
Questions the Senate Should Ask State Legal Adviser Nominee CJ Mahoney

by and

Jul 20th, 2020

The Life and Adventures of Ron Johnson: His Journey Through “Multiple Untruths” to the Fable of Obamagate


Jul 17th, 2020

What’s Missing in Current and Former Officials’ Responses to DOJ Antitrust Whistleblower


Jul 16th, 2020

Congress Must Seize This Chance to Help Demilitarize Law Enforcement

by , and

Jul 15th, 2020

How the Financial Systems America Built Enable Oppression Abroad


Jul 14th, 2020

An Incremental Step Toward Stopping Forever War?

by , and

Jul 13th, 2020

Supreme Court on Trump’s Finances: Glass Three Quarters Full for Rule of Law

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Jul 9th, 2020

Decoy Amendment Jeopardizes the Moment for Renaming Confederate-Dubbed Bases

by , , and

Jun 29th, 2020

11 Top Antitrust Experts Alarmed by Whistleblower Complaint Against A.G. Barr—and Office of Professional Responsibility’s Opinion


Jun 26th, 2020

Specific Questions for Congress (and News Media) to Ask Attorney General Barr

by , and

Jun 22nd, 2020

Yes, Congress, There Is Something You Can Do About Reckless Arms Sales

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Jun 9th, 2020

A Bipartisan Push in Congress to Fight the ‘Parallel Pandemic’ of Human Rights Abuses Abroad

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Jun 1st, 2020

State’s Selective Cooperation with Congress Raises Legal Questions that Demand Answers


May 29th, 2020

How States Supporting Armed Proxies Can Reduce Civilian Casualties and Protracted Hostilities

by and

May 20th, 2020

And Then There Were Seven: Rwandan Félicien Kabuga Arrested in France


May 18th, 2020

Oversight and “Undermining”: Reflections on the Supreme Court Oral Arguments About Subpoenas for Trump’s Financial Information


May 15th, 2020

Lessons From a Torture Advocate’s Failed Bid for a Key Human Rights Position

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May 5th, 2020

Ratcliffe’s Radical Positions During the Impeachment Proceedings

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May 5th, 2020

From “Enemy of the People” to “Essential”: The Pandemic Creates an Opening for the Press


May 3rd, 2020

Is the Roberts Court Going to Let Coronavirus Kill Us?

by and

Apr 17th, 2020

Congress Should Take Steps to Protect the Independence of Inspectors General


Apr 17th, 2020

U.S. Security Aid Is a Faith-Based Policy

by and

Apr 14th, 2020

Beware, Lobbyists: The Future of FARA Under a Biden Presidency


Apr 9th, 2020

How Congress Can Save Lives, Protect Rights, and Exert U.S. Leadership Globally in Response to Coronavirus

by and

Apr 8th, 2020

Iran’s Murder of an American, CIA Contractor Bob Levinson, Suggests Impunity at Home Too


Apr 7th, 2020

Congress Must Insert Oversight of Intel Community in COVID Emergency Legislation


Apr 6th, 2020

Rube Goldberg and Military Justice


Apr 6th, 2020

A Chance to Fix FISA


Mar 27th, 2020

The Right Way to Reform the U.S. President’s International Emergency Powers


Mar 26th, 2020

We Badly Need Congress to Act. We Don’t Need Congress to Act in Person.


Mar 23rd, 2020

The Gravity of Michael Ellis’ Promotion to Senior Director for Intelligence at the White House


Mar 4th, 2020

Congress Needs a “Rocket Docket” for Its Disputes With the President


Mar 2nd, 2020

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