Ambassador David Scheffer

Guest Author

David Scheffer is the former Mayer Brown/Robert A. Helman Professor of Law at Northwestern Pritzker School of Law (2006-2020). He was the U.S. Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues (1997-2001) and led the U.S. delegation to U.N. talks to establish the International Criminal Court. He was Vice President of the American Society of International Law and International Francqui Professor at KU Leuven (Belgium) and is currently Professor of Practice at Arizona State University and senior fellow at the Council on Foreign Relations. His latest book is The Sit Room: In the Theater of War and Peace (Oxford 2019). He is also on LinkedIn.

Articles by this author:

The Fate of Justice in Russia-Ukraine Peace Talks


Sep 25th, 2023

Deterrence Lawfare to Save Taiwan


Aug 7th, 2023

Congress Should Close the ‘Crimes Against Humanity’ Loophole

by and

Feb 17th, 2023

Forging a Cooperative Relationship Between International Criminal Court and a Special Tribunal for Aggression Against Ukraine


Oct 25th, 2022

Налагодження співпраці між МКС і Спеціальним трибуналом переслідування злочину агресії, вчиненого щодо України


Oct 25th, 2022

Аргументи щодо створення Спеціального трибуналу для переслідування злочину агресії, вчиненого щодо України


Sep 28th, 2022

The Case for Creating a Special Tribunal to Prosecute the Crime of Aggression Committed Against Ukraine (Part IV)


Sep 28th, 2022

The Case for Creating a Special Tribunal to Prosecute the Crime of Aggression Committed Against Ukraine


Sep 26th, 2022

Why Religious Persecution Justifies U.S. Legislation on Crimes Against Humanity


Oct 6th, 2021

Save the Olympics, Again


Mar 30th, 2021

The Self-Defeating Executive Order Against the International Criminal Court


Jun 12th, 2020

Former Officials Challenge Pompeo’s Threats to the International Criminal Court

by , , , , and

Mar 18th, 2020

Justice Joseph Story on “High Crimes and Misdemeanors”—The Antithesis to Dershowitz


Jan 27th, 2020

What if a President Committed Genocide or Other Atrocity Crimes?


Sep 3rd, 2019

New Financial Vehicles for Assisting Victims of Atrocity Crimes: A Bold Move for International Justice


Feb 21st, 2019

The Rising Challenge of Funding Victims’ Needs at the International Criminal Court


Dec 3rd, 2018

Ambass. David Scheffer on John Bolton’s Announcement of “Ugly and Dangerous” Punitive Actions against Judges, Prosecutors of Int’l Criminal Court


Sep 10th, 2018

The Rome Treaty Has Nothing to Do with Jesner v. Arab Bank


Oct 10th, 2017

Some Realities Behind the Application for Revision Concerning Bosnia and Herzegovina v. Serbia


Mar 10th, 2017

More Options for Africa under the Rome Statute


Nov 19th, 2016

How to Move Beyond South Africa’s Notice of Withdrawal from the ICC


Oct 24th, 2016