Executive & Military

The Untold Power of Bill Barr to Direct US Military Forces in Case of “Civil Unrest”

by and

Jun 9th, 2020

The U.S. Constitution and Limits on Detention and Use of Force in Handling Civil Unrest


Jun 3rd, 2020

The Military Justice Dimension: Constraints on Military Personnel in Handling Civil Unrest


Jun 3rd, 2020

Nuclear Arms Control, or a New Arms Race? Trump Seems Bent on the Latter.


May 27th, 2020

The Looming Crisis of Emergency Powers and Holding the 2020 Presidential Election

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May 4th, 2020

Great Expectations: AFRICOM’s New Quarterly Report on Civilian Casualties


Apr 21st, 2020

What Counts As Sufficient Transparency on Civilian Casualties in Somalia


Apr 20th, 2020

U.S. Security Aid Is a Faith-Based Policy

by and

Apr 14th, 2020

All Americans: Extending Draft Registration Makes Us Stronger

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Apr 7th, 2020

Cooler Heads Prevailed Within the Navy after Pensacola Shooting


Apr 3rd, 2020

It’s Time Iraq Accepts Legal Responsibility for Its Iran-Backed Militias


Mar 23rd, 2020

Trump Administration Has Not Earned Privilege to Speak Anonymously — Especially During a National Crisis


Mar 19th, 2020

Peace in Afghanistan: Showmanship over Substance


Mar 11th, 2020

Preventing and Responding to Civilian Casualties: An Upcoming Discussion on Law, Policy, and Progress


Mar 9th, 2020

The Gravity of Michael Ellis’ Promotion to Senior Director for Intelligence at the White House


Mar 4th, 2020

What to Watch For in White House’s Annual Report on Use of Military Force

by and

Feb 29th, 2020

Norm-Skepticism in Cyberspace? Counter-Factual and Counterproductive


Feb 28th, 2020

New Online Resource: War Powers and Presidential Practice

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Feb 24th, 2020

When Professionalism Mattered: Dissent Against U.S. Policy on Landmines


Feb 18th, 2020

White House ‘1264 Notice’ and Novel Legal Claims for Military Action Against Iran


Feb 14th, 2020

The Friday Night Massacre’s Broader Context: Trump’s Redesign for American Democracy

by and

Feb 10th, 2020

Afghanistan Papers, the Miniseries, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bombshell


Feb 5th, 2020

Timeline: Trump, Giuliani, Biden, and Ukrainegate

by and

Jan 31st, 2020

After Soleimani Strike, Iran-Backed Militias Threaten Iraq’s Stability: An Explainer


Jan 28th, 2020

Three Things to Look For in the 2020 “Worldwide Threat Assessment” from the U.S. Intelligence Community

by and

Jan 15th, 2020

After the IG Report: “Next Steps” for Congress, DOJ, and the FISA Court


Jan 13th, 2020

The 30-Day Clock: Recent Law Requires Trump Admin. to Make Full Public Report on Soleimani and Shahlai Strikes

by and

Jan 13th, 2020

Mark Esper vs. Mark Esper on the 2002 AUMF and Iran


Jan 8th, 2020

Lawful Self-Defense vs. Revenge Strikes: Scrutinizing Iran and U.S. Uses of Force under International Law

by and

Jan 8th, 2020

Trump’s Fatal Mistake: Killing Soleimani vs. Countering ISIS


Jan 6th, 2020

The Soleimani Strike and War Powers


Jan 6th, 2020

United States Killed Iraqi Military Official and Iraqi Military Personnel in the Two Recent Attacks


Jan 5th, 2020

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