
Roger Stone Indictment Implicates Trump Campaign in Election Law Violations


Jan 25th, 2019

The Withering of the Giuliani Defense of “No Crime of Collusion” in Wake of Roger Stone’s Indictment


Jan 25th, 2019

The Hidden Danger of User-Generated Evidence for International Criminal Justice


Jan 23rd, 2019

What Now for the Mattis Transgender Policy?


Jan 22nd, 2019

Why It May Not Matter If BuzzFeed Got It Wrong: “Encouraging” Perjury is Also a Crime


Jan 21st, 2019

The ICC Acquittal of Gbagbo: What Next for Crimes against Humanity?


Jan 18th, 2019

U.S. Congress Should Stop Security Assistance to Guatemala Until Rule of Law is Restored


Jan 17th, 2019

A Congo War Crimes Decision: What It Means for Universal Jurisdiction Litigation in Germany and Beyond

by and

Jan 11th, 2019

New Approach After Charlottesville Violence Protects Public Safety While Preserving Rights


Jan 2nd, 2019

Deciphering the Mystery Subpoena Case: Corporate Claims to Foreign Sovereign Immunity from U.S. Criminal Proceedings


Dec 31st, 2018

Protesters in Hungary Call Out Labor Rights – and Rule of Law


Dec 20th, 2018

Mueller’s Roadmap: Major Takeaways from Cohen and Manafort Filings

by and

Dec 8th, 2018

Americans Have Right to Know if US Failed to Warn Khashoggi—A New Lawsuit May Get Answers


Nov 21st, 2018

Prosecuting Wikileaks, Protecting Press Freedoms: Drawing the Line at Knowing Collaboration with a Foreign Intelligence Agency


Nov 19th, 2018

Initial Reactions to OLC’s Opinion on the Whitaker Designation as “Acting” Attorney General

by and

Nov 15th, 2018

Whitaker’s Unofficial Role as Adviser to Trump Campaign is a Clear Red Line


Nov 12th, 2018

The Constitutional Challenge to Mueller’s Appointment (Part VI): Oral Argument and Supplemental Briefing Order [UPDATED]


Nov 9th, 2018

The Already-Strong Campaign Finance Case Against Donald Trump Just Got Stronger—Criminal offenses included


Nov 9th, 2018

A Quick Primer on the Legality of Appointing Matthew Whitaker as “Acting” Attorney General, and Whitaker’s Power to Influence the Russia Investigation


Nov 8th, 2018

Reply to Bauer and Goodman: No, the Government Doesn’t Decide What ‘Legitimate Press Functions’ Are First Amendment Worthy


Nov 3rd, 2018

Why the First Amendment Does Not Protect Trump Campaign Collusion with Wikileaks and Russia

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Nov 2nd, 2018

The Constitutional Challenge to Robert Mueller’s Appointment (Part V):  If Mueller is an Inferior Officer, Was Rosenstein’s Appointment Constitutional?


Nov 1st, 2018

The Constitutional Challenge to Robert Mueller’s Appointment (Part IV):  Morrison, Edmond, and the DOJ Special Counsel Regulations


Oct 31st, 2018

The Constitutional Challenge to Robert Mueller’s Appointment (Part III):  What Would be “Good Cause” to Remove Mueller?


Oct 30th, 2018

Jam v. International Finance Corp.: May International Organizations Violate Rights with Impunity?

by and

Oct 30th, 2018

The Constitutional Challenge to Robert Mueller’s Appointment (Part II): Is Mueller Even an Officer Subject to the Appointments Clause?


Oct 26th, 2018

The Constitutional Challenge to Robert Mueller’s Appointment (Part I): Introduction


Oct 25th, 2018

Polish Government’s Power Trip Interrupted?


Oct 25th, 2018

Conscientious Objectors and Whistleblowers: Sentencing Should Recognize First Amendment Interests


Oct 18th, 2018

MBS and the Torture Victims Protection Act–His travel to the United States may no longer be an option


Oct 17th, 2018

Here Are the 30 People the FBI Needs to Interview in its Kavanaugh Investigation

by , and

Oct 3rd, 2018

Letter to the Editor: Belief, Proof and a Plea for Mutual Understanding


Oct 3rd, 2018

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