expert Views


Feb 28th, 2019

Shifted Burdens: The U.S. as Detainer of Last Resort


Feb 26th, 2019

Exclusive: Full Text of Bipartisan Declaration of Former Senior U.S. Officials Refuting President’s Claim of a National Emergency at Southern Border


Feb 25th, 2019

What’s the Mission in Syria? The Answer May be Illegal and Without U.S. Allies’ Support


Feb 25th, 2019

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