Executive & Military

Avoiding Collateral Damage on the Battlefield

by , and

Feb 11th, 2021

Diplomats, Top Experts’ Reactions to Biden Foreign Policy Speech


Feb 5th, 2021

Lessons from Benghazi: Accountability for the U.S. Capitol Attack

by , and

Jan 14th, 2021

Military Personnel and the Putsch at the U.S. Capitol

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Jan 13th, 2021

On Guantanamo’s 19th Anniversary, A Renewed Call to Close It


Jan 11th, 2021

Why D.C.’s Mayor Should Have Authority Over the D.C. National Guard

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Jan 8th, 2021

Can a Pardon Be a War Crime?: When Pardons Themselves Violate the Laws of War


Dec 24th, 2020

Military Families are Gunning for Peace this Holiday Season


Dec 23rd, 2020

SolarWinds as a Constitutive Moment: A New Agenda for the International Law of Intelligence


Dec 23rd, 2020

Shifting Norms About Secretary of Defense Has Long-Term Consequences: On the Austin Nomination

by , and

Dec 22nd, 2020

Important Context Missing from the Austin Nomination Debate


Dec 17th, 2020

Biden Must Stick to His Pledge to End US Support for the Yemen War

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Dec 14th, 2020

Biden’s Global Priority No. 1: Turn the Authoritarian Tide


Dec 8th, 2020

Proposed UAE Arms Sale Raises National Security Concerns


Dec 1st, 2020

Trump’s Veto Threat Over Confederate-Named Bases Erodes U.S. Security and American Values

by and

Nov 25th, 2020

Defense Policy Negotiations Near Completion in Congress, With Human Rights Provisions in Play


Nov 25th, 2020

On Accountability and the Next Presidency, Starting With the Cabinet

by and

Nov 23rd, 2020

Not a Coup at DOD: How Acting Sec. Miller’s Reorganization May Improve Special Ops Oversight


Nov 20th, 2020

Mali: The “Good” Coup d’État?


Nov 19th, 2020

Trump’s Impact on Nuclear Proliferation


Nov 18th, 2020

Revisiting the Office of Legal Counsel’s Override Opinion


Nov 17th, 2020

Why Trump Should Not Have Access to U.S. Intelligence After January 20


Nov 11th, 2020

Loyalty Above All: The “Shallow State” of the Trump Administration

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Nov 2nd, 2020

Good Governance Paper No. 20: Repairing and Strengthening Norms of Nuclear Restraint


Nov 1st, 2020

Good Governance Paper No. 18: Reforming Emergency Powers


Oct 31st, 2020

Plan to Pull U.S. Troops from Somalia is Cold Comfort Amid Civilian Toll of Air War


Oct 31st, 2020

Preventing a Military Decision About Who Won a Disputed Election


Oct 29th, 2020

Federal Employees’ Liability Risks for Following Illegal Directives to Interfere in 2020 Election


Oct 28th, 2020

Great Power Competition Versus Counterterrorism: A False Dichotomy


Oct 23rd, 2020

Good Governance Paper No. 6 (Part One): Domestic Military Operations — Reforming the Insurrection Act


Oct 20th, 2020

Trump’s Executive Order on the ICC is Illegal, Not Just Shameful

by and

Oct 13th, 2020

Shaky Hands in the Oval Office


Oct 9th, 2020

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