Allie Van Dine
Allie Van Dine is the East Coast operations manager at No Exceptions a non-partisan, nationwide coalition of post-9/11 generation military veterans and national security leaders who support a military-wide policy of full combat inclusion. Anyone who meets physical and mental standards should be allowed to serve and advance in the military regardless of gender. She has held a variety of positions in the security community, most notably with the Herbert Scoville Jr. Peace Fellowship and the US Department of Defense. She is a graduate of Georgetown University’s Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, where her academic work focused on nonproliferation and counterterrorism.
Articles by this author:
A Wider Talent Pool Means a Stronger Marine Corps: A Response to Rep. Hunter
by Allie Van Dine, Shelby Limburg and Katey Van Dam
Jan 21st, 2016
Female Rangers: Historic Change or Lost Opportunity?
by Allie Van Dine, Shelby Limburg and Katey Van Dam
Aug 21st, 2015