Executive & Military

Are the U.S. and U.K. parties to the Saudi-led armed conflict against the Houthis in Yemen?


Sep 22nd, 2016

The Saudi Weapons Block Wouldn’t be the First: Some Past Examples of Halts on US Arms Transfers


Sep 21st, 2016

US Responsibility Arising From Russian Violations of the Law of Armed Conflict


Sep 21st, 2016

Is the US-Russia Pact in Syria Barred by International Law?


Sep 20th, 2016

Unprecedented and Unlawful: The NSA’s “Upstream” Surveillance

by and

Sep 19th, 2016

Trump’s Calls to Pillage Iraqi Oil


Sep 19th, 2016

Guide to the Presidential Candidates’ National Security Positions

by and

Sep 16th, 2016

The Updated First Geneva Convention Commentary, DOD’s Law of War Manual, and a More Perfect Law of War: Part III


Sep 16th, 2016

Correcting the Record on Section 702: A Prerequisite for Meaningful Surveillance Reform

by and

Sep 15th, 2016

How the Risk of an Int’l Criminal Court Investigation Should Affect Military Targeting Practices

by and

Sep 15th, 2016

Does the Int’l Criminal Court Have Jurisdiction over Alleged War Crimes by Saudi-Led Coalition in Yemen?


Sep 14th, 2016

What Sec. Kerry Privately Thinks About the US-Russia Deal for Syria


Sep 14th, 2016

A Response to “The Tech”: Continuing the Vulnerability Equities Process Debate


Sep 13th, 2016

Does Operation Inherent Resolve set a troubling constitutional precedent?: Engaging with Goldsmith and Waxman


Sep 12th, 2016

Senators Move to Block US Arms Sale to Saudi Arabia


Sep 9th, 2016

Does the Int’l Criminal Court Have Jurisdiction Over U.S. Forces in Libya?

by , and

Sep 7th, 2016

Weapon, Combatant, Child, Animal: They’re All Insufficient Analogies for Autonomous Weapon Systems


Sep 6th, 2016

The Vulnerability Equities Process Should Consider More than Intelligence Community Needs


Sep 2nd, 2016

The Law of Aiding and Abetting (Alleged) War Crimes: How to Assess US and UK Support for Saudi Strikes in Yemen


Sep 1st, 2016

Explainer: What Mental State is Required to Commit a War Crime?


Sep 1st, 2016

State Responsibility for Assistance to Foreign Forces (aka How to Assess US-UK Support for Saudi Ops in Yemen)

by and

Aug 31st, 2016

The ICRC Updated Commentaries: Reconciling Form and Substance, Part II


Aug 30th, 2016

Letter to the Editor: The Opposite of Discrimination Against Veterans


Aug 29th, 2016

Third Circuit Holds Suspension Clause Does Not Apply to Non-Citizens Physically (But Not Lawfully) Present in the United States


Aug 29th, 2016

A 9/11 Commission Approach to the Russian Hack of the DNC


Aug 29th, 2016

Are Saudi-led Coalition Forces Committing War Crimes in Yemen?


Aug 25th, 2016

Why Doesn’t the ABA Consider Discrimination Based on Military or Veteran Status to be an Ethics Violation? [Updated]


Aug 24th, 2016

The ICRC Updated Commentaries: Reconciling Form and Substance, Part I


Aug 24th, 2016

Congress Needs to Press the Pentagon, Saudi Arabia on Abuses in Yemen War


Aug 18th, 2016

The Islamic State, Genocide, and Gender Discrimination


Aug 17th, 2016



Aug 16th, 2016

The PPG Visualized, What the US Kill and Capture Bureaucracy Looks Like

by and

Aug 15th, 2016

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