
The “Interests of Justice” at the ICC: A Continuing Mystery


Mar 17th, 2020

Time for Russia and Putin to Face a Reckoning on Syria


Mar 13th, 2020

Balancing Syria Advocacy and Witness Safety: Have We Lost Sight?


Mar 10th, 2020

The Benefits (and Drawbacks) of the UN Database on Businesses Contributing to Israeli Settlements


Mar 10th, 2020

Behind Myanmar’s Military Alibi: A Path for Compliance with the ICJ’s Order to Protect Rohingya

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Feb 3rd, 2020

Myanmar’s Commission Report Delivers Genocide Denial Playbook


Jan 31st, 2020

U.K. Proposes to Limit Accountability for Violations by Armed Forces


Jan 30th, 2020

The United States Finally Has a New War Crimes Ambassador


Jan 10th, 2020

Civilian Casualties: A Case for U.S. Condolence Payments in Syria


Jan 6th, 2020

U.K. Court Nixes Saudi Arms Sales–What it Means for the US and Other EU Countries

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Jun 24th, 2019

New DoD Policy on Amends Needs to Address Transparency Gap


Apr 23rd, 2019

On Mueller Report, Barr Says No Executive Privilege Redactions. But Look for Assertion Later.


Apr 18th, 2019

Beyond Sanctioning Elusive War Criminals, Prosecute the Profiteers


Apr 4th, 2019

The Khashoggi Killing at Six Months: How Congress Should Move Forward


Apr 1st, 2019

Colombian President’s Veto Threat Challenges Peace Process


Mar 7th, 2019

Liberian War Crimes Claims Survive in Alien Tort Statute Case

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Feb 27th, 2019

“Just fall, that is all!” Is Sudan on the Brink of Change?


Feb 25th, 2019

Avoiding the Next Yemen: Applying Hard Lessons for Security Partnerships

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Feb 6th, 2019

A Congo War Crimes Decision: What It Means for Universal Jurisdiction Litigation in Germany and Beyond

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Jan 11th, 2019

Norms Watch: Damage to Democracy and Rule of Law in December 2018


Jan 4th, 2019

5 Reasons to be Hopeful About Human Rights in 2019


Jan 3rd, 2019

The UK Government’s Weak Response to Torture Reports


Dec 11th, 2018

How the “Arms Sales Oversight Act” Could Prevent American Arms from Contributing to the Next Overseas Crisis

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Dec 5th, 2018

Trump Gets “Presumption of Innocence” Wrong on Saudi Responsibility for Khashoggi Disappearance


Oct 18th, 2018

U.S. Should Condition Saudi Membership in Elite Financial Club on Progress Prosecuting Terrorists and Observing the Rule of Law

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Oct 13th, 2018

What Might Force Mueller’s Hand Before the Midterms? Exceptions to the DOJ 60-Day “Rule”


Oct 9th, 2018

What Happened in North Carolina: The State’s Role in U.S. Post-9/11 Rendition and Torture

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Sep 28th, 2018

Condolence Payments for Civilian Casualties: Lessons for Applying the New NDAA


Aug 28th, 2018

Just Security Podcast: The White House’s “Pardon Dangle” and Obstruction of Justice


Mar 30th, 2018

Jesner v. Arab Bank Symposium Recap


Mar 8th, 2018

Russia “Previewed” Plan to Disseminate Emails with Trump Campaign


Mar 1st, 2018

Former Top U.S. Attorneys’ Letter to President Trump: Let Mueller Do His Job


Dec 22nd, 2017

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