Executive & Military

Prosecuting the ISIS “Beatles:” A testament to dedicated US government professionalism


Oct 9th, 2020

Five Years On: Military Accountability and the Attack on the MSF Trauma Center in Kunduz


Oct 3rd, 2020

Trump Can’t Lawfully Use Armed Forces to Sway the Election: Understanding the Legal Boundaries

by , and

Sep 23rd, 2020

Toward a New Approach to National and Human Security: Uphold the Prohibition on Torture

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Sep 11th, 2020

Toward a New Approach to National and Human Security: End Unlawful, Secret, and Unaccountable Use of Lethal Force

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Sep 11th, 2020

Toward a New Approach to National and Human Security: Close Guantanamo and End Indefinite Detention

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Sep 11th, 2020

Finding the Right U.S. Defense Leaders


Aug 28th, 2020

State Dept. Inspector General Report: A Troubling Message on Arms Sales

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Aug 26th, 2020

Breaking Ranks in a Civil-Military Crisis: Strategic Communication to Register Dissent


Aug 26th, 2020

A Military Litmus Test? Evaluating the Argument that Civilian Defense Leaders Need Military Experience


Aug 19th, 2020

I Resigned from U.S. Government After My Own Leaders Began to Act Like the Autocrats I Analyzed


Aug 13th, 2020

Former DHS and Defense Dept Spokesperson: Trump’s Response to Civil Unrest in Portland is Damaging to Our Government and Our Democracy


Jul 27th, 2020

Cyberattack Attribution and International Law


Jul 24th, 2020

The President’s Private Army


Jul 24th, 2020

Portland’s Pretext: Barr’s Long History Manipulating Law to Put Federal Forces on U.S. Streets

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Jul 19th, 2020

What’s Missing in Current and Former Officials’ Responses to DOJ Antitrust Whistleblower


Jul 16th, 2020

Secretary Pompeo’s Surprising Defense of International Law, Allies, and the Law of the Sea Convention


Jul 15th, 2020

Preparing the Public for a Contested Election


Jul 14th, 2020

DOD’s New Ex Gratia Policy: What’s Right, What’s Wrong, and What’s Next


Jul 10th, 2020

Toward a Consistent and Coherent Ex Gratia Policy for Civilian Casualties


Jul 10th, 2020

Trump Pushed CIA to Give Intelligence to Kremlin, While Taking No Action Against Russia Arming Taliban


Jul 8th, 2020

Unpacking the National Intelligence Council’s Memo on Russian Bounty Operation

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Jul 5th, 2020

Why is Trump Turning a Blind Eye to Russia’s Covert Warfare?


Jul 3rd, 2020

The Baseline: How a Functional Executive Would Have Handled the Russian Bounty Operation

by , and

Jul 2nd, 2020

Who Should Decide: Prosecutorial Discretion and Military Justice

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Jun 29th, 2020

The Harm of Nuclear Weapons Tests for Peaceful Nuclear Power

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Jun 26th, 2020

Black Lives Matter Might Just Rescue American Democracy

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Jun 16th, 2020

The Potential U.S. Security Threats in Letting New START Lapse


Jun 16th, 2020

Statement of Homeland and National Security Leaders


Jun 15th, 2020

The Strength of America’s Apolitical Military

by , and

Jun 15th, 2020

The Self-Defeating Executive Order Against the International Criminal Court


Jun 12th, 2020

The Trump Administration’s Nuclear Test Delusions


Jun 10th, 2020

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