Executive & Military
SSCI Report Names Djibouti as Host to CIA “Black Site,” as Case Pends before the African Commission
May 2nd, 2014
Confusion on the scope of IC Directive 119–Is it principally about classified or nonclassified information?
Apr 30th, 2014
Consequences of the Fact-Based Armed Conflict Test in Yemen’s Internal Armed Conflict
Apr 22nd, 2014
Letter to the Editor from former U.S. Army JAG replying to Ryan Goodman on recent amends legislation
Apr 16th, 2014
New Statute Provides Amends to Foreign Civilians Killed by the United States – but only if they’re “friendly”
Apr 14th, 2014
State of play of the SSCI report on the CIA interrogation program: the relationship between declassification and disclosure
Apr 10th, 2014
The SSCI Report and the Right to the Truth about the CIA’s Secret Detention and Extraordinary Rendition Program
Apr 3rd, 2014