Domestic Extremism

Trump’s Reinstatement on Social Media Platforms and Coded Forms of Incitement


Apr 11th, 2023

7 Experts on Trump’s Call for Protests and Social Media Threat Models


Mar 23rd, 2023

Profiles of the January 6th Inmates in the D.C. Jail

by , and

Mar 20th, 2023

The Just Security Podcast: What the Proud Boys and Oath Keepers Don’t Want You to Know

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Mar 17th, 2023

The Proud Boys and Oath Keepers Are Domestic Terrorists, It’s Past Time to Call Them What They Are

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Mar 7th, 2023

Video: January 6th Investigators Speak About Ongoing Threats of Violent Extremism

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Feb 27th, 2023

Do State Laws Block Insurrectionists from Office?

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Jan 26th, 2023

Antisemitism and Threats to American Democracy

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Jan 26th, 2023

Coming Soon to a Fascist Get-Together Near You


Jan 25th, 2023

The Limits of What Gov’t Can Do About Jan. 6th Committee’s Social Media and Extremism Findings


Jan 10th, 2023

Major Highlights of the January 6th Report

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Dec 23rd, 2022

Incendiary Speech That Spurs Violence is Rising in US, But Tools Exist to Shrink It


Nov 21st, 2022

Without Congressional Action, Lafayette Square and January 6th Can Happen Again

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Nov 16th, 2022

The Missing Review of FBI’s January 6 Intelligence and Law Enforcement Failures


Nov 10th, 2022

Election Denying Officials Who Refuse to Certify Election Results Could Face Prosecution

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Nov 7th, 2022

Violence Against Transgender People is on the Rise, Stopping it Requires a Holistic Solution


Oct 18th, 2022

Whistleblower Documents Show Problems in Twitter’s Handling of ‘Election Integrity’


Aug 25th, 2022

Oversight Reports Raise Questions About Value of DHS Counterterrorism Efforts

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Aug 17th, 2022

Five Years After “Unite the Right”: Reflections on Charlottesville for Today’s Threat Landscape

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Aug 12th, 2022

The Biden Administration’s Senseless Opposition to Congress’s Effort to Prevent Abusive National Guard Deployments

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Jul 28th, 2022

The GOP’s Militia Problem: Proud Boys, Oath Keepers and Lessons from Abroad


Jul 6th, 2022

One Year On: Marking Progress on Biden’s Counter-Domestic Terrorism Strategy


Jun 23rd, 2022

Beyond a “Hate Crime”: “Replacement” Rhetoric and the Genocide Worry


May 31st, 2022

Will the EU’s Digital Services Act Reduce Online Extremism?


May 16th, 2022

Surveying Evidence of How Trump’s Actions Activated Jan. 6 Rioters

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May 12th, 2022

“Freedom Convoy” Occupation Highlights Canada’s Security Challenges


Feb 14th, 2022

Does the Law Matter?: Coup Edition


Feb 11th, 2022

Disinformation, Radicalization, and Algorithmic Amplification: What Steps Can Congress Take?


Feb 7th, 2022

Combatting Authoritarianism: The Skills and Infrastructure Needed to Organize Across Difference

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Jan 27th, 2022

More Federal Coordination Needed to Tackle U.S. Domestic Extremism


Jan 24th, 2022