
Closure for Colombia, New Scrutiny for Venezuela: ICC Investigations in Latin America


Nov 15th, 2021

Abuse of Interpol for Transnational Repression: Assessing the FY22 NDAA’s Provisions for Prevention

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Nov 10th, 2021

NSO Group Loses Immunity Claim at the Ninth Circuit


Nov 9th, 2021

A Torture Survivor Speaks at the Guantanamo Military Commissions


Nov 4th, 2021

Judicial Secrecy: How To Fix the Over-sealing of Federal Court Records

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Oct 21st, 2021

New Ruling Sheds Light on State-Paramilitary Cooperation in Colombia – and on the TVPA


Oct 15th, 2021

Why Religious Persecution Justifies U.S. Legislation on Crimes Against Humanity


Oct 6th, 2021

Q&A on Court Ordering Facebook to Disclose Content on Myanmar Genocide


Sep 24th, 2021

ICC Investigation of Philippines President Duterte Sends Important Signals


Sep 24th, 2021

With America Out of a Major Foreign War, Time to End One at Home


Sep 14th, 2021

Crossing Back Over: Time to Reform Legal Culture and Legal Practice of the “War on Terror”

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Sep 10th, 2021

France’s `V13′ Trial for the 2015 Paris Terror Attacks: Managing Victims’ Expectations

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Sep 8th, 2021

Corporate Criminal Liability for International Crimes: France and Sweden Are Poised To Take Historic Steps Forward

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Sep 6th, 2021

The International Criminal Court and Afghanistan

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Sep 3rd, 2021

What the U.S. Withdrawal from Afghanistan Could Mean for Guantanamo Detainees and the Due Process Clause


Sep 1st, 2021

Why a Trump Lawsuit to “Protect” Executive Privilege Could Backfire


Aug 30th, 2021

To Strengthen the ICC Office of the Prosecutor, Karim Khan is On the Right Path


Aug 25th, 2021

Nuremberg Prosecutor says Guantanamo Military Commissions Don’t Measure Up

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Aug 24th, 2021

Evidence Destruction and the Crisis In Afghanistan


Aug 20th, 2021

Deceptive Report Escalates Srebrenica Genocide Denial Campaign


Jul 29th, 2021

Swalwell v. Trump and the Legitimate Scope of Federal Employment


Jul 19th, 2021

What the US Government Brief Should Have Said in Al-Hela: On Guantanamo and Due Process


Jul 12th, 2021

How to Read the Weisselberg and Trump Entities Indictment: A Conversation with Andrew Weissmann

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Jul 9th, 2021

Will Iran’s New President be Held Accountable?


Jul 8th, 2021

The Weisselberg Indictment Is Not A “Fringe Benefits” Case


Jul 4th, 2021

Nestlé & Cargill v. Doe: What’s Not in the Supreme Court’s Opinions


Jun 30th, 2021

The Surprisingly Broad Implications of Nestlé USA, Inc. v. Doe for Human Rights Litigation and Extraterritoriality


Jun 18th, 2021

A New Consensus Around Transparency and National Security Surveillance

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May 27th, 2021

The US Should Respect the ICC’s Founding Mandate

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May 19th, 2021

Folly at the Supreme Court: Choosing Between Competing Originalist Claims


May 18th, 2021

Biden’s First 100 Days on Immigration: A Test of Leadership


Apr 29th, 2021

Belarus Jailing of Journalists for Reporting on Peaceful Protest Violates International Law


Apr 22nd, 2021

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