
What to Watch For in White House’s Annual Report on Use of Military Force

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Feb 29th, 2020

Congress Speaks: Trump Currently Has No Authority to Launch War with Iran


Feb 25th, 2020

New Online Resource: War Powers and Presidential Practice

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Feb 24th, 2020

For House, Senate National Security Committees, Stopgaps for Term Limits


Feb 24th, 2020

Public Document Clearinghouse: Ukraine Impeachment Trial

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Feb 15th, 2020

White House ‘1264 Notice’ and Novel Legal Claims for Military Action Against Iran


Feb 14th, 2020

Military Justice Reform, the 2020 Pledge, and the President’s Power


Feb 14th, 2020

The Simple Lessons from a Complicated Iowa Caucus

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Feb 14th, 2020

Timeline: Trump, Giuliani, Biden, and Ukrainegate

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Jan 31st, 2020

Lessons for Life: The Obituaries of Republicans Who Opposed Nixon’s Impeachment


Jan 29th, 2020

Video of Expert Panel: Reforming the FISA Process — Proposals for the Future


Jan 22nd, 2020

15 Questions the Media Should Be Asking Lev Parnas

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Jan 17th, 2020

How Late DCI William Colby Saved the CIA, and What That Can Teach Us Today


Jan 16th, 2020

Three Things to Look For in the 2020 “Worldwide Threat Assessment” from the U.S. Intelligence Community

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Jan 15th, 2020

The 30-Day Clock: Recent Law Requires Trump Admin. to Make Full Public Report on Soleimani and Shahlai Strikes

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Jan 13th, 2020

How to Recover a Role for Congress and the Courts in Decisions to Wage War

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Jan 10th, 2020

Why the 2002 AUMF Does Not Apply to Iran

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Jan 9th, 2020

Mark Esper vs. Mark Esper on the 2002 AUMF and Iran


Jan 8th, 2020

The Soleimani Strike and War Powers


Jan 6th, 2020

Top Experts’ Backgrounder: Military Action Against Iran and US Domestic Law

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Jan 3rd, 2020

Congress Expands Oversight of U.S. Payments for Civilian Deaths


Dec 18th, 2019

A National Security Impeachment


Dec 17th, 2019

Hidden Gems: Civilian Casualties and Use of Force Reporting Provisions in the Annual Defense Bill

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Dec 17th, 2019

The House Should Pause Impeachment


Dec 16th, 2019

Federal Criminal Offenses and the Impeachment of Donald J. Trump

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Dec 16th, 2019

Republican Leaders are Playing a Dangerous Game


Dec 10th, 2019

Seven Outright Falsehoods in GOP Staff Report on Impeachment


Dec 8th, 2019

Here’s the Proof that Trump’s “No Quid Pro Quo” Call Never Happened


Nov 29th, 2019

Trump’s Hold on Ukrainian Military Aid was Illegal


Nov 26th, 2019

Understanding the Two Mazars Subpoena Cases Before the Supreme Court [UPDATED to reflect 11/25 stay of mandate]


Nov 25th, 2019

White House Counsel Sends Fiona Hill Letter on “Executive Privilege” on Eve of Public Hearing


Nov 21st, 2019

Trump and GOP Call to ID Whistleblower Exposes Glaring Gaps in Protections


Nov 20th, 2019

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