Executive & Military

Hidden Negligence: Aug. 29 Drone Strike is Just the Tip of the Iceberg


Nov 9th, 2021

A Soldier and His Establishment: In the Life of Colin Powell, Who Failed Whom?


Nov 5th, 2021

The Longest War is Over the Horizon


Nov 1st, 2021

The Ballooning Biden Defense Budget

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Oct 27th, 2021

Failure to Warn: War Powers Reporting and the “War on Terror” in Africa


Oct 4th, 2021

The Role of Nuclear Weapons: Why Biden Should Declare a Policy of No First Use


Sep 29th, 2021

Questions to Investigate U.S. Drone Strike in Kabul: An Alleged Killing of 10 Civilians

by , , and

Sep 13th, 2021

Crossing Back Over: Time to Reform Legal Culture and Legal Practice of the “War on Terror”

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Sep 10th, 2021

Oh, the Humanity


Sep 8th, 2021

Five Principles to End the Forever War


Sep 7th, 2021

The National Guard at Lafayette Square and the January 6th Attempted Insurrection: Fixes for the FY2022 NDAA

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Aug 31st, 2021

Nuremberg Prosecutor says Guantanamo Military Commissions Don’t Measure Up

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Aug 24th, 2021

Course Correction Still Needed on Anti-Torture Obligations

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Aug 9th, 2021

Questions for Senators to Ask the Biden Administration at AUMF Hearing


Jul 31st, 2021

Extraterritorial Counterterrorism: Policymaking v. Law


Jul 15th, 2021

Undermining Norms? How the Antipersonnel Mine Ban Has Endured in US Policy

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Jul 14th, 2021

War Powers Guard Rails Can Keep the U.S. From Sliding into a New Middle East War

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Jul 2nd, 2021

Biden’s Support of 2002 AUMF Repeal: The Start of a Long Overdue Conversation


Jun 16th, 2021

State Secrets and the Torture of Abu Zubaydah


Jun 16th, 2021

Why Biden and Putin Should Restart Talks on Strategic Stability and Nuclear Arms Control


Jun 14th, 2021

What To Do About Lt. General (retired) Flynn: Military Justice and Civil-Military Relations Considerations

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Jun 11th, 2021

Getting Real About General Flynn


Jun 7th, 2021

A Legacy of Unrecognized Harm: DoD’s 2020 Civilian Casualties Report 

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Jun 7th, 2021

Why Supporters of Democracy and Security Both Need to Care about Security Sector Governance


Jun 4th, 2021

Torture Evidence and the Guantanamo Military Commissions


May 26th, 2021

The Official and Unofficial Timeline of Defense Department Actions on January 6

by and

May 11th, 2021

Iraq’s Legal Responsibility for Militia Attacks on U.S. Forces: Paths Forward


Mar 10th, 2021

Knowns and Unknowns of US Syria Strike: Looming Int’l and Domestic Law Issues


Mar 5th, 2021

Biden’s Drone Policy Review: Recommendations for a Reset


Mar 5th, 2021

Kunduz Airstrike Before European Court of Human Rights: Future of Jurisdiction and Duty to Investigate


Feb 26th, 2021

Trump’s War Powers Legacy and Questions for Biden


Feb 23rd, 2021

Leaving the War in Yemen: The Mostly Good, the Bad, and the Muddled


Feb 17th, 2021

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