Executive & Military

Q&A on Court Decision Invalidating Administration’s Terrorism Watchlist


Sep 5th, 2019

The Pattern and Practice of Trump’s Assaults on the Intelligence Community

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Sep 3rd, 2019

What if a President Committed Genocide or Other Atrocity Crimes?


Sep 3rd, 2019

The Once and Future Threat of Nuclear Weapon Testing


Aug 30th, 2019

U.S.-Turkey “Safe Zone” Likely to Add Fuel to Syria Conflict


Aug 27th, 2019

Blame Trump, Not the U.S. Code, for His Abuse of Emergency Authority


Aug 26th, 2019

Effective U.S. Grand Strategy Includes Harnessing Diverse Educational Institutions

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Aug 19th, 2019

Part III: The Muddy Middle: A New Framework for Use of Force

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Aug 16th, 2019

Part II: The Muddy Middle: Challenges of Applying Use of Force Policy Guidance in Practice

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Aug 15th, 2019

The Muddy Middle: The Disappearing Lines in America’s Counterterrorism Wars and How to Restore Order

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Aug 14th, 2019

U.S. Has Legal and Moral Responsibility to Protect Civilians at Rukban in Syria

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Aug 12th, 2019

Revisiting General Counsel Ney’s Speech in Light of New Pentagon Leadership


Jul 31st, 2019

The U.S. Military Is Increasingly Politicized. Active-Duty Personnel Need to Prepare.


Jul 25th, 2019

The Distorter-in-Chief is Hosting a Summit on Distortion on Social Media


Jul 11th, 2019

Now is the Time to Repeal the 2002 AUMF


Jul 11th, 2019

Trump’s “Unalienable Rights” Commission Likely to Promote Anti-Rights Agenda 

by , and

Jul 9th, 2019

Self-Defense in International Law: What Level of Evidence?


Jul 8th, 2019

Unpacking the State Dept Acknowledgment that 2001 and 2002 AUMFs Don’t Authorize War Against Iran

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Jul 3rd, 2019

Acting or Not, the Play’s The Thing


Jul 2nd, 2019

Anticipating the President’s Way Around the War Powers Resolution on Iran: Lessons of the 1980s Tanker Wars


Jun 28th, 2019

The Missing Piece in US-Iran Drone Dispute: Navigational Freedoms and the Strait of Hormuz


Jun 28th, 2019

Looking to 2020: A Presidential Pledge for Gender Parity in National Security Appointments

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Jun 27th, 2019

Top Expert Backgrounder: Aborted U.S. Strike, Cyber Operation Against Iran and International Law


Jun 24th, 2019

Asking the Right Question on Iran, Al-Qaeda and the AUMF

by , and

Jun 21st, 2019

The State of Play with US-Iran and How We Got Here: Q&A with Laura Rozen

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Jun 20th, 2019

U.S. Cyber Command, Russia and Critical Infrastructure: What Norms and Laws Apply?


Jun 18th, 2019

Tom Lantos Commission: Enhancing U.S. Ability to Pursue Accountability for Atrocities


Jun 17th, 2019

Focusing on Armed Non-State Actors: Protecting Education in Armed Conflict


Jun 11th, 2019

Cooking the WMD Books: Politicizing the 2019 State Department Compliance Report


Jun 5th, 2019

Mueller’s Message: The Obstruction That Nearly Halted Criminal Case Against Russians


May 29th, 2019

A Critique of Defense Dept General Counsel Ney’s Remarks on the Law of War


May 29th, 2019

Bill Barr’s Dangerous New Powers

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May 28th, 2019

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