Tsvetelina van Benthem
Guest Author
Tsvetelina van Benthem is a DPhil candidate in public international law at Merton College, Oxford. Her doctoral thesis examines the regulation of accidents and mistakes under the law of armed conflict and international criminal law. Tsvetelina is a research assistant at the Oxford Institute for Ethics, Law and Armed Conflict and a co-convenor of the Public International Law Discussion Group. She holds law degrees from Sofia University ‘St Kliment Ohridski’ (LL.M) and the University of Oxford (MJur, Dist; MPhil).
Articles by this author:
Oxford Statement on International Law Protections in Cyberspace: The Regulation of Ransomware Operations
by Dapo Akande, Antonio Coco, Talita de Souza Dias, Duncan B. Hollis, James C. O’Brien and Tsvetelina van Benthem
Oct 4th, 2021
Oxford Statement on International Law Protections in Cyberspace: The Regulation of Information Operations and Activities
by Dapo Akande, Antonio Coco, Talita de Souza Dias, Duncan B. Hollis, James C. O’Brien and Tsvetelina van Benthem
Jun 2nd, 2021