
Yemen Group of Experts’ Report Highlights Need to Halt Arms Sales

by and

Sep 20th, 2019

Handling of Whistleblower Complaint Makes It Impossible for IG To Do His Job


Sep 18th, 2019

Q&A on Whistleblower Complaint Being Withheld from Congressional Intelligence Committees


Sep 17th, 2019

Constitution Day 2019: The Hidden Domestic Surveillance Crisis


Sep 17th, 2019

Leaked Documents Contain Major Revelations About the FBI’s Terrorism Classifications

by and

Sep 11th, 2019

18 Years After 9/11, We Face a New International Terrorist Threat


Sep 11th, 2019

How the GOP’s Internal Politics of Raiding Military Construction Projects Will Play Out


Sep 4th, 2019

What if a President Committed Genocide or Other Atrocity Crimes?


Sep 3rd, 2019

Public Document Clearinghouse: Congressional Russia Investigations


Aug 22nd, 2019

Just Security Launches the Russia Investigation Congressional Clearinghouse


Aug 22nd, 2019

Corporate Defenses Against Information Warfare


Aug 20th, 2019

Expert Summaries of Mueller Report: A Collection

by , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , and

Aug 20th, 2019

Effective U.S. Grand Strategy Includes Harnessing Diverse Educational Institutions

by and

Aug 19th, 2019

How Data Privacy Laws Can Fight Fake News


Aug 15th, 2019

Time for a Cyber-Attack Exception to the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act

by and

Aug 14th, 2019

The Trump Impeachment Process Began on March 4


Aug 12th, 2019

How Secrecy Undermines Mueller and the Defense of Democracy


Aug 1st, 2019

Congress Tackles the “100-Mile” Border Zone for Federal Checkpoints


Jul 30th, 2019

How Congress Can Access the Legal Powers of Impeachment Without a Formal Inquiry

by and

Jul 26th, 2019

Mueller Hearing Risks Narrowing the Range of Impeachable Offenses

by and

Jul 23rd, 2019

35 Questions for Congress to Ask Robert Mueller (+ Questions from Readers)

by , and

Jul 22nd, 2019

House Should Prepare Criminal Referral of A.G. Barr for Lying to Congress

by and

Jul 22nd, 2019

What Did We Learn About Mark Esper and How He Views the World?

by and

Jul 17th, 2019

The Supreme Court Just Made It Easier to Conceal Abuse of Migrant Detainees


Jul 17th, 2019

Now is the Time to Repeal the 2002 AUMF


Jul 11th, 2019

Congress Will Ignore Trump’s Foreign Affairs Budget Request. Others Will Not.


Jul 11th, 2019

Unpacking the State Dept Acknowledgment that 2001 and 2002 AUMFs Don’t Authorize War Against Iran

by and

Jul 3rd, 2019

Deprivation and Despair: The Crisis of Medical Care at Guantánamo


Jun 26th, 2019

Annie Donaldson is Not the President’s “Alter Ego”

by and

Jun 24th, 2019

Asking the Right Question on Iran, Al-Qaeda and the AUMF

by , and

Jun 21st, 2019

Congress, Don’t Get Distracted: New Laws Aren’t Needed to Make It a Crime to Accept Foreign Election Help


Jun 17th, 2019

Tom Lantos Commission: Enhancing U.S. Ability to Pursue Accountability for Atrocities


Jun 17th, 2019

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