Executive & Military
Targeting Transparency: A Call for DoD to Automatically Release Investigations of Civilian Casualties in Armed Conflict
May 27th, 2014
Does the U.N. General Assembly have the authority to establish an International Criminal Tribunal for Syria?
May 22nd, 2014
Sri Lanka’s Greatest War Criminal (Gotabaya) is a US Citizen: It’s Time to Hold Him Accountable
May 19th, 2014
Governments Conclude First (Ever) Debate on Autonomous Weapons: What Happened and What’s Next
May 16th, 2014
The “Culture of Misinformation” and the Government’s Representations to the Supreme Court in Clapper
May 15th, 2014
Backgrounder: Preliminary Examination into Abuses by United Kingdom Personnel in Iraq
May 14th, 2014
Letter to the Editor from Gabor Rona, Mohammed v. Ministry Defense and the ICRC’s Position
May 12th, 2014
Update: French Text Referring Syria to ICC Said to Replicate Standard Exemptions for US
May 9th, 2014